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Platelets are the norm — causes of increase and decrease, the rate of platelets in the blood

Thrombocytes (or platelets) – red blood cells, intended for maintenance of the blood vessels of the body. They have several functions, each of which is important, and the violation leads to health problems. The first function is the nutrition of the cells constituting the inner surface of blood vessels. In this case, the number of platelets in the blood must be secondary, the allowable slightly above normal. Platelets are also very important in case of injury: they help the blood to clot, stopping bleeding. For the same task, there is another function, namely, to create a tube in place of a cut, abrasion or other damage. It is the first platelets to close a hole in a blood vessel.

If the body is to lose the support of the data cells, it will be not just weak, but also exposed to great danger: its deficiency leads to fragility of blood vessels, so strong that they are able to burst with awkward movement, as well as to problems with blood clotting. As you know, when these problems people can not live a normal life, constantly forced to maintain around themselves in a safe environment too limiting. With regard to increased level of platelets, it is also no good does not. It is therefore necessary to maintain a normal level of platelets in the blood and when you reject to go to the doctor.

The normal platelet

The average number varies depending on the age of the person. There has been no discernable trend decreasing or increasing platelet levels with age, the upper and lower bounds will mix slightly:

  • Immediately after birth the person is observed from 100*109 420*109 per liter of these cells
  • Have a child up to one year platelets decrease: the rate of 160*109 to 390*109 per liter of blood
  • In children older than the age level of the year and the maturity level of platelets 180*109 -320*109 per liter
  • In adults, after age 25– 150*109 -400*109 per liter, acceptable small deviations in the smaller or big party in connection with the individual characteristics of the organism
  • In pregnant women the upper limit a little below 380*109, while the lower, and remains at 150*109 / liter

For some reason the volume of platelets can vary in healthy people: among women during menstruation, due to medication, due to beriberi. To detect changes in volume will help a General health blood test for platelets.

Causes of low platelet count

Platelets — a description of the elements of the blood

There are many reasons why a low content of these cells in the blood. Among them are the causes of sharp and gradual reduction:

  • Can be a side effect of taking certain drugs that affect the generation of platelets. These include, for example, Aspirin.
  • A sharp decline is observed in the rubella or measles
  • Their decline may also talk about cancer (usually bone marrow), benign tumors
  • The level of platelets is drastically reduced after passing through the first session of chemotherapy
  • One of the worst causes of leukemia
  • Poisoning with chemicals or excess medications
  • Liver problems, thyroid
  • Recently transferred or carried infectious diseases

Often decline in the number of platelets was associated with taking Aspirin and similar drugs. Occasionally at the forefront of genetic alteration that can also affect the number of platelets. This divergence from the norm of the content of platelets in krovininiai.

Causes of increased platelet count

If you exceed the level of platelets occurs disease – thrombocytosis. It is divided into two stages, primary and secondary. The primary is a consequence of the improper development of cells. Primary thrombocytosis following reasons:

  • Idiopathic thrombocythemia – platelets exceeding ten times
  • tumors, cancers
  • iron deficiency and hemolytic anemia
  • myelofibrosis with problems with stem cells

What else could be the reason? Often the body after the bleeding seeks to fill what I lost, and begin producing cells of platelets. There is first a decrease and then a sharp increase in platelets.

As for the secondary thrombocytosis, its occurrence is the result of pathological processes that disrupt the work of the organs responsible for the generation of blood. Most often the cause is infection, but there are other possible causes, such as:

  • arthritis, leading to a particularly sharp increase in platelets
  • the inflammatory process is introduced for several reasons, possibly due to rheumatism or tuberculosis, that requires urgent medicalintervention,the process of dying in the bone marrow, responsible for the quality of human blood,
  • liver problems such as cirrhosis and other serious pathology,
  • treatment with surgery, after which the platelets dramatically replenished
  • tumors or swollen like cancer, often lymphoma

As can be seen, the level of platelets is affected by trauma and injuries, so the list of reasons is added and the following:

  • extensive loss of CROI with serious injuries

Do not forget that a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid many problems, and the abuse of their health also leads to increased blood cells. This category can be attributed to the uncontrolled use of alcohol, problems with excess weight, which violated many of the functions of the body. Another reason is the physical activity especially exhausting. This item differs in that after the fatigue level of the plates is increased for a while and change can be imperceptible. After they returned to normal platelets in the blood.

Prolonged thrombocytosis threat high probability of occurrence of blood clots and therefore heart attacks and strokes.

Treatment of high and low platelet count

It is very important to get rid of the abnormalities of platelets, because they can lead to serious consequences. Thrombosis leads to clots, which, in turn, harbingers of problems with the nervous and circulatory systems: heart attacks and strokes. There is also the risk of emblibrary. That is why people with significant deviations from the norm should be under a doctor's care. When elevated levels of platelets was conducted a course of pharmacologic therapy, which involves taking antiplatelet agents — mostly Aspirin. These medicines help to reduce the number of platelets, the main thing correctly calculate the dose, otherwise the reduction will be unnecessary. This requires a doctor.

In order to avoid further deterioration, the patient should avoid emotional and physical stress. They undermine immunity and increase platelet count. The same applies to people with a low level of these cells, because excessive load slow recovery.

As for the treatment of low blood platelets in this case is used as a therapy, and some folk remedies. However, in this case it is better not to resort to self-medication and to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications.


In case of changes in the level of platelets is associated with malnutrition or other minor reasons not cancer, have all chances to avoid repeat problems. Just follow the following steps help as when elevated levels of platelets and reduced, which enables to observe the number of platelets in the blood normal

At an elevated level and to avoid the need:

  • Take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid that lowers their maintenance
  • Limit the consumption of certain foods, including bananas, rose hips, nuts
  • Eat more foods that are blood thinners. One of the most affordable and common green tea.
  • The blood thickens and dehydration, so you can forget about the water: the correct drinking regime will help to avoid narrowing of the blood vessels

At reduced level of platelets is necessary:

  • Take vitamins (C, B12,A)
  • To stop or reduce the intake of drugs to reduce the platelet count, the first phase – Aspirin