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Bacteria — Bacteria causing disease in man

A small unicellular microorganism is equally adapted to living in water, soil and air. Looking at bacteria under normal conditions impossible. Only under the microscope. Although they are in the environment a huge amount, which is estimated in millions.

People and bacteria co-exist peacefully. Even in a completely healthy person in the body plenty. Microflora, which is present inside the human body, becomes a perfect environment for many species of microorganisms. And they are harmless, while the human immune system strengthened. But under the influence of damaging microbes, functions of protection of an organism weakens. That's when the bacteria and can cause disease, can cause irreparable, and sometimes, injury.

What are bacteria

All known types of microorganisms were combined in appropriate groups according to key characteristics. Because their variety is too numerous, all bacteria have the individual form:

  1. spherical cocci,
  2. Bacillus or Bacillus,
  3. spiral spirochetes.
  4. Not all microorganisms are sensitive to oxygen compounds. This is also their distinctive feature:
  5. aerobic. Need oxygen,
  6. anaerobic. Able to get enough energy without oxygen microorganisms.

In addition to the external and internal structure distinguish their influence on the human body:

  • pathogenic. With their participation the process of bacterial infection. Either contact method or from the external environment,
  • conditional-pathogenic. Are constantly in body. Cause disease only under the influence of certain conditions, like lowered immunity, penetration of germs,
  • non-pathogenic. Adapted to the normal healthy flora of the body. Are not sources of disease, exclude the interaction with other microbes and viruses.

Here the microorganisms that are actually: useful and dangerous. They are not all the same, so to confuse them is not worth it.

The process of infecting bacteria

Infections caused by the decline of the immune system will enhance. But not all of them are only in our body. Many of them fall into the human body from the outside:

  1. traditional viruses and infections – droplet method of infection of the body. Occurs through ambient air aerobic representatives and through the dust in poorly ventilated areas,through the objects of common use. Hygiene products, towels, toys, utensils,
  2. aquatic environment. Naturally, the water bodies polluted by waste and the consequences of wrong living. This also applies to bad boiled drinking water, wells,
  3. the interaction with the soil. It's suburban areas, country estates, flower beds. It is home to putrefactive bacteria,
  4. products. Wild yeast, mold, Salmonella,
  5. lose of the fetus of the unborn child in the womb,
  6. sexual way.

To happen the process of penetration of bacteria, certain conditions are necessary. Provoke the infection:

  • the decline of immunity,
  • warm or hot season. Bacteria sensitive to ambient temperature. Perfect scores from +4 °C,a large number of individuals.

To avoid the effects of penetration of pathogenic bacteria can be vaccinated, which will prevent their development in the body and will produce antibodies.

Intestinal bacteria in the human body

In a normal healthy microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by microorganisms. They coexist peacefully with the human body. What is a healthy gut and the gut flora:

  1. bacteroids. Can provoke the appearance of toxic infections, abscesses, pneumonia,
  2. bifidobacteriums. Prevent the ingress of toxins from the external environment. Protect and prevent growth and spread of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, enhance the synthesis of protein, Niacin, folate, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, thiamine or vitamin B. Activate the ability of the intestinal mucosa to absorb vitamin D, iron and calcium,
  3. enterococcus. The causative agents of heart problems, spread through the blood,
  4. clostridiums. The source of the strongest poison – botulinum toxin. The results of poisoning become severe diseases such as tetanus and gas gangrene,
  5. pathogens, enterobacteria. Outstanding representatives of this group are plague, E. coli, Salmonella and others. Break all systems of the body, destroying tissue,#222222, font-family: arial, sans-serif, font-size: small">streptococci. Contribute to the emergence of pneumococcal infections, toxic lesion of the internal organs,
  6. staphylococcus. Can cause purulent inflammatory infections, sepsis, conjunctivitis. Leads to diseases of the genitourinary system,
  7. Lactobacillus. Represent the lactic acid bacteria. Normalize a stable microflora.

All of these microorganisms are resident in the gastrointestinal tract of humans. In a healthy individual do not appear as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli inhibit and stimulate their protection.

What bacteria cause intestinal diseases

Not all microorganisms are equally useful and harmless. Some of them are in the environment, but if ingested, can lead to infectious inflammatory processes. Can also get to other organs. Then they become dangerous:

  1. Escherichiosises. Cause diarrhea, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon. Provoke colitis, acute intestinal infections. Can be transported to other organs and cause sepsis, pneumonia,
  2. If infection is. The main sources of the manifestations of enteritis, gastro-enteritis, dysentery. Complications occur in the form of cystitis, meningitis, retching, severe pain in the abdomen.

Pronounced indicators of the presence of bacteria in the human body are the possible diseases that they cause:

  • The peritoneal. The penetration of pathogenic bacteria and the intestinal microflora into the abdominal cavity from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Colpitis. The origin of the can be bacteria, like streptococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Bacillus, chlamydia, Trichomonas. Occurs as inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Penetrates the female reproductive system through infection through sexual intercourse. The consequences can be infertility, cervical erosion,
  • Prostatitis. The infectious route of infection involves penetration of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas palkki and bacteria as enterococci, Klebsiella in pelvic organs,
  • Dysbacteriosis. Observed for inhibition of microflora with potent antibiotics.

To get rid of them, medically necessary skilled care. All the germs, viruses and infections are eliminated only by antibiotics and comprehensive restorative treatment, which assigns an appropriate specialist.

What kind of bacteria live in your mouth

Microflora of the oral cavity, of course, not without its inhabitants. They can be diseases and smelly, and just stand and do nothing. Do not forget that only in the absence of proper immune system disease caused by certain bacteria, progress:

  • half of the microflora constitute a streptococci. They inhabit almost the entire body: the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system and skin. But a healthy person it is not manifested. By lowering the body's defense bacteria cause tonsillitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, boils, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever and toxic shock. This list is quite large. Until the defeat of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. The main harm they cause to tooth enamel, cause cavities,
  • pneumococcus. The most favorable environment for it to run become institutions. That is the child is manifested pneumonia, peritonitis, and disease of the middle ear. In severe advanced forms of many of the diseases that cause certain bacteria that are beginning to progress. The result – meningitis, arthritis,
  • gingivalis. Do not apply up to a certain point, even if they are in your mouth constantly. They only provoke the inflammation of the tissues around the tooth, periodontitis,
  • Treponema denticola. Their habitats have become gums. Cause periodontal disease under certain conditions.

These bacteria are, unfortunately, cause the main part of the diseases occurring in the oral cavity associated with teeth and gums.

Bacteria can live on the skin

The skin is the most favorable place for microorganisms. This hair follicles and keratinized, and numerous folds. The bacterial layer on the surface of the epidermis is quite thick.

  • streptococci. Common in almost all systems of bacteria. But a lot of them on the top layer of the epidermis. Lead to toxic poisoning of the skin. Able to trigger pus formation. The concomitant symptoms are always headaches, retching, nausea, and sudden fever. Worsen the condition in diseases like tonsillitis,
  • skin staphylococci causing diseases such as cellulitis, mastitis, abscesses, and barley. Acute exacerbations of spreading sepsis, toxic shock. Also often provoke bacterial type of arthritis, diseases of the urinary system, joints, muscular tissue,

To completely get rid of them is impossible. They live in the person's whole life from the moment of birth and not bring harm until favorable conditions occur for this.

Disease can be caused by fungi on the skin

Mold also refers to the bacteria. Fungi often take on their characteristics to bacteria. Skin diseases can be caused equally by these two representatives. Are fungi mostly in the same places inhabited by the restthe microorganisms of the epidermis: at the folds, at the base of the hair, in the area of dead skin:

  • the Trichophyton. Strike unprotected areas of the body, live in hay, straw. Lead to dermatological diseases in the knees, buttocks, spread gradually throughout the body,
  • provoke yeast ringworm seborrhea. Occur on parts of the head, beard, eyebrows, in the anal area,
  • well-known member of the genus Candida. Causes candidiasis, which harms not only the skin but also the mucous membranes of the external and internal organs. Often leads to fungal infections. In children, provokes diabetes, shifts in somatic pathology,
  • the genus Trichophyton rubrum. Cause diseases affecting the surface of the feet, areas between fingers, nails, gradually covers the whole body,
  • Pityrosporum orbiculare. These mushrooms are distributed in places of accumulation of sebum. Break full the sebaceous glands,
  • dermatophytes. Fungus and skin problems typical for a large diffusion of these representatives on the skin,
  • mikrosporuma. A carrier of this genus of fungi are stray dogs and cats. Are more susceptible to these representatives of the children. Defeat occurs in the region of vellus hair.

Bacteria that cause disease

Infectious diseases that are caused by microbes are quite common. In cooperation and favorable conditions impress important system in the human body. They can be divided according to the distribution in the body:

  • respiratory disease,
  • intestinal infection,
  • diseases of the circulatory system,
  • infection of the skin,
  • sex inflammatory processes, and others.

Consider the most dangerous and the ones most often faced by the doctors. These major infectious diseases caused by bacteria.

Pertussis. The cause is the bacterium Bordet-Gangou. Manifests itself in intense and persistent coughing. Observed in younger and older school age. Is transmitted through the air. Duration – up to 14 days.

Tuberculosis. The disease is caused by tubercle Bacillus. Affects the lungs, at least — the digestive tract. The patient has cough, sweating, fever. Occurs in open and closed forms. Infection is possible through airborne droplets.

Gonorrhea. Infection of the genital and urinary organs, at least – of the rectum and oropharynx. Disease caused by gonococcus. Refers to sexually transmitted diseases. Transmission occurs during intimate contact.

Syphilis. The bacterium Treponema pallidum is a carrier of the sexually transmitted infections. Leads to disruption of the mucous membranes of genital, urinary organs, bones, nervous system.

Tetanus. Can be caused by microorganisms and becomes acute infectious lesions of the skeleton, muscles, nervous system. Immunity to tetanus does not develop. After recovery I recommend to be vaccinated to prevent re-infection.

Cholera. The causative agent is Escherichia coli Vebrio cholerae. Typical fecal-oral way of ingestion. Provokes watery diarrhea, dehydration, death.

Common food poisoning caused by bacteria. The main reason is Salmonella. Gets into the digestive system and causes intoxication and gastrointestinal tract.

Dysentery. Cause can intestinal infection with Shigella, Shigella. Poisons the body, affects the intestines and stomach, leading to lowering of blood pressure, the appearance of mucus in the stool, spotting and temperature rise.