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Parasites in the eyes — Symptoms and effective treatment of parasites with drugs

Worm infestation is a very common disease. Parasites can live in any organ or tissues. In addition, there are often parasites in the eyes of man. Despite the high sensitivity of this organ, not always, the disease is detected at an early stage.

If not promptly treated, complications in the form of inflammatory processes of tissue destruction, the appearance of multiple cysts as a consequence of loss of vision and complete blindness.

Varieties of eye damage.

Like any other organ of the human body, the eyes often becomes the object of destruction by the parasites. Depending on the type of parasite and different diseases affecting the body's eyes, the optical nerve layer of the eye. In addition to worms in the eye may be worms, larvae of flies.

So, you can select:

  1. opisthorchiasis,
  2. echinococcosis,
  3. dirofilariasis,
  4. oftalmia (inner, outer).

All these diseases are a threat to human health and require immediate medical intervention.


This disease occurs if the organism is a worm, opisthorchis. This helminth usually chooses for the life of the liver, but there are cases of migration in the eye.

Usually the disease affects the eyes, causing long-term inflammation. When the inflammation reaches the iris may form adhesions, often the patient is threatened with the loss of vision.

Parasites in the eyes of man cause symptoms – multiple lesions of the vessels of the eyeball, bleeding, inflammation of the optic nerve, keratitis. The patient experiences a feeling of pressure inside the eye, aching pain.

Treatment consists of the anthelmintic drugs, choleretic funds, antihistamines. After the required enhanced recovery of the organism, increase of immunity. It is also important to make sure that all the worms have left the area of the eye.


Hydatid disease – infection of man with eggs of Echinococcus. They focus in the intestine. After the release of larvae from the egg the blood stream carries the parasites throughout the body. Worms can get into the liver, lungs, muscles, eyes. Once there, the larva form of Echinococcus bubble. It is constantly increasing, this is a favorable environment for the development of adults. If in the eye there are parasites, often develops disease of the orbit.

Symptoms can be considered exophthalmos of the eyeball (it seemed to be shifted, the bulge), upper eyelid thins and stretches. As a bubble behind the orbit of the eye, it displaces, takes up more space.

Diagnosis is made using ultrasound. If worm time to remove, the eyeball will soon be in place, will not be noticeable consequences of the disease. If the disease is noticed too late, and the parasite has damaged eye muscles the full recovery of the eye, alas, is impossible.


As a result of a mosquito bite into the blood of the person gets the parasite that actively moves under the skin. The disease begins to develop only after a month after the bite. All this time is the incubation period. After the species actively migrates through the human body. On an average day the parasite is about fifteen inches. Outwardly, it looks like a small pimple, moving to different places.

If the parasite dies prematurely, the patient feels fever, chills, possible local inflammation at the place where the individual. If she managed to get to the eyes, the patient feels severe pain, aggravated by blinking, photophobia, redness and irritation of the inner surface of the eyelids. The mucous membrane can be noticed a very small painful seal.

Diagnosis is difficult, requires several types of clinical research. Treatment consists in timely removal of the parasite from the eye. If treatment is not completed on time, you can lose an eye.


Fly larvae with the blood flow get to any of the organs of the human body. Most often in contact with larvae in the eye, they are there for long, as soon as the initial phase of aging, they leave the body and move to another place. If this happens, the larva has reached the last phase of maturation, the developing oftalmia. It can be internal and external.

The developing parasites cause inflammation of the tissues of the eye, the formation of subcutaneous nodules, resembling a boil. The patient may feel the movement of larvae in the eye, in some cases, this movement can be seen by the naked eye. Often there is conjunctivitis. For successful recovery of all parasites must always be retrieved.

External treatment of myiasis consists of removing larvae and damaged tissue that can not recover. If this is not done, the inflammationwill spread and hit more and more new tissues. You should also take antihistamines (relieve swelling, reduce allergic reactions in humans), anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also important to carry out detoxification.

If the larva fell and began to develop inside the eyes it may cause serious condition, the damaging of eye nerves, blood vessels. The disease can occur completely unnoticed. The disease is complicated by a sharp decrease in visual acuity, perhaps even the onset of blindness. Treatment is most often surgical.

The purpose of the intervention – the destruction of parasites. Often there is a concomitant bacterial inflammation, so the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Prevention of damage to the eyes.

Helminthiasis – a disease afflicting a large number of people. Despite the fact that not all worms can parasitize humans, about a third of people suffer from this disease. Most often, children are infected at non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene.

The treatment of the disease difficult and rather long. For the complete destruction of the source of infection often requires several repetitions of the treatment. So it is very important to observe the rules of prevention.

It is important to observe the rules of hygiene in Pets. In addition to the necessary vaccination of all dogs and cats need a preventive to give antihelminthic drugs two or three times a year. After contact with the animal must wash hands thoroughly with disinfectant.

You should also carefully monitor the condition of the hands and clean under the nails. Special attention should be paid to children who are constantly in contact with sand. Best of all, if the close-cut nails. Makes them easier to clean.

Everything we take in food must be clean. Fruits and vegetables in contact with soil need to parboil, even if it will change the appearance of the food. This method will protect against the ingress of eggs of worms with soil residues.

Meat and fish that will be used, they should be bought only from reliable representatives, to be of high quality. This does not negate heat treatment. Tissue not fried fish can be a source of opisthorchiasis and beef blood causes infection of bovine tapeworm.

High requirements should be for drinking water. Can't drink from stagnant water, unknown springs. Tap water should be further boiled. It is unacceptable to swim in those waters, where watered and bathe the animal.

If the detected at least one of the symptoms of parasites in the eyes of man, you need to go to the doctor. Self-treatment will not bring any result, and lead to the loss of time that may result in the total loss of vision.