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Liver Fluke — Symptoms sand of the parasite and methods of treatment

Among quite a large abundance of parasites in the external environment, which the human body is subjected to danger, stands flat worm liver Fluke.

Also belongs to the class of trematodes and represents two kinds, which are called Fasciola:

  • common, hepatic. Not more than 3 cm,
  • giant. The size ranges from 3 cm to 7.5 cm.

As the name suggests, it becomes clear who the liver Fluke and what affects it in the first place, on the biliary system. And, respectively, its organs: the liver and gallbladder.

As all known worms, have liver Fluke and characteristic disease Fascioliasis. Equally manifests itself in man and animal. Need long-term treatment of not only diseases, but also the entire inflamed body.

Cycle of the liver Fluke

The entire period of its development, the flat worm is mutating, and may look different depending on the stage of life. And liver flukes and giant Fasciola are the same way. Will only be different sizes at the stage of adult-formed individuals.

The beginning of the cycle is considered to be the eggs along with the feces excreted from the animal gut and into the water. Through a period of about 18 days from eggs ciliated larva appears. Called teradici. Develops as trematodes, for 17-18 days. Favorable condition for this is the temperature of water from 22 °C to 29 °C.

To move to the next stage of its development, the future liver Fluke enters the following temporary host mollusk or small of a pond snail.

Resets the ciliary surface and becomes representative, as sporocyst. Its feature is parthenogenetic reproduction, which is characterized by the fertilization of an egg without the process.

Radii tearing sporocyst, get out and penetrate the liver of the clam, where the same fertilization method, as at the previous stage. One generation of radii replaces the other and this happens several times.

And only through 30-70 days appear caudate larvae. It cercaria out of this vicious circle and rise to the surface water environment. Getting closer to the shore and attached to the plants. Then there is another process of rebirth.

Getting more thick shell, discarding the tail, move on to the next stage of the life cycle. Turn into a cyst or adolescaria. That she gets along with the water for the future owner.

Here's a complex development cycle takes place in liver Fluke worm before parasitism.

Contamination flat worms

There are not many opportunities for penetration of the parasite into the body potential of the media.

Identify the main ways, which are inherent in trematodes and other helminth species:

  • fresh water reservoir. The use of water, infested with parasites, or hit her in the mouth, when bathing, and it happens quite often,
  • poorly processed meat or liver of cattle usually graze near fresh water,
  • insufficient hand hygiene during trips into the countryside.

Not to become the dwelling place of the flat worm, do not forget that the external environment full of various types of worms that are very dangerous.

Signs and symptoms that shows liver Fluke

Under the influence of gastric juice, Marita, larvae released from the cysts enters the liver and starts to parasitize. Attaching to the walls of the body feeds on its tissues and blood. Has first a solid body is leaf-shaped. Reaches 30 mm in length.

Attached the oral and ventral suckers help in the absorption of food, and duversity the intestine involved in the process of removing impurities. Reproductive system is poorly developed. But after 10-15 days the parasite grows, there is a final transformation of larvae in representative liver Fluke. Begins active migration and reproduction.

It is at this point beginning to show the first signs of health problems:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature to 39 °C,
  • aching pain in the joints,
  • the alternation of diarrhea and constipation,
  • pain in the liver area. Body detectable, it becomes progressively hard,
  • appear allergic redness and rash,
  • a lack of appetite,
  • pain in the abdomen.

So begins the acute form, which provoked liver Fluke, and its characteristic symptoms.

How dangerous worms in the human body

The degradation observed after 2 months from the date of the first manifestations of the inflammatory process, which has passed the stage ofchronic. At this stage, the liver and bile duct partially affected. This is a disease called fascioliasis.

Its symptoms much worse:

  1. hepatitis,
  2. the change in the chemical composition of blood,
  3. flatulence,
  4. diarrhea,
  5. cramp,
  6. inflammation of the internal organs,
  7. frequent shortness of breath,
  8. urticaria,
  9. jaundice,
  10. nausea, vomiting.

Treatment must take place immediately. To defer under such serious symptoms hospital visit is impossible. It would be better to call the ambulance and to proceed to the examination in the ward of a nearby hospital or clinic.

Tests on flatworms

It is impossible to start full-fledged intensive treatment without a thorough study of the species of the parasite and the degree of destruction of the body.

Modern methods can in a short time undergo a complete diagnosis of the presence of liver Fluke:

  • traditional General analysis of blood. Under the influence of worms there is an increase in the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes,
  • scraping and a stool sample. These trematodes are determined visually, which facilitates their further study,
  • the sample of bile, gastric juice on the worms by duodenal intubation,
  • hardware diagnostics. The use of ultrasound,
  • haemo scanning of an blood. Projection on a special screen under a microscope magnified the possible displacement of worms,
  • laboratory enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies.

Other types of analyses, the expert assigns at your discretion, though these data are sufficient to define a flat worm as liver Fluke, and to plan subsequent treatment.

The scheme of treatment of parasites

As the inflammatory process has spread to organs and resulted in dysfunction of many systems, recovery is prolonged and treatment is complex. To get rid of liver Fluke, is applied reliable medical method of drug prescription:

  • "Praziquantel". Eliminates most types of worms. Due to the calcium ions paralyzes and inhibits muscle activity of the parasites injure their upper epithelium. Starts to act within 1 hour after the first dose. Course duration – 1-3 days.
  • "Allohol", "Allergy". Herbal choleretic drugs. Recommended to take in combination with vitamins, antibiotics and laxatives.
  • "Kreon", "Festal". To restore and normalize the pancreas, and intestine. Act as auxiliary enzymes, which provide and compensate for a temporary lack of secretory functions in the organs liver and biliary system,
  • "Suprastin", "Aerius". Anti-allergic medicines.

When discovering a doctor more severe effects, treatment is carried out with the addition of injections and additional medications.