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Bacterial vaginosis — symptoms, treatments vaginosis

Infectious disruption of the normal healthy vaginal flora under the influence of microorganisms was observed only in 20% of women of reproductive age. The main source of bacterial vaginosis is an anaerobic bacterium of the Gardnerella. It is in small quantities in the female body, but begins to breed only under the influence of favourable factors, one of which is sexual partner. But a man can only be a carrier of the microorganism and an additional impetus for the emergence of the disease.

The effects of Gardnerella vaginal bacteriosis or as its also called, is very heavy. If the delay to start treatment of bacterial vaginosis and remedy the root cause of the infection will lead to inflammation of the uterus, the subsequent complication of childbirth and even infertility, begins to spread to the organs of the urinary system.

Vaginal microflora of women

In a healthy organism the reproductive internal female organ provides a bactericidal barrier. Multiple cells, lactobacilli, which comprise 95% of the vaginal flora, maintain constant moist, acidic environment. They ensure that bacteria and germs have not infiltrated the tissue.

Just as important, and in female sex hormones like progesterone and estrogen. Under their influence synthesize another substance – glycol, which in turn is combined with lactic acid bacteria, sticks of Doderlein. This interaction leads to the formation of the natural healthy vaginal environment.

With beneficial microorganisms coexist peacefully and opportunistic pathogens like the yeast fungi, streptococci, staphylococci, anaerobes, Gardnerella, and even the causative agents of gonorrhea.

Causes infection

Lactobacilli in the vagina performs the function of keeping moist acidic environment, serve as a protective factor. Living successfully suppress pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and due to the sufficient formation of lactic acid. But there are conditions which lead to the decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria and, of course, their inability to meet fully their tasks. Consider the causes of disease bacterial anaerobic vaginosis:

  1. the use of certain medications: antibiotics, birth control pills, hormones,
  2. means for maintaining intimate hygiene. Pads, tampons, special gels,
  3. synthetic and narrow clothing,
  4. poor diet,
  5. insufficient consumption of dairy products,
  6. venereal disease,
  7. the lack of continuous or frequent change of sexual partner,
  8. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, which usually start late to treat,
  9. frequent stress, depression,
  10. disorders of the endocrine system,
  11. pregnancy, and others.

All the above premises are well known. Many of them are the result of poor lifestyle, as well as delays in treatment of disorders in the body.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis women

A clear pain in women baquianos causes. Many people do not realize that inside is infection. But there are some signs that it is worth to pay attention:

  • leukorrhea, vaginal discharge, become rich, have acquired a grayish hue,
  • there was an unpleasant sour, putrid smell,
  • rare itching and burning. Can occur during intercourse or urination.

These symptoms appear very rarely. Even when the expert examination is not always able to identify bacterial vaginosis and immediately assign the appropriate treatment. But over time, they deteriorate: the discharge becomes viscous, the smell intensifies, there are severe pain in the pelvic area. So you need to make, of course, a full examination to determine the cause of the violations.

Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis

Gardnerellosis is often similar to certain disease symptoms. Therefore, before the diagnosis, experienced the attending doctor is obliged to assign a diagnosis of some related diseases:

  • candidiasis. A fungal infection known as thrush. But it is caused by yeast-like fungi Candida. Also cause heavy white discharge, itching, burning and pain,
  • colpitis. The inflammatory process in the vagina. It could be Staphylococcus, chlamydia, Haemophilus influenzae, Bacillus and other,
  • gonorrhea. Caused by gonorrhea is a purulent infectious sexually transmitted disease. Is passed only sexual partner.

Why do we need this survey? The fact that Gardnerella is not sensitive to many drugs anderroneously diagnosed can aggravate the course of the disease and intensify its subsequent reproduction and distribution throughout the body.

Begins the process of examination, of course, an experienced gynecologist. Inspection on a special chair provides a visual assessment of external genitalia and inner walls of the vagina. Does individual conversation with the patient about the presence of symptoms and signs of sensations. Then begins the process of thorough diagnosis.

  • Smear. On examination, the gynecologist necessarily takes samples inside the vagina and in the area of the external genitalia. In the laboratory they are mixed with a special solution. Upon detection of key cells the diagnosis is confirmed,

But there are also reasons that prevent you to carry out this study. They should consider: menstruation, sex on the eve of the tests, administration of drugs for 2 days before sampling.

Test strips for determination of pH, acidity of the vagina. Is very simple. A small thin strip is introduced into at a certain time. When the disease the acidity level will be from 4.5 to 6.
Method of determination of microorganisms by Gram. Used enzyme staining different bacterial species. In this case, will be allocated among gram-negative Gardnerella.
Polymerase chain reaction. Uses the study of DNA fragments.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment of bacterial vaginosis is inevitable. And the sooner you begin, the sooner you can not only get rid of the infection and its consequences.

How to treat bacterial vaginosis

Medication necessarily assigned according to the individual characteristics of the disease. Also take into account the presence of characteristic symptoms, the duration of exposure of bacteria, possible complications in the presence of other chronic and acquired comorbidities. Treatment is conventionally divided into two stages:

  • removal of bacteria,
  • the restoration of the vaginal microflora and other previously affected organs.

The first step is to pre a comprehensive treatment of the disease bacterial vaginosis and eliminate the source of occurrence of Gardnerella, increase the protective functions of the body and receiving the missing vitamins and elements:

  • «Trichopol.» Cheap antimicrobial drug. Appoint 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of 7 days.
  • «Clindamycin.» Inflammatory infectious diseases. 2-3 capsules 4 times a day
  • «Tinidazolum.» The perfect remedy against anaerobic bacteria. The first day suggest taking 4 pills. The following days the dose is reduced to 2. Treatment – 5 days.
  • "Neo-Penotran". Antifungal, antibacterial drug used for inflammation and infections of the pelvic organs. Vaginal candles. Use 1 suppository 2 times a day. The course is 7 days.
  • "Herbal medicine". The daily intake is 200 – 400 mg 3 times a day.
  • «Suprastinum.» Relieves allergic reactions. 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

The second stage, but treatment of bacterial vaginosis involves the use of biologically active preparations containing lactobacilli and tools that restore the immune system. The duration is from 7 to 10 days.

  • «Lactobacterin.» Contains acidophilus bacteria, which contribute to the formation of lactic acid and eliminate the activity of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Daily intake of 6-10 pills.
  • "Atsilakt". The composition includes lactic acid bacteria, which regulate and restore the micro flora of the intestines.

And only after a full successful recovery, you should think about the prevention of recurrence of infection. Do not forget about the reasons that can result in disease. You need to remember them.

Infection prevention of bacterial vaginosis

In the future, not to deal with such problems as violation of the full functioning of the pelvic organs, you need to learn how to perform simple rules:

  • 1 every six months is necessary to visit a gynecologist. To make sure no problems are found, pass the necessary tests,to intercourse, to give preference to condoms,
  • take care of your health. Pass full laboratory and hardware survey,
  • the caution relates to means of personal hygiene, consult a doctor,
  • choose free from natural materials clothes,
  • right diet diet. You can seek the assistance of a dietitian.

Avoid stress, nervous stress, learn to relax. Often disorders of the Central nervous system can also lower immunity, weaken the body. Drink plenty of vitamin complexes or consume them in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits.