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Dysbacteriosis in infants — Symptoms, causes and treatments

At the moment this theme is one of the main problems related to health of children, as increasingly there are cases of this disease. However, women do not think about the precession of the disease, spohvatilas at the last moment. In this article we will consider questions such as: what is a goiter in an infant, the more dangerous it is, its symptoms and what can happen when taking antibiotics. Let's start with the theory.

What is a goiter?

In the gut of every human innumerable different bacteria. However, don't be afraid — this is normal. In addition, it is not only normal, but is impossible without them a stable job as the intestine, so in General and of the organism itself.

Dysbiosis is an imbalance referred to representatives of the microflora in the intestines, causing very unpleasant symptoms for a person. However, at the moment the specialists ' opinions are different: some believe that it is not a disease, and the body must cure goiter to develop immunity.

The thing is that before birth, babies are in perfect sterile environment, without any harmful influences from the outside world. When a child is born, his body is very weak, and should exercise maximum care about his health. My first encounter with bacteria children is carried out directly at the time of birth, passing on ancestral pipes of his mother. A second, more close — when the infant first consumes milk as food. That is why it is so important to a woman the first time fed the baby — just at this moment in his growing body occur favorable changes, providing immunity in the future. In the next few days is filling the intestinal microflora in infants, both positive and negative, pathogenic.

There is another opinion that it is not a disease but a consequence of malnutrition, and mother and her child, and you first need to find out the causes of dysbiosis in infants.

Causes of dysbiosis in infants

The lack of breast feeding, delayed transition to the ready mix, the use by the breastfeeding mother any hormonal medications or a complication of antibiotics.
There is such a thing as secondary dysbacteriosis, and he also has his reasons.

Diseases associated with the digestive system, treatment of the infant with antibiotics, poor production of digestive enzymes, poor diet, parasites or harmful bacteria that destroy the microflora in the gut, trauma at birth, infection in nursing mothers.

In addition to the above it often happens that the cause of dysbiosis is Staphylococcus aureus, abundantly inhabiting in hospitals. Can get infected not only the child but also the mother. Because it occurs in the body, disturbances, leading to disease. Also be wary of relapse after prolonged taking of antibiotics. Now let's talk about the symptoms that indicate the presence of dysbiosis in infants.


Attentive mother quite easy to notice the symptoms that the goiter got to gut her babies. The first is to look at the baby chair. The most striking manifestation of the disease can be detected in it. Constipation, or the opposite — diarrhea, bloating, mucus in the stool are all signs of dysbiosis. Below are described some of the symptoms of this disease.

  1. Pale or dry skin,
  2. lethargy,
  3. poor appetite,
  4. rash,
  5. irritability,
  6. thrush mouth, thrush,
  7. vomiting,
  8. bad weight gain.

Noticing something from this list, you should immediately contact to doctor so that he has written out a direction on the necessary tests. It should also be noted that there are four degrees of dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis First degree — offset — is a poor appetite, normalized weight gain, flatulence. He is the most harmless of others. Occurs due to premature use of foods, medicines. But the child feels quite comfortable.

Goiter of the Second degree — subcompensated is also bloating, but it is already added to the abdominal pain, poor appetite and diarrhea or constipation. The chair is mainly greenish hue, the possible presence of undigested lumps of food. Here it is to begin to sound the alarm. The tests show the presence of unfavorable microflora: a familiar aureus and other pathogenic bacteria.

Dysbiosis Third degree — asthma — increased all characteristics. Harmful bacteria begin to multiply. The child begins to suffer from chronic diarrhea, having all the same shade of green, foul-smelling foul eggs. In Calais there is frequently undigested food weakens the immune system, manifested signs of rickets. The General condition becomes worse, infants there is a strong weakness.

Dysbacteriosis Fourth degree — pathogenic bacteria multiply stronger, which greatly increases the risk of infection. The germs leave the open spaces of the bowel, spreading already throughout the body and causing inflammation in other organs. Occurs intoxication. Constant diarrhea begins to smell of decay, the child loses weight rapidly, showing signs of anemia and anemia, disorders of the nervous system.

Noticing the goiter in infants with increasing symptoms at any stage, you should immediately consult a doctor for further treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in diseased infants takes place under the careful supervision of a specialist. But the development of the disease will depend on the pathological process. You must know how to treat goiter in infants. It is written below.

  • coprogram – diagnostics to help identify how the gut is able to digest food, as well as the symptoms of inflammation, or the lack of it,
  • stool cultures for opportunistic flora is the study and the results show that the percentage of obligate bacteria in the intestine,
  • the sowing of a feces on a dysbacteriosis the analysis of establishing the relation of a balanced microflora conditionally malicious also — the perception of antibiotics.

If you still have a child diagnosed with this disease, there is a logical question: how to treat goiter in infants if you know the specific symptoms? Of course, in any case can not do zamorazhivaniem — all drugs and procedures are prescribed and are under strict control of a specialist.

A treatment of dysbiosis in infants ill is a laborious process. First, the patient is prescribed bacteriophages — also called "tame viruses". Their main task — to destroy pathogenic bacteria. However, they do not have a negative impact on positive flora. At the same time appointed by the sorbents. They are necessary for the accelerated removal of toxins from the body. In addition, enzymes that help normalize the digestive system. After that, the intestines are introduced lacto - and bifidobacteria by means of special preparations.

Also in the treatment of dysbiosis widely used probiotics and prebiotics. A little more about how exactly to treat goiter in infants, it is written on.

Probiotics (eubiotics) — useful for human organisms. Especially important: a variety of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, yeast, useful enterococci, Escherichia coli. Probiotics ensure the restoration of balance in the intestinal flora and kill pathogenic bacteria, restoring the digestive process. They come in different consistency, namely, liquid and dry. However, it should be remembered that probiotics may appoint a doctor. The duration of the adoption is based on the degree of the disease and the type of prescription drug. The therapy time varies from one week to several months. The most famous of probiotics: "Lactobacterin", "Linex", "EAPOL", "hilak Forte", "Bifidumbacterin".

Prebiotics are organic substances that stimulate the increase in the number of beneficial bacteria. It is known to all proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, fats do not belong to the prebiotics. They are made from natural components. Since babies can be a special manifestation of drug reactions, associated with a weak immune system, prebiotics are available to them in forms different from those prescribed for adults. Basically, it's the syrups, powders or granules. Their main function:

  1. the weakening of the process of the development of harmful bacteria and enhancing the growth of beneficial,
  2. the cleansing of the mucus and increased flatulence,
  3. the healing of damaged intestinal walls,
  4. normalization of the bowel,
  5. improving the synthesis of vitamins b and K,
  6. restore acid-base balance,
  7. strengthening the immune system.

Some of the most common prebiotics are: "Portalac", "goodluck", "Lactofiltrum", "Lignosol". It is worth mentioning the existence of a synthesis of pre - and probiotics, - called "synbiotics". The most famous among them is "Maxilac".

So how did the woman and her baby can cope with the disease? Basically, dysbiosis, causing the bowel problems have little babies, seen on time, treated not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The healing process is a timely elimination of the causes that influenced the development of the disease. However, after all the procedures it is also necessary to carry out prophylaxis to prevent recurrence.


  1. Breastfeeding from the first days and, if possible, to a year. Colostrum into the body of a baby, which surrounds the body is the strongest protection that supplying the intestine with beneficial bacteria.
  2. Proper nutrition nursing mothers.
  3. If for whatever reason breastfeeding is not possible, we should not despair and to sound the alarm. Nowadays there are a huge variety of infant formula, through which you can prescribe the necessary treatment methods.
  4. You must remember the health of the parents, as after childbirth and during pregnancy. Not worth the extra time to neglect the consultation with a gynecologist before and after conception. Being pregnant, you need to the moment of childbirth to undergo examinations, and to treat the body withany deviations from the norm.
  5. And, of course, is a healthy lifestyle for both children and their parents, will help to cure goiter that causes discomfort in infants.