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Worms in a child Than to treat worms in children how to withdraw from the body

The likelihood of becoming a carrier of worms is big. Most often, this trouble happens with children from eighteen months to three years. The disease is not fatal, but very unpleasant.

Worms are representatives of the worms thrive in the body of the carrier. First, the worms attack the rectum, but over time, distributed to different organs and are carried throughout the body in the blood stream.

Preventive control

To avoid this situation is to perform preventive actions.

What to do to prevent the infection:

  1. Constant and careful monitoring of clean hands after using the toilet, stay in a public place, playing outside, touching animals must wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. To wash the hands of all bacteria and dirt, to keep your hands under running water for at least 30 seconds.
  2. Not worth to neglect the nail Polish. Running the regrown nails a perfect place for the accumulation of parasites and pathogenic bacteria. Nails should always be clean and close-cropped.
  3. Eating only carefully washed vegetables fruits or greens. Everything that has contact with the soil.
  4. Eating foods of animal origin (meat, fish, poultry) only after heat treatment.
  5. Use to drink only purified water and known sources. Do not drink from an unknown spring or wells. Without proper testing, there is no confidence in the safety of the source.
  6. Bathing only in permitted areas.
  7. It is not necessary to touch the flies or insects, they can be carriers of the parasite eggs.
  8. After the baby vacations in the village with my grandmother, from the age of two years is recommended to give the medicine for worms once a year. Take this medication effectively for all family members at the same time, and also you need to give medicine pet.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms do not manifest immediately. Some children tolerate this disease is generally asymptomatic, and themselves become carriers of parasites.

Sometimes the condition worsens while the child is celebrated:

  • sudden lack of energy, lethargy, moodiness, confusion,
  • headache and fatigue,
  • pale skin,
  • lost appetite, there is disruption of the stomach,
  • possible allergic rashes on my body.

Physicians in a separate group allocate indirect symptoms if the child was infected yaytseglist:

  1. excessive salivation,
  2. nausea and vomiting,
  3. poor appetite or conversely an abnormal increase,
  4. cutting pains around the navel or just stomach pains,
  5. upset chair,
  6. fast fatigability,
  7. frequent headaches and dizziness,
  8. pale skin and blue bags under the eyes,
  9. unfounded the increased excitability of the child,
  10. uncontrollable whims,
  11. the treatment is not able to get rid of skin rashes,
  12. bad night with frequent awakenings, gnashing of the teeth during sleep, itching and persistent scratching around the anus.

The most common types of worms

Pinworms — they belong to a large group of roundworms. Pinworms live in the intestines. But here is to breed females night out of the anus, which is arranged in the folds of skin and lay eggs. Along with this they secrete the substance causing the itching.

This phenomenon has its scientific name – a enterobiasis. Involuntarily during sleep the person is scratching the anus. The thin skin of this region is damaged, and the eggs get under the skin, since the eggs remain under nails.

And once a person touches something, then this is the place the affected eggs. So it is likely that all the surrounding infected. Outside the human body pinworms can survive up to 40 days.

Soil-transmitted helminths. Spread through stool. Those, in turn, contaminate soil, and can enter the human body through dirty hands.

Bioelement — enter the body of a man with poorly handled food, it can be fish or meat. To avoid this possibility, the products must be subjected to heat treatment, not eat them raw or salted.

Whipworm — after the infection sticks to the walls of the colon, it bites and feeds on blood. A symptom of this infection is noted a sharp decrease in immunity and loss of strength.

A blood test will show a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Weight gain in the child stops, the weight may even decrease at a constant diet.

How dangerous worms

If you suspect the baby worms should take immediate solution to the question how to treat worms. The disease occurs in two stages.

Initialstage-set time frame of infection from 2 weeks to 2 months. Chronic stage may last several years. In this case, the parasites inhabit and affect the entire body, penetrate into the blood, spreading to all organs and poison the body, gradually killing him.

At the initial stage of the disease symptoms most often manifested skin rash and may increase the temperature to 37℃. In the transition to the chronic stage the number of symptoms increases. Defeat worms new bodies, the signs of the disease are amplified and appear all new symptoms.

Once in the liver, worms provoke the development of hepatitis. Worms eat the body of its carrier, and their selection poison the body. Can not stand the pressure muscle weakness increases, the General condition is deteriorating. There are no clear boundaries manifestations of infection.

Treatment recommended by conventional medicine

Make the decision how to treat worms in children better based on the opinion of a specialist when you visit the clinic and delivery of the stool sample.

In the study cal study using macro and microscopic techniques. Determine the type of parasites. The medication selected for each species separately.

When collecting the faeces must not come into contact with the impurities of urine or running water. For the study fits the feces only after spontaneous defecation, eating is not caused by laxatives. And only fresh, that is, in the laboratory, the feces must be provided on the day of the fence.

The resulting analysis usually comes after 2-3 days. The reliability of the result of doubt should not be, if the body is infected with worms, they must be present in the stool. The same smear is held near the anus or scraping. To confirm the reliability of conduct even one or two repeated laboratory fees.

If the worms in the analysis of the child is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Diagnosed disease should not cause fear, she's fast and simple to treat. The purpose of the drug depends on the type of parasites. What the worms are saying is show analysis. All cure for worms in children have one common effect – protivoraketnyi.

To take such drugs without medical supervision is not recommended. Drugs of the last generation to quickly and effectively treat this disease without causing harm. Only the most dangerous types require the treatment with the surgeon. But such individuals are rare.

What you need to know about the drugs protivogelmintnoe:

  • prescribed doses, these funds are metonymy. The required dose is prescribed only by a doctor who is always doctor's appointments coincide with the recommended dose in the summary to a preparation,
  • if the infection requires the use of complex therapy that involves 2 or 3 drug by taking them on a certain schedule,
  • the contraindications of such drugs provided that you can not take them during pregnancy, children with diseases of the nervous system, chronic diseases of blood, liver and cancer.

The homeopaths have their own group of drugs designed to fight this scourge. How to treat worms in a child every parent chooses.

Steps of treatment

Primarily prescribed drugs that kill abdominal worms. The doctor must stop their metabolic processes and to stop them from spreading.

Then need to get all the parasites from the body and cleanse the body from toxins and secretions of their life.

After a long course of disease is necessary to rejuvenate the body, strengthen the immune system, to organize the work of the intestinal tract. To restart the functioning of the liver.

Treatment takes place in stages and individually for each case prescribed some form of drugs. Full recovery may require two weeks or more.

Traditional methods

Often parents try to cure a child from worms folk recipes. Their effectiveness is not confirmed by official medicine, and if such methods are the place to be, it's worth to support them the result of medical drugs. How traditional medicine treats intestinal worms in children the issue is poorly understood.

A common treatment applied if a child has worms:

  1. Enema of infusion of garlic in milk.The infusion of garlic for ingestion.
  2. Insert cloves of garlic in the anal passage.
  3. Fresh carrot juice on an empty stomach, diluted honey or sugar.
  4. Hemp, flax or coconut oil for ingestion.
  5. Pumpkin seeds – provide relief when consumed in large quantities for a single reception, there is a seed with a green shell.
  6. Tansy – the plant is poisonous, the slightest deviation from the allowed dosage cause intoxication and poisoning.
  7. Soda solution for enemas. One glass of water diluted with one teaspoon of baking soda. Put an enema during the week.

It should be noted that these methods are not always safe and justified. Before experimenting on your child several times think, is it necessary and if other ways out of this situation.

Relief from painful conditions will not bring harm, these include:

  • chamomile tea,
  • eating a variety of plantoils',
  • fresh fruit juices,
  • a small amount of light laxative drinks or products.

It is not enough to only treat the infected. To protect family members from re-infecting you must wash things at a high temperature.

In a residential area is to conduct a thorough wet cleaning with a disinfectant. Chemicals can replace water with a solution of vinegar. Is thoroughly clean all textiles and carpeting.