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Iodophilic bacteria in the feces of the child — the Definition and interpretation of analysis, treatment methods, medical advice

Coprogram is a stool test, the results of which indicate the presence or absence in the intestines of viruses, bacteria, infections. Often, the results of the study show iodophilic bacteria in the feces of the child, which indicates the development of intestinal pathogenic environment.

Parents, it is important to know what causes, symptoms and solutions to problems.


Normal iodophilic flora present in the feces of a person or to decide in minimal quantities.

There were two types: normal (clostridia – spore-bearing gram-positive bacteria) and abnormal (large rod-medium, Staphylococcus aureus).

In both cases, the reasons for the appearance in the intestine of malicious entities become:

  1. Development in the intestine of the child putrid dyspepsia – occurs when excessive consumption of protein foods – pork or lamb meat, and stale food of animal origin.
  2. Dysbiosis – an imbalance of the microflora on the background of increased amount of in the digestive tract of harmful microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, Helicobacter Pylori).
  3. Increased peristalsis of the colon – the acceleration of the reduction of the walls of the body.
  4. Violation of the secretion of the pancreas – pancreatitis, kwashiorkor.

Worms and traces of life may also be the reason for the increase in iodophilic level of single-celled microorganisms. Even if the child was taking medication against worm, but the body will need a few weeks for a cleansing.

To violate the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the young patient to take antibiotics. These factors parents should inform the doctor that decrypts the coprogram, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Also, the reason of violations may be insufficiently developed digestive function of the intestine. This can sometimes be the cause of the formation in the stomach, insufficient amounts of gastric juice. As a result incomplete digestion of food, its remnants can irritate the intestinal wall, the infection is easier to penetrate into the body.

In this case, iodophilic bacteria in baby Kale are present in small quantities.

Symptoms of the presence in the feces of the child iodophilic bacteria

The child can be cheerful, active and cheerful, don't complain of poor appetite, but the results coprogram shows a negative trend. But it is only in the case when the number of bacteria minimum. During their intensive breeding children complain of pain in the abdomen, accompanied by regular diarrhea, bloating and constipation daily. Parents notice weakness, reduced activity and weight loss baby.

Pathogenic intestinal microflora can cause serious complications in the digestive tract appear in the stool streaks of blood. Before taking the stool sample to obtain reliable results, parents need to pay attention to child nutrition – the number of products with a high content of carbohydrate should be reduced to a minimum for 2-3 days.

Effective treatment

Noticing the child at least one of the symptoms, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. Only a doctor can accurately determine the reasons for the intensified iodophilic body of pathogenic bacteria and prescribe effective treatment. Methods to resolve the problem depend on the age of the baby.

For example, in infants pathological bacteria will destroy the scheme:

  • removed from the diet of the mother the foods that contain fiber (fruits, legumes, whole wheat bread) with breastfeeding, and change formula when artificial feeding,
  • inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms using bacteriophages drugs that absorb disease-causing bacteria (e.g., biopolymer, stafilia or intesti-bacteriophage),
  • occupy the cavity of the intestine with beneficial microorganisms using pribiotikov (Bifiform, Linex, Lactosan).

For older children, comprehensive medical therapy consists of the same action, from the diet excludes products with a high content of protein and fiber. Also, the child needs to stop using starches (potatoes, rice, pasta, nuts of different kinds and chocolate) and sugar (pastries, store-bought juices and sodas) components.

Also at least reduce the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit (especially in summer) until then, until you improve intestinal microflora.


If adult harmful bacteria just cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, constipation, the children iodophilic microflora leads to gastritis, pancreatitis, and inflammation of the digestive tract.

For these kinds of diseases include reflux, syndrome of non-ulcer dyspepsia, Crohn's disease and abscess. In order to protect the young organism from the adverse effects of bacteria, it is necessary to carry out preventiveactions.

The first thing you have to consider used products. The diet should include the normal amount of carbohydrates – from 250 to 580 mg / day for adults and 170-420 mg per day for children older than 1 year (up to 12 months, the rate will be determined in the calculation of 13 g per 1 kg of body weight).

Dairy products in the amount of 3-4 items every day (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, starter culture) used a child – another way to avoid disruption to digestion.

To prevent bacterial pathology can a strong immune system, maintaining a constant water balance and personal hygiene.