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Leukocytes in feces grudnichka — Effective methods of treatment and prevention

The appearance of the baby always brings not only great joy, but also concern for his health and well-being. In addressing the issues young parents, come to the aid of the specialists of the laboratory analysis. They will be able to say what is the norm of leukocytes in the stool for each age period. To take a sample of blood from a newborn can be difficult because kids get scared painful external influences. But with the help of biochemical assays, to investigate the leukocytes in the stool of the child and to diagnose possible failures in the functioning of the body.

The small intestine of the person is about three months. Manifested leukocytes in stool in infants, will tell watching the doctor about his health, and will help to provide guidance in the organization of proper nutrition, so the baby needs to get a lot of vitamins. In addition to the need to change the feeding regime, increased leukocytes in stool can say about the inclusion of protective forces of the organism in the presence of different kinds of infections and allergies. White blood cells (leukocytes) are produced in order to be protected and to neutralize the impact of infections.

Normal white blood cell count

The presence of leukocytes in stool in an infant is the basis for a reliable diagnosis of possible illness of the baby. As for the normal number of white blood cells in the stool of the child, the figure depends on the age and has the following values:

  1. 10*109/l for one year of age,
  2. 11*109/l, for six months,
  3. 12*109/l, for monthly age,
  4. 15*109/l, for a newborn.

In case of deviations from the norm, the kid can feel good, have a good appetite and be cheerful. Slightly elevated white blood cells in stool in infants may not be cause for alarm. But, the correct answer can give only such laboratory tests as the white blood cells in the coprogram. This analysis is a General analysis of feces and needed to identify inflammation in the intestines and determine the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of children.
It is important to remember that properly collected fecal composition (material), is crucial to the reliability analysis. Nursing mothers need to follow a proper diet and not eat foods which distort the result coprogram. The leukocytes that are found in stool in infants, when artificial feeding may be reduced or absent. If breastfeeding is natural, that the values of the tests can be elevated.
Children, up to the first year of life, should be actively gaining weight, so the high levels of neutrophils, with good dynamics of weight gain should not bother parents. Another thing, when the baby does not latch on, poorly gaining weight and had frequent rashes on the body, and unstable chair, you need to consult a specialist.

The reasons for exceeding standards and diagnosis of diseases

Kids this age can't complain about poor health, so the task of parents in time to pay attention a gynecologist on an unstable chair child. The legal limit for the analysis of leukocytes in stool in baby babies can be caused by several reasons, namely:

  • dysbiosis, before the survey were treated with antibiotics or are present in the body parasites,
  • follicular enteritis, in the feces of infants mucous lumps are quite large,
  • colitis, peptic ulcer, spastic or allergic,
  • dysentery,
  • proctitis may be due to frequent constipation.

Early diagnosis will identify the causes of disease and ways to lower or to increase the content of leukocytes in the stool. After all, the reason for the lack of balance in the gastrointestinal tract may be decreased content of the enzymes, and various sorts of medicines. In addition, an important element is the diet of a breastfeeding mother. It is not recommended to eat when feeding too fatty and smoked food, and eat allergenic foods, lots of carbohydrates and carbonated beverages.

Use test strips to prior research

In case of any doubt about the condition of the child is necessary before taking the stool test, conduct a primary survey. It is to use test strips, used in the home, and gives you the opportunity to make a first opinion on the causes of sickness of the child. This speed test will allow you to track the status of the gastrointestinal tract infants once, and also to trace the dynamics of changes in the level of leucocytes in the stool during the day. Small changes during the day (slightly lilac) do not give reason for concern, but the intense purple color shows the need for professional advice from the observing specialist.
Before taking the rapid analysis or laboratory studies must adhere todiets. The goal, developed by nutritionists limitations, the least possible distortion of test results and more accurate diagnosis of the disease. Balanced diet is very important in the prevention of deviations in the levels of leukocytes in the stool of the child. Before the rapid analysis needed to achieve a certain consistency of feces, according to the instructions accompanying the test strips to avoid distortion of research results.

The decrease in the level of neutrophils

At an elevated level of neutrophils doctor appoints, if necessary, certain medicines. Depending on the indications they can be "Lactobacterin", "Bifiform", "Acipol" and many others. Unfortunately, their frequent use can cause negative consequences for the health of the baby. Therefore, removing the first exacerbation, should use, drug treatment and prevention. After all, every mother wants her child was great, without drugs.
Very important is the regular feeding of breast milk, because it has a large number of bifidobacteria. They prevent the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic bacteria. But at the same time a nursing mother needs to organize the mode of feeding of the baby and herself to eat using extensive diet products.

It is also important to create the conditions of restful sleep, including outdoors. The lack of stress in mother and baby has beneficial effects on his health. Daily bathing, good hygiene, gentle massage will have a therapeutic effect and will give the baby health and happiness. At any uncharacteristic change in smell and color of stool baby consult a specialist that will help you understand and make a diagnosis. This will save the health of the baby and will provide you with happiness of motherhood.