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Analysis of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) — Explanation and results

Cytomegalovirus infection, salivary gland disease is a common, often congenital disease that provokes cytomegalovirus, CMV. Analysis of the CMV infection shows a positive result in 90% of people who pass the examination. Anyone can be a carrier regardless of age and gender. Asymptomatic until the lowering of the immune system in humans. The reasons of activation:

  1. HIV, AIDS,
  2. existing chronic disease,
  3. pregnancy. Planning, flow, postpartum,
  4. malignant neoplasm,
  5. arterial hypertension,
  6. periodic treatments dialysis,
  7. the consequences of the transplant.

Protective reaction of the organism by ingestion of CMV is the emergence of antibodies to CMV, immunoglobulin IgM and IgG. It is their blood levels and take into account when determining the extent and shape, making possible to predict the course of disease. Unpredictable consequences the infection can lead to babies, and intrauterine fetal condition.

What is cytomegalovirus

Has several definitions, as the human herpesvirus type 5, CMV, cytomegalovirus. The pathogen gets into your DNA affects human cells and occurs in the chronic form. Along with the bloodstream rapidly spreads throughout the body and into the vital organs and systems of human activity. Methods of infection by cytomegalovirus:

  1. airborne path. Coughing, sneezing, kissing,
  2. transplantation. Transplantation of infected organs,
  3. the presence of CMV in the donor's blood,
  4. from mother to fetus through the placenta,
  5. unprotected intercourse.

In a healthy organism does not manifest itself for a long time, so often diagnosed in an already advanced stage. The incubation period of this disease is up to 60 days. The first symptoms cytomegalovirus manifests as a minor infection:

  • bladder, kidney, adrenal,
  • reproductive system. Systematic symptoms of diseases whose source is impossible to determine,
  • bile passages. Violation of the mucosa of the hepatic epithelium,
  • of the gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatitis,
  • respiratory. Pneumonia, bronchitis,
  • respiratory. Reminiscent of SARS, influenza, lingering cold. Characterized by weakness, headaches, fever.

Leads to severe inflammation of all internal organs, lowering of immune system. Makes it impossible treatment of opportunistic diseases with antibiotics and other drugs. When referring to the expert appointed to determine the cause of the complications of CMV specific analysis.

Salivary gland disease in children and adults

Cytomegalovirus infection or cytomegalovirus causes a reaction in the body by the immune system to the presence of foreign cells. Begins to produce the protective protein antibodies as IgM, IgG, lymphocytes, CD 4, CD 8. The rate of IgM indicates a primary infection. After 2 months changed to G, which indicates chronic or salivary gland disease. It has its own varieties depending on the shapes of infection:

  • congenital. People infected in the womb in most cases, maybe all his life be unaware of the presence of CMV in the body. In rare cases, when the mother moved the primary contact with the virus, it causes babies have jaundice, inflammation of the retina and subsequent vision loss, small skin hemorrhages, rashes. The risk of intrauterine growth retardation and miscarriage,
  • acquire. The source of infection may be in childhood breastfeeding. Adulthood is sexual contact, organ transplants, blood transfusions,
  • mononucleotides syndrome. Is characterized by the same symptoms, such as Ebstein's virus-Barr. Accompanied by the presence of fever, pain in muscles, joints, enlargement of lymph nodes. Rarely causes rubella, hepatitis and pneumonia,
  • persons in a special risk group. In HIV-infected patients CMV causes encephalitis, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, jaundice, lesions of the urinary organs. It is possible to complete dysfunction of all systems and death. In the transplantation of organs is observed rejection of the donor material.

In most cases, CMV becomes a deterioration of health and exacerbation of existing illnesses and often death. This is especially true for people with low immunity, newborns, and people in the period after transplantation of organs who are forced to oppress the protective cells of the body.

Tests for CMV

As concerned about the state of health in humans does not occur, it can be a lifetime to beonly a carrier of cytomegalovirus infection and not know it. Even too frequent manifestations of the inflammatory process can end quickly and not to arouse suspicion. A common standard tests are not always able to determine the presence of severe cellular destruction of alien microorganisms. Reasons for cytomegalovirus analysis mandatory:

  1. planning and pregnancy,
  2. the risk of miscarriage,
  3. suspected intrauterine infection of the fetus,
  4. administration of drugs against tumors,
  5. hiv infection,
  6. upcoming donation,
  7. transplantation,
  8. long-term course of inflammatory processes in the body in adults and children.

In these cases, determined cytomegaly. And further treatment will depend on continued research on the virus, its shape and duration of the infection of the body. But, unfortunately, the infection can only be muted to a latent state. To prevent its occurrence will have to be screened regularly and often to get tested. If you need to be at the dispensary.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for cytomegalovirus

Immunological method, the analysis of blood IFA, allows to study the exact chemical composition and the presence of antibodies, which in the case of penetration of foreign cells the body produces. The study used special credits that indicate how many times in blood and serum dilution was found to be positive.

The full transcript of the analysis on a cytomegalovirus involves the ratio of antibodies IgM, IgG:

  1. IgM "-", IgG "-". The complete lack of response from the immune system. People infected,
  2. IgM "-", IgG "+". The risk of infection is minimal, depends on immune system,
  3. IgM "+", IgG "-". The beginning of the formation of the virus in the body. Need treatment,
  4. IgM "+", IgG "+". Exacerbation. Requires immediate additional testing and treatment.

At the moment, this way of defining disease is considered the most reliable. With proper laboratory study of the result is 100%. Sometimes re-appointed the survey in the absence of any of the two antibodies in the results. In this case, the analysis is false.

PCR analysis for cytomegalovirus

The use of polymerase chain reaction is often quite effectively with proper taking of the test material. Can have error in the course of latent or chronic forms of cytomegalovirus. To analyze CMV is collected every secret of the body: urine, semen, saliva, sputum, blood, feces. It could be fluid: cerebrospinal, pleural. Scrapings and smears from the external organs of the excretory urinary system.

Rules for PCR analysis for cytomegalovirus:

  • the exception is sexual intimacy. 3 days before fence material,
  • do not use antibacterial liquids and hygiene items,
  • before or after 2 days after the menstrual cycle,
  • not to visit the toilet 3 hours before the taking of the material.

In the sample, perform the analysis of the DNA isolated. Using a special synthetic reactions similar select the previously obtained fragments of the virus. Positive CMV negative or absence. Rare cases of false-negative figures indicate a slight amount of cytomegalovirus or the stage of its asymptomatic course.

Analysis of RIF on cytomegalovirus

Another method of determining CMV is an indirect immunofluorescence assay. Determines the presence in the blood increased, as PP65. This value is the protein shell that resides in leukocytes. In conducting this analysis takes into account the degree of the connecting links between antibodies and antigens, the avidity index:

  1. 35% — 40%. Primary contact with the virus,
  2. 40% — 60%. About the result. Re-analysis is done in 2 weeks,
  3. 60% — 70%. A chronic infection.

Specified percentages of immunoglobulins IgG against cytomegalovirus infection. The higher the number, the greater the number of protein cells secretes the body to combat viral disease. The only generally accepted norms of production of antibodies of the IgG type no. It is calculated individually depending on the age and individual characteristics of the carrier of the virus.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus

In most cases, the acute form of the impact of infection on the body does not require therapy. The person is able to cope with the symptoms and characteristic features of the disease. Treatment is given in case of threat to life or deterioration of health, disruption of organs and systems.

Antiviral drug "Ganciclovir". Penetrates into the cells DNA, reduces the number of cytomegalovirus, hepatitis b, herpes in the blood. Is administered intravenously. Daily dose of 2 times during 1 hour at 5 mg/kg. the Drug is diluted in 5% glucose solution. Course duration – 2-3 weeks.

Intravenous antiviral injection "Panavir". At the initial stage of the disease, the daily dosage of 400 mcg every 48 hours. Severe – 600 µg after 48 hours the first week. Following 7 days of 400 mcg every 72 hours.

Immunoglobulin "Cytotech". Has directed action against cytomegalovirus infection. Is administered intravenously. The dosage is 50 IU/kg. the Number of injections only on the recommendationdoctor's.

To completely get rid of CMV infection is impossible. The goal of treatment is reduction of cells affected by the virus and restore the body, increase the level of immunity. In the case of a successful course of antibodies eliminate the active infection to a latent form.