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Characteristics of bacteria — General characteristics of bacteria, structure and differences

Bacteria — a common prokaryotic organisms. They are the oldest organisms on the earth, which have existed for several million years. Biologists have counted more than 2,500 species of bacteria. On Earth they are so numerous that the total mass of microorganisms more the mass of other living organisms. General characteristics of bacteria identify common cell structure with no nucleus.

The structure of cells

All bacteria have genetic material that is represented by DNA molecules elongated shape and a size of about 1 mm. In each such molecule is approximately 5 million base pairs. Cytolemma separates the cell body from the external environment and unfavorable factors, while carrying out the function eukarioticheskoj membrane. Some types of bacteria have lysosomes, which are formed in the result of protrusion of cytolemma inside the body cells. Lysosomes have a feature remotely like breathing in the simplest form. In the cytoplasm are the same and ribosomes necessary for protein synthesis and various amino acids. Some cells must be attached to each other, and for this purpose, a special elongated protein protrusions on the cell wall.

In addition, the cell wall allows the cell to maintain its shape, especially under the influence of unfavorable external factors. In addition, the additional cell protection is the mucous membrane located on top of the cell wall. The Kingdom of bacteria have one thing in common : almost all bacteria do not have chloroville, and their food consists of ready organic substances. The bacterial world is diverse — they exist everywhere. These organisms can be found in water, in soil and on its surface, the air outside and inside animals and people. Bacteria have adapted to any area for its comfortable existence. So, many of them for life does not need oxygen, they can survive in a vacuum, by boiling, or at very low temperatures. Because bacteria reproduce quickly, scientists have the opportunity to observe their life cycle, put on these microorganisms various experiments, finding out their capabilities. Recently, it was found that bacteria are able to survive even outside of the globe. For example, some organisms are not harmful alkali, which consists of the surface of Jupiter. These experiments shows that bacteria, in fact, only living organisms are able to survive the destructive environment of other planets.

Type of bacteria

Prokaryotes can be divided into several types. This characterization of all bacteria at the expense of their form and appearance:

  • in the form of a ball,in the form of sticks,
  • in the form of clusters,
  • curved,
  • helical.

The number of bacteria is growing in the hygrometric rate. They multiply at high speed, approximately every half hour. Just like any other living organisms, their reproduction and actively influence external factors: sunlight, intense cold or high temperature. In addition, they also observed a never-ending struggle between species, which is a natural selection to identify a more sturdy and resistant copies. If conditions are ideal, the bacterial cell is growing with a great speed. Reaching maturity, it begins to divide. The division of the prokaryotes asexual, and comes without the help of a second individual. Before cell division the genetic material is markedly increased, to provide details of two "newborn" cells.

In nature has a wide variety Kingdom of all bacteria, General characteristics of which will carry them to the heterotrophic organisms. In short, they are not able to form organic substances from inorganic ones, so kind of these cells is divided into three categories:

  • parasites, which in the course of their life can produce toxins that are harmful to living organisms. Thus, many parasitic bacteria are the main cause of many diseases, such as tuberculosis or cholera. The disease caused by the vital activity of these organisms, lead to various complications, sometimes even death. In addition, parasitic bacteria recognized as pathogens of plants, has identified many cases where accidentally brought the bacteria at a certain area, struck the majority of fruit trees, causing irreparable damage to agriculture,
  • symbiotic. They wear its name from the symbiosis, which are with living plants. Such organisms are most often found on the roots of plants, forming them special tubers and saturating the plant with nitrogen,
  • saprophytes. These bacteria feed on dead organic matter. They help to decompose the remains of various, saturating the soil with nutrients.

The role of bacteria in human life

Bacteria are very important to humans. Many microorganisms live in the digestive tract and intestines, helping the body in the digestion process. Their absence significantly affects human health. After taking some medicines a number of live organisms in the human gutis markedly reduced, which leads to discomfort and malaise.

Scientists noticed that many of these organisms are capable of decomposing inorganic substances. For example, oil, pesticides or dyes. What does not matter, if these substances into the environment. Due to this gradually, the problem with non-degradable food waste, which are generously enriched the nature of man. Moreover, the short life and fast reproduction allows bacteria to successfully adapt to changing environmental and living conditions. Many microorganisms have been discovered a new enzyme, which was formed relatively recently. With the help of this enzyme the microorganisms to degrade the pesticides so fast that time the effect of the latter on pests is sharply restricted. Other organisms can be used to extract oil from wells.

In addition, they are an important element in the saturation of the soil with nutrients. So, during the life of certain types of bacteria to form humus, which is useful for plants. Humus is decomposed organic matter, which actively feed on plants. As the bacteria carry out certain cycle of substances in nature. For example, they decompose organic matter, releasing the active substance in the form of nitrogen. Nitrogen absorbed by the roots of plants and stored in their leaves, which after the death of the kidney re-saturate with nitrogen.

Bacteria are also widely used in the industry. With their help, cleaned wastewater, their metabolic products are produced by many types of antibiotics, the most famous of which is penicillin. The opening of this medicinal substance has made a real breakthrough in the history of medicine and humanity in General. Some prokaryotes are used in the food industry for the production of yeast, vinegar, alcohol, or lactic acid. Besides the fact that it precipitates the proteins of milk, lactic acid plays an important role in the protection of cucumbers or cabbage during fermentation.