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Ureaplasma Symptoms and treatment of Ureaplasma in men and women

Modern society is exposed to a thousand different diseases. Some of which are difficult to define, difficult to treat, the acquiring chronic. The category includes such diseases and urogenital infections. This disease, affecting primarily the urogenital system of a person. One of these is Ureaplasmosis.

Ureaplasma — genital infection (disease) caused by pathogens (mycobacteria Ureaplasma). In the past years, the disease related to the category of those that are transmitted only by sexual contact. But at the end of the 90 doctors and microbiologists decided to exclude the disease from the list of sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to the fact that acting alone, Ureaplasmosis causes inflammation of the genitourinary system. And signs of diseases transmitted through sexual contact occur when Ureaplasma only if there is the fact of simultaneous infection with other viruses.

But that's not such a innocuous infection. Hitting the body, becoming chronic and long-term influence on human health, virus Ureaplasma is the cause of many diseases.

What is Ureaplasma? It's an infection, leading to many female diseases (reproductive dysfunction, inflammation of the endometrium, adhesions, inflammation of the appendages, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).

All of this speaks to the problem of timely diagnosis and treatment of infection, prevention of the disease.

The causes of the disease

The main microorganisms that invade the urinary system of man and journey to the source of the disease — Urealiticum and Ureaplasma Ureaplasma parvum. Ureaplasma as a disease, what is it? This single-celled pathogenic bacteria. As they are inherently elements of the microflora of the women. What infection can a lot of time to be present in the body, but not to be the cause of the disease. But the creation of the necessary conditions, in this case adverse to human health, the bacteria take an active form of development and start talking about yourself symptoms of the disease.

That could trigger the disease:

  • cystitis, inflammation of the bladder
  • infection other infection received through sexual contact
  • sexual contact with a partner who has the inflammatory processes
  • poor hygiene in the genital area
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs

Manifestation of disease

Diseases such as Ureaplasma has two stages of development. This chronic form of disease and active (acute) process.
When exposed to the organism, the disease Ureaplasma causes inflammation in several organs. In men mainly talking about the prostate, scrotum, urinary bladder. Women often have inflammation of the the ovaries lose the uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina.

Pronounced characteristic of this disease, Ureaplasma symptoms has almost no. But it is symptomatic of your symptoms. Ureaplasma what this disease is and how to define it?

In women:

  • discharge from the female vagina, with no clearly defined color and smell
  • painful sensations during each urination and burning in urethra
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen
  • a worsening of cystitis
  • pain and redness in the urethra after sexual intercourse

In men:

  • inflammation of the foreskin
  • pain in the scrotum
  • pain and cramping in the lower abdomen
  • discharge from the penis odorless
  • violation of potency
  • urodynia
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse

But sometimes the disease is asleep and does not manifest itself. And if a person does not pass the regular examination, the presence of infection may not know. In this case, by sexual contact, chances of infecting the partner. Thus, sluggish the disease could spread repeatedly during unprotected sex.

Often, both genders, signs of Ureaplasma can be attributed to the effects of hypothermia, aggravation of existing diseases in the field of urinary tract and not to diagnose it. In the treatment of the inflammatory process, removed acute manifestations of the disease, but the infection remains not cured. And, therefore, continues to adversely affect health. Then passing into the chronic form due to the lack of treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment

Primary diagnosis occurs when a doctor's visit. After visual inspection and questioning, it puts the preliminary diagnosis — a Ureaplasmosis. Then assigns a number of laboratory studies.

Here are some of the methods for the determination of infection:

  • serological study,
  • microbiological examination,
  • method, the so-called genetic probes,
  • a study byenzyme immunoassay,
  • PCR study,the method of direct immunofluorescence.

The most accurate, giving a complete picture of the disease the study in this case is the laboratory study of bancoposta. Thanks to this type of analysis on a Ureaplasma it is possible to determine the existence of pathogens in a patient, the degree of damage, the interaction with antibiotics.

For studies done with scraping of the surface tissues of the urinary tract (urethra), the inner walls of the vagina and cervix. This material is examined for the presence of microorganism pathogens.

This analysis is carried out repeatedly. At the stage of diagnosis and after treatment. To verify the absence of infection in the body.

The main method of treatment of a Ureaplasma is to fight bacteria that caused the infection. It is a comprehensive immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory drug therapy.

The procedure and treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor. In this case, the urologist or the gynecologist.
After the diagnosis, he performs selection of medicines.

The most popular of them are:

  • antibiotics of the Tetracycline group (in the initial stages of the disease)
  • Sumamed and its analogues
  • Linkomitina group
  • drugs immunomodulating nature, for example, Dekaris
  • drugs antibacterial nature
  • painkillers and antiseptic preparations

Diagnosis of the disease takes up to 7 days, treatment period of from 20 to 40 days. The ineffectiveness of the course, the doctor may prescribe a second course.
During treatment advised to refrain from alcohol and sexual contact, especially unprotected.

Diagnosis and treatment of both sexual partners is carried out at the same time.
Even if the cultures for Ureaplasma one of the partners was negative in the prevention the doctor prescribes him medical treatment.

Methods of infection

There are several ways to purchase Ureaplasma infection:

  • during sexual intercourse (more than half of the cases)
  • in utero, during gestation and through the birth canal in the resolution of pregnancy
  • through everyday life in the human environment, more than 30% of cases.

Contribute to the transmission and conditional factors:

  • initiation of sexual activity at an early age
  • the lack of protection during sexual intercourse
  • promiscuity
  • a large number of stressful situations
  • irradiation procedure
  • poor living conditions
  • the presence of chronic diseases

Another important point contributing to the infection infection is weak immune system. To experience a decrease in immunity may be due to constant colds, poor diet, wrong lifestyle, mental exhaustion, etc.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy

If we are talking about routine infection before conception, the woman will undergo a full examination. And if at the time thereof is detected Ureaplasma, will do the trick. Only after the end of treatment and re-assessment will be permitted to conceive.

But there are times when a woman contracted the infection before pregnancy, but did not know about it. This is due to the fact that Ureaplasma is not very defined symptoms. And subsequently, in the diagnosis during pregnancy revealed the disease. It is also possible to infection during the current pregnancy, during intercourse.

All intrauterine infections including Ureaplasma, are aggravating an indicator of pregnancy. Such infection, infecting the fetus can lead to negative consequences. The child may develop inflammatory diseases of the eye and throat, allergic reactions, skin diseases, etc.

Additionally, acute infection can cause premature birth, missed abortion, underdevelopment of the fetus. That's why the Ureaplasma should be treated with due care.

In this regard, doctors prescribe treatment Ureaplasma during pregnancy. All drugs are appointed taking into account the presence of the fetus. Therapy in any case should not harm the baby.

But as the full treatment before the birth of the child can not hold, a second course is assigned after birth, outside the period of lactation. A woman passes tests again and a full course of treatment.

After the birth of the child are also examined for the presence of the disease.
In this regard, women planning to conceive, doctors always recommended to be tested for urogenital infection. Otherwise, the disease during gestation can result in dire consequences for the health of the child.

Disease prevention

Taking the right measures you can prevent the infection of infectious disease such as Ureaplasma.

Below are the main methods of prevention:

  • Visit to the gynecologist or the urologist 1 time in six months
  • Once a year, if you have an active sex life, to be tested on the diagnosis of urogenital infections
  • To avoid hypothermia pelvic
  • Drink seasonal vitamin complex
  • Carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs
  • To have sex with a condom
  • After unprotected intercourse, to treat the surface of the genitals or Chlorhexidine Miramistina
  • Regularly change underwear and bed linen
  • Do not use the items of someone else's personal hygiene
  • after visiting the sauna,pools and water reservoirs of General use to disinfect sexual organs of special tools
  • not to engage in sex with unfamiliar partners
  • Do not use other people's towels, linens and clothing
  • In a timely manner to treat inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system
  • Interested in the health status of the sexual partner
  • Balanced diet, avoiding fatty and spicy foods

Prior to deciding to conceive a child, visit a gynecologist and to recommend partner also to be examined by a urologist.

Always need to remember is diagnosed the disease will not acquire complex shapes and will have minimal impact on the body. You need to take care of their own health, performing all the recommendations and prescriptions of doctors. To lead a healthy lifestyle without compromising their own livelihoods. To monitor the quality of their personal lives, not endangering health, at the expense of casual sex. Health is the most valuable thing you have.