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Histological study — Norms and indications, medical advice

To the question "What is the histological examination?"many would say that this is the same as the biopsy. What are the pathological processes in the organism she studies? Histological examination can detect cancer cells at an early stage. It's all right, of course! However, the diagnosis of histology, in fact, much wider. For example, the word "histology" tells us about it. Histo – fabric (gr.). The logo is all you know, teaching. Thus, any changes, i.e. deviations from the norm, in the body or tissues, a person require diagnostic histology.

The histological examination is also necessary to forensics. For example, if there is a suspicion that the person has become a victim of crime. As a result of effects on the body any substances in the tissues could happen corresponding change. That is histological examination of tissue fragments will help the victim to install.

What is a histological study

It is, indeed, like the biopsy, when the area of the tissue studied the man inserted a syringe with a long thin needle. The so-produced fragment live fence material. Then with the help of specially prepared medications for this fragment impact, and the nature of the reaction define what is in the body, specific organs, occurs. What's going wrong?

As the most striking example of the relevance of this method of diagnosis may be that as a result of histologic studies with great success is the treatment of infertility. Or that even after death histology allows to accurately detect all diseases which took place in the body for life.

That helps to detect histology

As already mentioned, changes in the tissues of different kinds, reject them if they exceed the scope of the norm. For example, how many people think it could be cancer even at an early stage. In fact the doctor histologist find any, the most insignificant, the inflammatory process in our body. Whether it is acute or chronic. Tissue death in any area. Circulatory disturbance. And most importantly, patologicheskie studies help the doctor the histologist to determine how these violations are serious. Through histological examination, he'll establish an accurate diagnosis. Time will prescribe the right treatment. Thus, stop the action of the pathological process in our body.

Why carry out a histological study

If under normal medical examination General blood analysis and other standard indicators indicate the presence in the body of the inflammatory process, should pay attention to, how large are the deviations from the norm. If the person recently had a cold or has chronic diseases, it certainly may serve to explain such deviations. Is it necessary for the human histological study, identifies, of course, a doctor. And, as a rule, it is carried out in the course of already identified pathology in the treatment of a specific disease to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment process. Diagnostics of tissues in the lesion observed pathological process that helps control even the most minor changes in their structure.

Thus, with the help of histological examination fails to detect any change for the worse or better. Treatment for deep inflammatory processes in the body passes under the careful supervision of a physician. And it certainly contributes to the quality, treatment success.

Preparations for histological examination

To spend a full histological study is required to do a lot of preparatory work. Because the manufacture of preparations for such a study is a process. And it happens in several stages. The studied tissue from the human organism after intake are placed in a special solution for fixing and preventing of decomposition of the elements. As a rule, formalin or alcohol. This is the first step. The next two steps of the test material first to release the liquid organic and the fixing solution. It is necessary that the tissue fragment to subsequently make a solid, Bay another solution, for example, paraffin. After all, the next stages need to be divided into smaller fragments for research, i.e. to cut, but to keep the squad with the presence of pathological changes in tissue.

Cutting – one of the constituent phases. Very small for microscopes, the thickness of the fragments will be only 4-5 microns! Furtherthe next step is staining of the fragments cut in a special glass. Many of them. Some of them are made every day. This is standard procedure. Additional painting have individual character and are appointed as necessary by the attending physician. Research method fragments using different kinds of staining in histology is called microscopy. It can be performed manually or on machines. At the end of the painted fragment of a cover with a transparent material for subsequent storage. It can be used for repeated studies. The coating medium at the final stage – an important point in the process. It helps to keep the material intact.

Where a histological study

Of course, such a complex diagnosis requires special conditions and additional equipment. Yes, and the process of sampling of biological material should be carried out competently by the assistant specialization in a special laboratory. However, in some cases, the material for analysis is taken at the moment of carrying out a complicated surgery, the surgeon arise any suspicion in relation to the presence in the organs or tissues of the corresponding pathology. Or, if the subject of investigation is deceased, the sampling of biological material is already in the morgue.

There are other techniques of material sampling. For example, smears and fingerprints. This is due to the fact that it is very close to the histology of the borders such a science, Cytology. Formally, this part of histology. The practice of the methods and the subject of their research differ slightly.

Organs and tissues for histological examination

Virtually every living cell in our bodies can serve as material for research in the field of histology. So each doctor, specialist in any field of medicine, you may need the material for histological examination at any stage of treatment. The subject of diagnostics can become any organ, any of the five types of tissues in our body: epithelial (skin sample), blood, nerve, muscle or connective fibers.

A specially equipped laboratory for histological analysis in modern medical institutions is already the norm. Histology data is the most accurate. That is why without them it is impossible the treatment of cancer patients. In gynecology, obstetrics, no they also can not do. It is especially important that the data of histology can detect pathological changes at the beginning of the development of the disease. Thus, histological examination is a reliable method to detect and successfully defeat any disease. The main thing to do histological examination in time.