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Parasites in adults — the 5 best ways to prevent parasites

Infestation is a common phenomenon in people regardless of age.

Treatment for worms is labor intensive, and to protect themselves from parasitic infestations is possible by observing preventive measures, the choice of which often have questions:

What tablet for prevention of worms make, and how to treat?

Is there a drug that protects against helminth once and for all?

This article contains answers to the most urgent questions related to the prevention of helminth infection.

How to take preventive measures

According to statistics, 70-80% of the population has some form of parasitic infection. Many people do not know that they are the custodians and carriers of parasites.

In the course of their life worms release toxic decomposition products, thereby gradually poisoning the human body and reducing its immunity. The increasing number of worms in humans leads to damage and death of tissues of internal organs that poses a serious risk to life and health.

The wide spread of helminthiasis caused increasingly used for the prevention of such invasions. However, because of the specificity of the disease completely exclude the possibility of infection cannot be done by any preventive measure. Rational approach and regular preventive maintenance of worms will help to avoid critical levels of infection, when conventional medicines is not enough, and treatment is possible only in a hospital.

The need for drug prevention is still a matter of debate among medical professionals. Some experts believe that the preventive methods of drugs every six months is the optimal measure of warning. It is important not to forget to take prescribed medications.

The adherents of other views of the opinion, on the adequacy of hygiene, noting that the need to drink anthelmintic means missing. In support of its approach Parasitologists indicate the possibility of re-infection after a few days after the course of treatment.

The most optimal approach, which combines the principles of personal hygiene and medical treatment. Taking pills for the prevention of worms in children and adults is justified for those who have frequent contact with animals, working with soil, sometimes in underdeveloped countries, swims in natural pools.

The medicines intended for the prevention of infection of helminths, it is recommended to take special scheme: for the first time in the spring after the snow melts, the second is after the early frosts. Such a frequency of reception of tablets selected based on seasonal outbreaks of infection.

According to the observations of doctors the most effective course consisting of a system of two drugs from worms. With high efficiency modern tablets are well tolerated healthy. The likelihood of toxic poisoning are minimal.

Importantly! The use of most anthelmintic drugs are not allowed in the period of carrying a child, breastfeeding, if you have liver disease, colds and intestinal diseases.

Therapeutic measures for the prevention of infection

Modern pharmacology offers a wide selection of medicines against parasites, exerts its effect on most types of worms at different stages of their parasitism. The drugs used for the prevention of worms, have different release forms: suspensions, capsules, tablets and injections.

The nature of the action of drugs is different:

  • some are aimed at strengthening intestinal peristalsis, to oust the living parasites and determine their type,
  • others violate the life processes of the parasites, thereby causing their death.

What pills to prevent the spread of worms in adults to choose depends on the desired effects on the body, as well as the expected nature of contamination.

Drink one medication is not enough. The Parasitologists in the preventive purposes use the following standard scheme of reception of medicines.

  1. the drug, with the active ingredient levamisole. Once accepted, to weaken parasites,
  2. three days after the first use of anthelmintic means required medication with two active ingredients — mebendazole and albendazole,
  3. reception of sorbents to reduce the risk of intoxication decay products of parasites,
  4. liver protecting drugs. Is prescribed by a doctor, if you have a history of liver disease. This stage can be both initial and final in the therapy.

Importantly! Dosages and regimens of medicines used for the prevention and treatment prescribedonly qualified personnel. Independent the solution to what pills to drink is unacceptable.

In some cases, the prescribed and other drugs with equal effectiveness. Analyze the composition and the effect of the most common medicines.

Anthelmintic means of wide application

Medamin – broad-spectrum drug from the most common parasites, with the exception of trichinosis.

Active ingredient — carbendazim. Affects the nervous system of the parasite, which precludes attaching to the intestinal wall and promotes a natural cleansing of the body from parasites. Can be assigned to children. Easily tolerated, practically does not cause allergic reactions.

The drug Decaris, the active ingredient of which is levamisole. Feature of money — its effects on improving immunity. Has an extensive list of side effects, making it reluctant to drink patients.

Vermoxum (Mebendazole) — has a broad spectrum of action on parasites. This drug should be used with caution in people who are prone to allergic reactions.

Pyrantelum. Feature of drug is its work only in the intestinal tract that reduces the harmful effects on the stomach. Low-toxic. Prescribed for infection with Ascaris, enterobiasis, necatoroz, hookworm.

Albendazole is most effective for the prevention of nematodes and Echinococcus. Available in the form of tablets and suspension. One tablet of the preparation contains 400 mg of active substance. Has moderate toxicity side effects when using rare.

Nematol — antihelminthic, Antiprotozoal drug can be found in two forms: tablets or suspension. The active substance is albendazole. In contrast to drug of the same name has a higher degree of processing.

Zentel — a drug against parasites of wide application. Has Antiprotozoal and anthelmintic effect. The active substance is a benzimidazole carbamate, causes death of parasites and their natural excretion. Has a good tolerability when used.

Funds from worms directional spectrum

Protivozastojnye medicines — the active ingredients which are aimed at getting rid of tapeworm. Effective these drugs:

Niclosamide — causes muscle paralysis in the worms resulting in the irreversible changes in the system of their life. Produced in tablet form. Acceptance by patients is good.

Praziquantel acts on the nervous system of the parasites. Recommended for use in most cestodosis.

Among the side effects common: nausea, allergic reactions. When using praziquantel, it is important to remember that sharing it with laxatives reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

Drugs from nematodes — assigned patients at diagnosis intestinal nematodes. Depending on the form of infection — intestinal or intestinal not apply such funds:

Pirvinia, the embonate as active substance contains Pyrvinium. Is made in the form of tablets and suspension. Drug narrow spectrum of action and is indicated for enterobiasis. Has excellent portability, is indicated for use children from 3 months of life.

Piperazine is the active ingredient of piperazine adipate. Cheap domestic product. Available in the form of large tablets. Has low toxicity, therefore easily tolerated by patients. Approved for use children and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Assigned ascariasis, enterobioze. The disadvantage is the long period of treatment.

Protivorevmaticalkie drugs — help get rid of intestinal worms flukes

Biltricid. Strong medication is not always well tolerated by patients. Is assigned in severe cases of infestation with opisthorchiasis. Side effects are particularly strong when high titers of invasion. Before and after application of medication mandatory prescribers to normalize liver function.

"Bithionol" is used for the prevention of invasive extraintestinal type. The drug paralyzes the nervous system of helminthes, which causes irreversible loss of motor functions. The drug has low toxicity, which affects his good endurance.

What treatment plan to choose and what to take for the treatment and prevention of worms is decided on the advice of Parasitology depending on the particular case, and a wide range of medicines will help you to make decision taking into account the financial possibilities. Proper combination of the principles of personal hygiene with drug prevention will prevent infestation and to prevent serious health problems.