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Skin parasites in humans — Subcutaneous parasites in humans, types and what is dangerous

Subcutaneous parasites in man has on the skin, internal organs and muscles.

Common living environment – the skin. Insects bring disease patients with complex complications. The enemies of the grown man. Parasitic diseases of the skin – not uncommon for this time!


Species parasitic species many. They can be on the skin of the person under the skin. Residing on the skin: fleas, bedbugs, lice, and insects. Food for them is blood, but diseases of the person they carry. More dangerous are the parasites that have already vedris into the skin. This species living under the skin. Feed on blood, environment of human uses to places where the withdrawal of numerous offspring. To get rid of individuals parasitic properties difficult.

With timely diagnosis, proper treatment is begun, the outcome of the disease is favorable. Subcutaneous, harmful parasites will leave. For this to happen, we need to work hard, and to listen to the doctor.

Recommendation from readers: Intoxic Substance. Triggers immune protection in the body, detoxification, body cleansing of human parasites. Parasitic elements, living under the skin, causing dermatitis. Among them:

  • filaretos,
  • dracunculiasis,
  • ankilostomidoz,
  • scabies,
  • schistosomiasis,
  • cysticercosis.

Principal subcutaneous parasites in the human body

Filaretos – kind tropical helminths, the causative agents of filaria. Representatives of the class of roundworms, also called nematodes. The worms are thin, have a thread-like, parasitic. You can become infected from animals animal world, man. This happens through mosquito bites. From flies, fleas, woodlice. Once infected, they settle in the lymph nodes, blood vessels, reproductive organs, the various cavities in the body.

Is subcutaneous worms. Under the skin, eyeball live well. Symptoms: early disease upset the flow of lymph, edema. Parasites in the skin of each person, if any, are felt. Appear on the body sores, warts. Then the disease goes into the chronic form. Gradually developing "elephantiasis".

Affected limbs, genitals are on the increase. The human bones, connective tissue grow, treatment is difficult. Filariasis as a disease widespread in tropical areas. For Russia, the disease is uncommon. Russians can become sick only when visiting South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Oceania or visiting the Islands of the oceans Indian, Pacific.


Dracunculiasis — helminthiasis group of nematodes called disease females roundworms. Place of distribution – tropics, subtropical Asia and Africa. Another name of the parasite, the Guinea worm. The disease appears from round worms with great size, located under the skin. Females grow to almost 120 cm Meet on the cats, the dogs of Central Asia. Often the area with tropical climate is a fertile area for their stay.

Meet those people who drink unboiled water. Skin parasites any person – a problem which urgently needs. The larvae are hardy, through one or two weeks begin to move the body after 48 days penetrate under the skin. A year is already fully developed individual. Often settled in the feet.

As a result of their life on the skin occur swollen cushions similar to cord. Then form a bubble. Its size increases to seven see a Bubble bursts, a touch of water appear different, new larvae.


  1. joint contractures,
  2. inflammations,
  3. gangrene,
  4. after the appearance on the skin abscesses, abscesses – septic.

Hookworm disease

Hookworm disease – a disease of the people with worms. Symptoms: characterized by the appearance in the gastrointestinal tract of the worms of the round kind. Typical of the territories of the tropics, subtropics. The disease is similar in form to necatoroz. The causative agents of the disease are hookworms, hookworm. The parasites are similar in structure; the difference appears only when the parasites become adults. Enter the organisms through the feet, then move into the blood through the vessels moving sphere of light, there will be live.

When expectoration they swallowed saliva moving in the food tract, reaches the intestine. Here multiply vigorously. Eggs are removed from the body with feces. Fall in the ground, transform into larvae. Through a period of discarded shell of protection. Now trying to penetrate into human flesh, where manifest themselves with itchy skin.

And this is a symptom of the disease. She blushes swells. This is the place where they entered.On the skin are the sores, the upper layer is likely the result of infection of the bodyman's. Under the skin can see traces of the track of parasitic individuals. Infection occurs from eating the food with the presence of larvae.


Scabies – a disease with a causative agent of cessationism mite with parameters from about 0.3 mm to 0.4. Lives on the skin depth. Eats there moves, ie under the skin. This causes intense itching. Feeds on the epithelium of man, lays eggs there. The female lives for two months with the formation of multiple eggs. Favorite places for parasites – buttocks of the patient, brushes his hands, thighs on the side, soles of the feet, mammary glands, sex organs, armpits. The kids have settled hair. The disease is easy to identify because of the moves. They are visible only after processing of the affected area of the skin with iodine.

In areas of scratching an itch, crust and bubbles appears on the skin rash. That is typical for areas of the elbows. At night the itch becomes unbearable. Complications – occurrence of boils, dermatitis, eczema, blisters. The disease may worsen in the fall. Infection is accompanied by personal contact. This can be done through the elements of hygiene, clothing accessories. Then the parasites under the skin causing a lot of trouble to people.


Schistosomiasis — zabolevanie the tropics. It causes blood Fluke trematode. The disease affects all the internal organs. Among them, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system. The worms move throughout your body. The person has toxic and allergic reactions. Blood flukes can be secured to the skin of a person. Then move into the body. This occurs through the venous system portal vein. Lay eggs, multiply, then pass throughout the body.

Cause the patient severe discomfort. It takes a chronic form.

Signs: severe weakening of the body.

Other definitions: Katayama fever, bilharziasis, snail fever. The disease is in second place in the world. This is after the familiar name of malaria. Serious illness, the bringer of death to man. It is important not to miss the appearance of the disease, correctly diagnose, treat. In humans the disease is caused by small parasites, their eggs.

Is intestinal schistosomiasis. It causes several types of trematodes that inhabit different areas. They, after being hit in the fabric, reproduction – moved to GIT, there are parasitic. Genitourinary. With this type of disease, parasites penetrate into the venous plexus in the pelvis. Multiply individuals in the ureters or in the bladder. I live in China, Indonesia, the Philippines. In Europe occurs occasionally. The disease is serious, sometimes bringing death. A great influence on the spread of the disease imposes the migration of people. The carriers of parasites – people.


Cysticercosis – represent helminthiasis gr. cestodosis. Are characterized by the location of the habitat. Can live in the muscles, the tissue under the skin. In the brain, head, back, internal organs, organs of vision. The parasite is widespread in areas where there are livestock. The disease runs with great severity, the probability of hitting important for human life systems.

Even if the patient takes medication, the treatment is still ineffective. The outcome can be lethal. Is the reason for the development of diseases of neurology, epilepsy people. The parasite lives in Asia, the territories of Africa. In areas of South America. The etiology is parasitic, causing disease of the larvae from the pork tapeworm with the names of the Finns, the cysticerci. Parasites in the brain, head, spinal cord, bones, muscles, organs of vision. Disease treatment it is difficult. When infected the patient serves as an intermediate owner of the pork tapeworm.


Cysticerci is a kind oval bubble formation on the skin. Where there is a head of the pork tapeworm with suckers. Yet education has a double row crown of hooks. In the body its shape may change to be shapes ranging from round to spindle-shaped. There is a branched form of the parasite on the skin. If the shell becomes dense, it does not mean that the parasite is killed. He's alive, just in the shell of deposited calcium salts. The source of infection – a sick patient.

It is with his bowel movements move the eggs from the pork tapeworm in the environment. Human infection occurs by the fecal and oral route, contact, food. Blame the dirt on the members of a human, arms, legs. Through them the eggs penetrate into the stomach. Here the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall, move into the blood stream. Spread throughout the body, accumulate in the organs, forming cysticerci. It bubbles with a diameter of 15 mm, having a transparent liquid.

Parasite lives: on the subcutaneous and adipose tissue, the organs of vision. In the muscles, liver, heart, lung, peritoneum. The maturation of the parasite occurs in four months. The larva of the parasite can live from three to ten years. For this life it will bring a lot of troubles to people. Affect the body can mechanically irritating with the formation of infiltrates. The result of the disease: the development of meningitis, encephalitis, hydrocephalus. If the parasite exists in the organs, that affects the retina of the eye, it is the vitreous body, etc. Symptoms depend on the type of infection.

Cysticercosis of the Central nervous system is in 80% of patients.