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Beef tapeworm - Symptoms and treatment of bovine tapeworm in humans, medical advice

Beef tapeworm is a parasite disease, the medical term – teniarinhoz, which means this beef tapeworm, the Latin name is Taenia saginata. This worm gets into the human body and there begins to parasitize at the expense of the person, thus, worsening his condition.

The worm can change the host so often it intermediate carrier is livestock. Then the worm migrates to the person and continues to parasitize in it. In time, the worm not only resides in the body of your vehicle, but and growing, actively propagated and developed. At length, the worm can reach twelve feet, and the long beef tapeworm had impressive size, the worm was fixed with a length of twenty meters.

The most interesting is the first two months while the worm settles in your body, not manifest the main symptoms that could incriminate him. But this time he can with might and main to develop and lay their larvae.

What is a beef tapeworm?

Beef tapeworm is a worm the discharge of tapeworms that causes infectious disease — tenidos. If the patient is in the body it is this kind of worms, Parasitology is likely to diagnose him – the beef tapeworm infection. Due to the fact that he hit in the human body parasites in the cows, it was called beef tapeworm.

The disease is spread in Eastern Europe, Equatorial Africa, and in Latin America, where a very popular meat of cattle.

If you believe the statistics, we can say that the beef tapeworm is the largest of the parasites that penetrate into the human body, with a variety of other zanami the comparison is not even worth it. And from the family, probably just fat tapeworm will be able to outdo it in size.

How does beef tapeworm?

The structure of this parasite is its head (scolex), a relatively short neck and segments that lengthen the body of the worm. Scolex surrounded by ever-growing segments, so that the parasite can grow yourself in length inside the human body. The larvae live and grow in the cattle before you get to the person, and then settle in his gut. Due to the fact that the worm can't digest food it has the status of a parasite and absorb only already digested substance.

The average size of the bovine tapeworm can reach a length of from four to twelve metres in width from five to seven millimeters, and a thickness of about two mm. Flat structure of the body allows the parasite to absorb nutrients along the entire surface occupied by them, thus to live fully "on the content of the person". Digestive the parasite no, no he also and openings of the mouth and the anus. All he needs to penetrate through its thin wall, is a complex saccharides, such as glucose.

The process of development of the bovine tapeworm

The whole process of life and growth of the worm can be broken down into five stages:

  1. together with the chair person, the eggs, contained therein, into the outside world. In one such time in the environment can reach hundreds of thousands of eggs,
  2. in this state they can live and move for several hours, and even days, after which enter the body of cattle such as the cow, which will live as larvae before reaching the human body,
  3. already in cattle, under the action of the gastric juice, the membrane of the egg breaks and they are free to penetrate in all organs (most often it is muscle tissue) and spread through the blood,
  4. human infection occurs when eating poorly thermally processed meat beef,
  5. the next step is the consolidation of the worm. He not only grows and develops, and continuously lays eggs. When after a quarter of a year, the worm has already reached five meters in length.

What is the danger of bullish tapeworm for humans?

Like many worms, it allows the human body to fully get all the useful vitamins and substances, resulting in weakened immunity that leads to dangerous diseases such as severe viral and infectious diseases. In addition, worms are bad for the health of some components of body systems.

What threat this unwelcome guest?

  1. if the parasite is not one, it can lead to intestinal obstruction,
  2. enough severe poisoning and allergic processes,
  3. various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract abscesses, cholecystitis, appendicitis, goiter,
  4. in some cases there is a risk of the disease the diseaseAlzheimer,
  5. a high threat of respiratory diseases such as influenza , pneumonia and bronchitis,
  6. high risk of occurrence of diseases in a manner that may cause overflow in the chronic type.

Based on all that has been said above, it is possible to understand that to be a carrier of bovine tapeworm is very dangerous and harmful to the body.


After two months from the beginning of the infection you may start to see the primary signs of the parasite.

  • lost appetite,
  • accelerated weight loss body,
  • more frequent headaches,
  • itching in the anus,
  • General weakening of the body,
  • diarrhea, constipation, bleeding from the nose,
  • periodic abdominal pain,
  • problems with the Central nervous system.

Often patients learn about their problem, finding proglottids (or a piece of worm) in the stool during defecation. Proglottid can crawl on human feet, causing itching and tickling in the hips.

Diagnosis of bovine tapeworm

Eggs proglottids to detect in humans is quite difficult, but adult individuals who have become capable of reproduction much easier to detect. With the help of special equipment it is possible to diagnose the body and gastrointestinal tract in General. At the same time, conduct laboratory research, it is primarily the analysis of blood and feces.

  1. first, the doctor tries to find out the cause of a degraded condition of the patient,
  2. typically, the analysis of the feces shows the individual segments of the flat worm and its eggs,
  3. is provided as a scraping of the rectal wall, in order to identify the eggs of the tapeworm,
  4. fluoroscopy allows us to distinguish within the person of the worm. This can usually be done by the light strip in a width of about ten millimeters,
  5. the blood analysis allows to identify the characteristic symptoms of anemia or a reduced level of leukocytes,
  6. in some situations, studying and gastric juice of a patient. If its acidity is disturbed, it will be the characteristic feature.

How to treat beef tapeworm?

Nowadays there are many drugs against parasitic organisms and the most effective ones against bovine tapeworm following:

  1. biltricid Fenasala,
  2. in some cases, herbal medicines, based on pumpkin seeds and roots of male fern.

Before treatment the patient needs to comply with the required diet, and that is to exclude from a meal the following dishes:

  1. fried,
  2. salt,
  3. sweet,
  4. smoked,
  5. fatty.

Don't eat many fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals and drinks. For accelerated curing a patient can be set enema.