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Blood — Breakdown of blood PLT, indicators and norm

The most common and at the same time the main study, which is required to appoint one specialist your patient is a common blood test.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

Since blood is one of the main indicators that the body is any pathology. This analysis includes several indicators and each shaped element there are certain norms. Each indicator is responsible for certain processes in the body. If the test results raised or lowered, it can suggest what further steps should hold.

Thanks to the timely treatment to the doctor and testing can the disease be detected at an early stage and time to begin treatment.

In this article you can find the questions: what is plt in blood test what is the norm for plt, as the plt changes in the blood of children can affect the human body, how is the transcript of plt.

Platelets what is it?

Platelets are one of the constituents of blood represent the small cells of different shapes and do not have nuclei. They perform very important functions in the body. They participate in the wound healing process (blood clotting), not allowing them to lose a large amount of blood.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

These cells are updated during the week, most often the destruction takes place in the liver or in the spleen.

Platelets a day can change your number this is especially noticeable in women. For example, in pregnant women during the critical days quantity falls, and when doing physical exercises on the contrary increase. On the condition of the body is not effect when a person is in his usual state, they are normalized.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

Transcript of plt indicates platelets.

No need to panic ahead of time, to diagnose and examine the blood should be a highly qualified specialist.

A blood test for plt

To determine how many platelets in the blood, consider the indicator plt.

Something special man to do, just come preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and give blood from a vein. Takes a blood specialist in a sterile environment.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

The normal platelet count varies from 180-320 thousand/ ml. If the transcript is below or above these limits, the body took some kind of glitch.

A deviation from the norm, what does this mean?

If the analysis showed that plt below 130 thousand/ml, it shows that the bad blood clotting, reducing the splash of the hormone thyroid. In addition to an extremely low level of platelets indicates that the person is free of infectious diseases, low hemoglobin or severe intoxication their own toxic substances.

At a very low rate is 35 thousand/ml, possible internal bleeding, this indicates some serious (even congenital) diseases. Very often such a low level was observed in women during menstruation, it is not any pathology.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

If the transcript showed that the plt in the blood exceeds the norm, the reasons can be several. The increase in the number of platelets in the bone marrow, a very bad break up.

Increased amount of platelets may be the cause of malignancy or inflammatory occurs the development of any chronic processes.

Plt the child

In children, the platelet depend, also depends what age the child to consider.

If a child is just born, just a baby, for him, the normal level is 10-420 thousand/ml. If the child is under one year, the norm 150-350 thousand/ml. a Child who more than a year, it is equal to an adult, therefore, is the norm 180-320 thousand/ml.

What pathology can develop with higher or lower platelet levels?

With a low level of platelets in children or how it is called thrombocytopenia. May experience allergic symptoms to any medical medications prescribed to the child, also poisoning them or even infectious diseases.

and norm" />

If some organ of the child reproduce any parasites or viruses, the body will immediately react and the level of plt fall.

Every parent should know that if the child had surgery in which he had a blood transfusion low platelet count, it is not a pathology but a normal reaction.

Do not forget about some rules that will save you from possible bleeding in the baby.

You need to take care of it and prevent any wounds of injuries:

  1. all sharp items should be hidden (needles, scissors, hole plugs),
  2. better not to buy sports equipment such as roller skates, ski, bike, and to protect the child from such kinds of sport where he can get a lot of injuries (running, basketball , football),
  3. toothbrush bristles should be as soft as possible,
  4. not to give roughage, to make sure that he carefully tasted it yet,
  5. to choose a doctor laxative drug,
  6. the child is not allowed to take drugs that thin the blood,
  7. if you still failed to protect the child from injury should immediately call an ambulance or take him to the hospital, but in any case do not try to eliminate bleeding.
Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

If the kids have exceeded the allowed number of platelets, it is called thrombocytosis.

Firstly it may be a violation of the formation of bone marrow cells. The second change occurs in the platelet, or rather in its structure. The reasons for this can serve a multitude of factors to determine if it is necessary a more complete study and appointment of new tests.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

Here are some of them:

  1. malignant neoplasm (tumor can occur anywhere from inflammation of the brain to sarcoma),
  2. in inflammatory liver disease or in the absence of organ (spleen),
  3. anemia is low blood cells (erythrocytes),
  4. when purulent infection, especially that affect the bones,
  5. the use of certain medications,
  6. when complicated by bronchitis or other pulmonary inflammations and infections,
  7. at fracture of bones, especially the long tubular.

In almost all cases, you need to go to a specialist and examination.

Sum up

From the foregoing, it became clear that plt is the number of platelets in the blood, and platelets are very important for normal and correct operation of our body.

Analiz krovi — Rasshifrovka analiza krovi na PLT, pokazateli i norma

The plt level in our blood is needed in order to reveal various diseases at early stages of development. For children the platelet count is much more important, even than for adults.

The norm depends on what age the child is, and the increase or decrease of the norm in either direction may indicate a change in the child's body.

To check the platelet count can be very simple, should come to the therapist and ask for a voucher for a common blood test, or to complete the analysis in any diagnostic center.

Any deviation from the norm should immediately consult a doctor for a full investigation.