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Roundworm — Treatment of ascariasis in adults folk remedies

In the modern world quite a few different health problems. But it is not just environmental degradation, but often with the very rhythm of our life, sometimes the obvious apparent lack of time. Often people forget about elementary rules of hygiene. In this article we will talk about one of the most common and unpleasant disease called ascariasis, is simple — parasites living in the human body. In common this disease is also called "disease of dirty hands". So what is ascariasis? The answer is plain. It is a disease caused due to roundworms called ascarids.

Askaridy — Lechenie askaridoza u vzroslyh narodnymi sredstvami


This parasite pale shades of pink and yellow, with an elongated narrow body, pointed towards the ends. Mature females at length grow to approximately 25-35 cm and a width of 3-6 mm, the representatives of the male is slightly smaller — about 15-20 cm long and 2-4 mm wide. On one side of the body adopted to be considered the front, as in males and females is the mouth surrounded by three small bumps — the so-called lip with serrated edges. Considered to be a natural connection to the cycle of reproduction of data of worms. Mature female lays every day around 250 thousand eggs released in the environment, however the development of the egg is exposed only when satisfactory for the factors of the surrounding space, such as oxygen availability, temperature, humidity, etc. Struggle with these representatives of the microflora is conducted from ancient times to the present day the issue of treatment is also relevant. As you know, not everyone has the money for expensive medicines, therefore people often turn to the help of folk medicine. But before proceeding to the description of tools that help to deal with ascariasis traditional methods, you should know about the symptoms of this disease.

Askaridy — Lechenie askaridoza u vzroslyh narodnymi sredstvami
Since roundworm treat geohelminths, they are required stage of ripening in the soil

Symptoms of ascariasis

Below are the main symptoms:

  • painful spasms in the gut,
  • the chair is unusual for the body texture,
  • nausea,
  • weakness in the body,
  • rapid weight loss or the opposite — weight gain,
  • deteriorating immune system,
  • frequent colds
Askaridy — Lechenie askaridoza u vzroslyh narodnymi sredstvami

Should carefully monitor their health. For example, a dry cough can be a sign of the presence of parasites in the body. The thing is, that the larvae of hookworms can penetrate into the bronchi, causing cough, and often fever and/or chest pain. Also on the body can manifest a rash. This is because roundworm secrete toxins, irritating the microflora inside. In addition, these parasites can cause blockage of the bile ducts and lumen of the intestine, which leads to the development of other unpleasant diseases associated with digestion. Now that we are familiar with the symptoms of ascariasis should be talk about what causes this disease.

Causes of ascariasis

As mentioned earlier, in common ascariasis is called "disease of dirty hands". And really, the main reason for the appearance of worms in the human body are unwashed limbs. But clean hands are not a guarantee of a healthy body. It is also worth noting that this illness does not depend on the time of year, however, it was found that in the summer the cases occur more often. This stems from the use in food poorly washed vegetables, greens, fruits and berries. Insects — also a good support for the contamination of food, because the eggs of Ascaris are = and is able to "move" with shoes, dust can develop in water with high oxygen content. Especially dangerous roundworm in children. Still fragile young body can be very sensitive to the presence of worms in the intestine. Of course, at the first sign of the presence of roundworm eggs, the child should seek help from a doctor to the prescribed treatment. Of course, people's medicine is much safer drugs, especially for the child, but their use should be discussed with a specialist. The attending physician can also help you choose the most appropriate method for diagnosing disease using the present patient's symptoms. Now it is time to discuss directly the treatment of folk remedies ascariasis in children and adults.


Treatment ascariasis

The most important question is: how to bring the parasites from the intestine? One of the most effective ways to combat worms is to treat the disease non-traditional methods. For centuries, when traditional medicine was not yet in sight, both children and adults were treated with folk remedies. Infusions, decoctions, various powders from herbs and roots — it is effective now, although many people do not take such methods seriously. However, the treatment of ascariasis in children and adults folk remedies could not be more effective than the drugs from pharmacies. Below are the recipes of traditional medicine, approved even by the doctors.

  1. To make this solution, you will need one small size garlic and a third Cup of milk. Garlic boiled in milk until until it will soften. The resulting broth is filtered before it gets cold and makes him an enema. It is desirable to do at night, so people made fewer movements. The main condition is that the mixture must not exceed room temperature. A similar procedure is often carried out in children. The volume of the enema depends on the age, but it should not be less than seventy milliliters. This procedure is repeated during the week. If you put an enema, is impossible, there is a less unpleasant method: crushed to a pulp of garlic and eat it, drinking the same milk, after which to take a laxative.
  2. Another good method of withdrawal of parasites from the body — onion infusion. Onions finely cut and pour the water or alcohol. In any case, it needs to infuse for ten days. Adult per day take one or two tablespoons, twice per day for three to five days. However, small recipe looks a little different. As in the first case, the onion finely cut, but obvalivautsya boiling water. Insist the mixture for half a day, and then give the baby three or four times per day, from about seventy to one hundred milliliters at one time.
  3. An excellent tool in the fight against ascariasis are pumpkin seeds. A pound of cleaned seeds pre-pounded in a mortar, slowly pouring boiled water, while not forgetting everything carefully to stir. To the mixture, you can add honey or jam, it doesn't hurt, and tastes nicer. Used before meals, solely on an empty stomach, but little — only one teaspoon. But you must eat all the gel within hours. For children older than two years are also used pumpkin seeds. Take fifty seeds. For children from three to four years should already eighty grams of the seeds of the plant, and children from five to seven years – one hundred grams. On this basis, those who are from ten to twelve years, you will need to prepare a mixture of one hundred and fifty grams of seeds. Three hours after drinking the mixture is drunk diluted with water magnesia. Two hundred and fifty milliliters of water is from ten to thirty grams of the drug. Children, the calculation is done according to the scheme: one gram for one year. After all this, for greater efficiency it is necessary to do an enema to clean.Young roof, or rather its seeds, is also one of the ways of dealing with roundworm adult. You should take a tablespoon powdered ingredient and pour boiling water in the amount of one Cup. For two hours the mixture should infuse, then filter and take four times a day, one fourth of the glass.
  4. Oddly enough, birch buds is also an effective method to bring a nasty infection from the body. In half-liter bottle is filled up to the middle of raw and filled to the brim with vodka. Insist in a dark place. Thirty days can start to drink: thirty-five drops four times a day.
  5. Do not underestimate the unripe walnuts. Three large spoons of chopped nuts pour third cups of boiling water, the resulting slurry is added a pinch of salt. Then all vzbaltyvayut, tightly closed with a lid, and in forty minutes is filtered. This medicine is drunk during the day, and the night is taken a laxative.
Askaridy — Lechenie askaridoza u vzroslyh narodnymi sredstvami

Of course, this is not all of the recipes involved in the treatment of ascariasis folk remedies. In addition to these you can also fasting to eat lemon seeds with honey for an hour before a meal to eat a spoonful of rice grains, after rinsing them with boiling water, but the above-mentioned methods are most effective. So, let's summarize. When you notice the first symptoms, whether roundworm in a child or adult, you will surely help the attending physician to whom you can turn to for advice. However, drop us a rush — a struggle seen in the Ascaris does not imply that you necessarily need any drug. The best means of combating helminths is the prevention of this disease. Need to remember a few important rules. Rule number one: always wash your hands after street and before eating. Rule number two: carefully rinse with water, raw foods, whether vegetables, fruits or meat. Rule three: carry out wet cleaning of the apartment, using a special disinfectant is not only helpful for prevention of ascariasis, but it is much nicer to live in a clean tidy apartment, than to breathe the dust every day. Remembering and doing all these simple conditions can provide for themselves and theirloved ones safe and pleasant house with delicious and most importantly healthy food. So that the treatment of ascariasis folk and simple means it is possible!