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Parasites — How to expel parasites from the body, the best methods of treatment

How often do you think about the fact that the risk of Contracting parasites is very high?

Almost four billion people worldwide are carriers of this disease. Blame the lack of people's awareness: we simply do not believe this could happen to us.

But what if you still "picked up" in your body with new tenants?

Let's face it.

Who can live in our body?

The most common parasites in our organism is a helminth, protozoa, worms, pathogenic fungi, pinworm, roundworm, Giardia and others.

All of these parasites are very dangerous and possible bad complications, disability and, worst of all, death.

How is it possible to get infected?

The most banal infection, which is most often characteristic of young children and the elderly, to violate the common rule of hygiene. For example, I washed my hands and started to eat, causing infection.

Of course, there are a number of reasons for the infection, which is very difficult to control: you can accidentally swallow the eggs of the worms together with food, can become infected after being bitten by a bloodsucking insect or disease can be transmitted even sexually.

Therefore, doctors strongly advise us the ways to protect yourself: wash hands frequently, carefully choose the products we consume, to lead a decent lifestyle and more.

The symptoms of infection

If you suspect that you are sick, then first check their health with the most common symptoms of parasites in the body.

  1. depression, drowsiness, easy fatigue,
  2. dizziness, retching, nausea,
  3. headaches, migraine,
  4. high temperature,
  5. muscle and joint pain,
  6. a sharp loss or weight gain, metabolic disorders,
  7. impaired immune system – frequent viral and colds,
  8. signs of asthma, asthma attacks,
  9. the deterioration of the appearance of acne, rashes, pigmentation of the skin.

If you found a match with your health, promptly consult your doctor.

By results of diagnostics the technician will give you confirmed your fears or not. If your body detects parasites, the doctor will prescribe the most effective and most accurate treatment.

But what if you don't trust modern medicine and you find it easier to resort to "grandma's" medicine Cabinet?

It should be noted that in no case to refuse medication impossible, but you can contribute to his speedy recovery, using folk remedies.

Contraindications for treatment at home

If at least one of the points suits you, then immediately give up the idea of self-medication at home and consult a qualified person to undergo a full medical examination and to adhere to the specified doctor the course of treatment.

  1. pregnancy or breastfeeding of the child,
  2. oncology,
  3. chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well recent stroke or heart attack,
  4. viral diseases, influenza or exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  5. gastritis, ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  6. wound, major blood loss, bleeding, menstruation.

Do not suffer any of the above?

Then let's move on to the main issue: how to properly and without harm to themselves folk remedies to cleanse the body from parasites?

To expel parasites from the body need to go through important stages of preparation of the body for cleaning.

First, establish your diet. You have to get rid of all fatty, fried, reduce the quantity of flour, as far as possible you should stick to a vegetarian menu. You can devote a week or two fasting diet.

Second, to begin to observe the correct mode of fluid intake: drinking at least five litres of clean water.

Third, during the purification of the body need to constantly cleanse the bowel enemas. For this purpose you can use like a regular water enema, and enema of decoctions of medicinal plants, such as wormwood, wild rose and others.

The most effective methods of cleansing the body at home

Not the remedy that will cure you in a minute, hour or day. To expel parasites and to cleanse the body you need to systematically, it is more often resembles trial and error. After all, nobody can know which cleaning method is right for you.

Recipes, the main componentwhich is onion, garlic or horseradish, not only help to expel the parasites, but also enhance human immunity. Which caused their popularity in getting rid of parasites in the home.

Onion tincture

Onions finely chop, it is advisable to RUB. Choose a container and fill with the onion half its volume.

Capacity need to choose the one which will be the most the infusion to steep, the best option is to choose a bottle or jar for a pint. In the bottle to pour vodka, so that it occupied the whole remaining volume of the container and leave for 10 days at room temperature.

On the eleventh day of the infusion, removing the onions, and take one or two tablespoons before eating two or three times per day.

A decoction of onions

In this method, you also need to finely chop the onion or grate it again.

It is important that all the onion juice into the broth.

Next, the bow filled with water, the temperature of which is equal to a hundred degrees, and left overnight. In the morning remove the onions from the broth and drink a hundred ounces two times daily on an empty stomach three to four days.

Tincture of garlic with horseradish

You need to grate or skip through Mincer twenty-five grams of garlic 30 grams of horseradish, mix well and transfer to container for infusion.

Then pour the vodka in a volume of half a liter and leave to infuse for ten or eleven days, stirring occasionally tincture.

After insisting to be taken on an empty stomach for 0.5 hours before a meal twice a day a tablespoon.

Enema of decoction of garlic

Two or three cloves of garlic chop and transfer to a plate covered with enamel. There throw two tablespoons with a slide of tansy.

Brew poured a half liter of milk and put on low fire. Bring to a boil, simmer for ten minutes. Remove from heat, allow to cool. Protsedit.

One enema the use of two-faceted cups of broth. The procedure is repeated during the week.

There are other methods to expel the parasites. Some of them even become popular among people. Let's talk about them. How to clean the body from parasites according to the method of Hilda Clark.

This version of the expulsion of the unwanted guests from our body is a great success in many people who used it. His glory is gone from maximum effectiveness in the fight against various invaders human organisms: worms, viruses, protozoan and others.

The recipe method is quite simple. You need to buy or make a tincture of the peel of immature young black walnut, well or, for those who don't particularly want to bother, drug drug "noxen", the dried sprouts of wormwood and ground cloves.

  • Nastoyku rind to cook is simple: take 15 kosorok the walnuts, chop them and move them to the Bank, the denomination of which a half liter or. Then pour in the jar of a half-liter of vodka or rubbing alcohol cleaned. After you put in a Sunny place for thirty days. After a month, remove the tincture in a dark cupboard. After full preparation, the infusion should begin to take gently, gradually increasing the dose: on the first day you drop one drop of the drug at hundred milliliters of water and 6 subsequent days increase the dose by 1 drop. On the seventh day in the water you need to add two teaspoons. Continue to take the tincture year.
  • The crushed wormwood should be consumed on an empty stomach before the evening meal. With water only. The first few days, dose should be no more than one teaspoon then gradually have to increase the dose.
  • Crushed clove seeds should begin to use in the morning before meals and one dose equal to the pea, on the second day – two doses. From the third day and on the 10th day you need to take three doses of clove powder, and then, during the year, prevention should drink clove powder once a week for three doses.

All of the above techniques are certainly very effective. But do not forget that relying only on self-treatment, you may exacerbate the situation.