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Parasites in the lungs — Symptoms and treatment of parasites in humans

What is important to know about parasites in the lungs?

The human body is exposed to attacks of the disease of varying severity: from the banal SARS to cancer. And if the common colds are easy to cure, more serious illnesses are easier to prevent than to treat. So today we'll talk about a little-known problem: worms in the lungs. They can settle in any of us.

Worms or worms who love to live in the lungs is the parasites that live not only in the intestine. In different cases they can settle in various organs, including the lungs. Yes, in the lungs in humans worms are fairly rare, but it is worth noting that when they enter the lungs, they become many times more dangerous.

Responsible without timely treatment, these worms cause an incredible amount of painful symptoms and can affect human performance, disability, and even lead to lethal outcome.

It should be noted that the parasites occur in the lungs as in adults and in children from an early age. It is important that the child is more susceptible to such diseases.

Some parasites live in the lungs?

All kinds of worms cause nearly the same symptoms, so figure out what "animals" bred in the body of the patient only when the diagnosis.

But the most common such species:

  1. roundworms – these parasites can cause asthmatic bronchitis and edema of the alveoli,
  2. pork tapeworm is the most frequent causative agent of cysticercosis, immediately after entering the light begins very actively to propagate, easy to see on x-ray,
  3. tapeworm – echinococcosis gives rise to can also be the main cause of the appearance of cysts in the human body.

Most often these parasites after the settlement attack first the intestines and then move to the lungs.

Lung worms enter the human body through common household items: clothes, food, dishes, and most banal, unwashed hands. That is why the doctors so strongly recommend, thoroughly wash hands, food, utensils, and be careful in the choice of products. But then the worms travel around the body either through the blood or lymph using.

In order to identify the presence of worms in the body it is important to pay detailed attention to the behavior of the body – to track the emergence of certain symptoms.

What symptoms indicate worms in the lungs?

Worms in humans rarely are active immediately after infection, most often these diseases are only detected at the last stages, because parasites can harmlessly inhabit the human body for very long.

Sometimes, after the attack of the body by worms before their full manifestation takes more than a year. It is worth remembering that the worms begin active "work" after the human immune system will weaken. Low immunity can contribute to stress, colds and other mild diseases.

Worms located in the lungs is not so easy to detect, their symptoms are similar to many other diseases. Let's take a more detailed look at how parasites behave in the human lung, and what are the signs of this disease.

Parasites in human lung – possible symptoms:

  1. general weakness. Well-perceived fatigue. Dizziness. Loss of appetite. 2. The rise in temperature without apparent reason
    Heavy breathing, seizures, shortness of breath, suffocation,
  2. migraine headaches,
  3. tingling and pain in the heart and chest in General,
  4. nausea, retching.

It is important to remember that these symptoms can be harbingers of other diseases, so if found, immediately consult a specialist and under no circumstances do not self-medicate. It only a competent doctor can make correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

What are the diagnostic methods of such diseases?

Diagnosis is an important element of treatment, which cannot be neglected. It was during the diagnosis determining the kind of the parasite and, therefore, selects the optimal path of treatment.

Most of the worms can be identified through simple tests and procedures: CT scan, x-ray, ultrasound examination machines and more. Most often, when the first suspected parasites in the lungs, doctors recommend to do chest x-rays.

To distinguish worms from tuberculosis and other pulmonary disease conduct such analyses as analysis immunoferment, the reaction of indirect hemagglutination.

After the diagnosis should immediately begin the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

How you get rid of worms from the lungs?

The main method of treatment of parasites in the lungs is a medical method. Doctors estimatethe results of the diagnosis and choose the right combination of drugs, prevent allergies, and in rare cases it is necessary to resort to the use of chemotherapy.

The most common drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of worms: eskazole, zentel, albendazole and others.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe medicines, as every drug has its side effects. Self-treatment may not produce any results or lead to the deterioration of the patient.

However, there are a number of people's funds which can be combined with prescribed treatment. Let's talk about them.

The first thing important to say is that folk remedies do not under any circumstances should not be used if you have any allergic reactions. Traditional medicine is aimed not only at removing the parasites from the body, but also to increase the immunity of the patient. As the so-called body cleansing when infected with worms almost useless.

Ginger. Ginger root is often used in the treatment of various diseases, and all because this product perfectly strengthens the immune system. It is also worth Recalling that the ginger root helps fight the symptoms of lung disease. So traditional medicine has strongly recommended ginger at worms in the lungs for early progress in the fight against the disease.

The product can be used as a conventional food using it as a seasoning: soups, salads, hot dishes. So it can brew teas. But, more importantly, ginger is a powerful allergen, so not worth it to eat pounds.

Coriander Coriander or cilantro is known around the world seasoning, but few think about its medicinal properties. In the treatment of worms needs the seeds of this plant. Regimen simple. Seeds need to dry a bit, then pound until a homogeneous mass, resembling dust.

And then to use approximately one gram after each use of food. The coriander may be replaced with clove. It should take exactly the same.

Wormwood Wormwood – medicinal herb, with rejuvenating, regenerating, disinfecting and germicidal action. Often this flower is used in a variety of diseases such as headaches, migraines, as well mugwort is effective in the treatment of lung worms.

In this case it is necessary to conduct inhalation wormwood: a mess of fresh sprouts of wormwood and the man's breathing over the mass.

Prevention after treatment

The first sign of recovery: improving the appearance and General condition. After the removal of worms from the human body need to move to restorative procedures that are prescribed by a doctor.

We should start more carefully monitor their diet to keep the body clean and just take care of your health.