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Blood — breakdown of the deployed blood

General analysis of blood (abbreviated UAC) is a common study, which makes any clinical laboratory. This detailed analysis of the blood seems to all in passing the examination or for an accurate diagnosis. In our days there is a possibility without a doctor's referral, on its own initiative, to go to a special lab and find out detailed analysis of their blood. An extended list of parameters of blood is a clinical, as required in the formulation of many diagnoses. The study establishes the actual level of all studied parameters towards normal.

Values and norms

Full blood count, its representation is widely used in medical practice, the study provides the opportunity to diagnose and evaluate the condition as a whole and individual organs. All indicators have their own standard. As a rule, in the forms of the survey results stated the rule and the actual parameters, often their names are listed in Latin. Therefore, knowing what each of the indicators, anyone can without the help of a doctor yourself to understand what constitutes a clinical analysis of what is wrong in the composition of his blood, and deployed – will make it clear whether there is a need to go to the doctors.

Hemoglobin (HGB, Hb)

This type of protein contain red blood cells. It gives cells the oxygen, contains iron, necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. When the rate of hemoglobin is reduced, it means oxygen deprivation of the tissues, the person develops anemia. The increased rate of hemoglobin is also a painful condition, he talks about the excessive number of red blood cells and dehydration. Increases blood viscosity, which leads to the formation of blood clots – blood clots. The norm of this indicator is 120-140 grams per liter in men and children for women content allowed up to 150 grams.


Latin – RBC. Their number affects the quality of supply the body with oxygen. They perform the function of the output from the cells carbon dioxide emitted then from the body the lungs. Level rise entails the bonding of blood cells and, consequently, to the formation of blood clots, as the cells clog blood vessels. The norm for males and females varies considerably: the 4.4 – 5.0 and 3.8 to 4.5, respectively. For children the figure is the same as for women.


The Latin designation in the study of WBC. They are involved in protection from infection and infestation. Their number must be smaller than erythrocytes. If it turned out that the number of leukocytes is higher compared to the norm, this is evidence of diseases caused by bacteria, and the reduced level is the consequence of treatment some medication or indicates a blood disorder. Norma leukocytes are the same at all, and is 4,0 – 9,0 × 10 9/liter.


Are a type of white blood cells and recognize foreign to the human body microorganisms and also shape the immune response. The norm in the adult, the number of lymphocytes should be 34% of the number of leukocytes, children under one year 61%, in children under six years of 42%. The decrease in the number of lymphocytes is called lymphopenia and increases risk of developing pneumonia, blood infection, and in some cases leads to heart attack. The increase in the concentration of lymphocytes is typical for infections of a viral nature, tuberculosis, smallpox, rubella and scarlet fever.


Latin – PLT. Normal option – 180 – 320 x 109/liter. Thrombocytes are the plates involved in the formation of blood clots and preventing a significant body of blood from the injured vessels. Elevated relative to the norm of the platelets are in various pathologies of blood after surgical operations, as a consequence of amputation of the spleen. Lowering happens when the genetic abnormalities of the blood, in the event of a failure in bone marrow function, which performs the function of development of blood cells is anemia, the destruction of platelets due to immune system disorders, decreased platelets is accompanied with liver cancer and some other diseases.


The Latin designation – GRA GRAN. A granulocyte is a white blood cell in the granule. The function of granulocytes to fight a variety of infections, allergies and inflammations. Be measured in two ways: GRA#, and as a percentage of leukocytes – GRA%. Usually an indicator of granulocytes exceeds the norm, if in any organ there isinflammatory process. And reduced with respect to the norms parameter of granulocytes indicates anemia – impaired function of the bone marrow responsible for the production of red blood cells. Reduced levels of granulocytes and treatment next to drug drugs in pathologies of the connective tissue – lupus, and other diseases. The normal setting is in the granulocytes GRA 1,2-6,8 x 109/liter (or 1.2-6.8 x 103/µl), and GRA – 47 — 72%.


Designation – nst. Parameter displays the number of erythrocytes, calculated in percent. For example, the figure of 38% suggests that 38% of blood volume composed of red blood cells. The increase happens at increased amount of red blood cells, when for any reason it happens dehydration (so useful during the day, drink plenty of pure water). A low hematocrit indicates anemia happens when the number increases, the liquid portion of blood. The normal setting of erythrocytes in % of men should be 39 – 49, while women between 35 and 45.

Color index of blood

Color index (CPU) indicates how saturated the red blood cells the red pigment containing iron, and hemoglobin, which carries oxygen supply to the cells. The result is determined by a special algorithm, if the analysis is carried out manually, but can be expressed by the so-called index of the erythrocyte (sit), which is calculated based automatic analysis system, Hematology analyzer. Its norm for adults is not less than 0.8 and not more than 1.1, and the children not older than 3 years- from 0.75 to 0.96. Having the detailed analysis of the blood, color index can be calculated independently using simple formula: it is equal to the amount of hemoglobin multiplied by 3 and divided by the number of red blood cells.


Medical forms are sometimes referred to as ESR. This parameter indicates the speed with which the erythrocytes settle. It determines the plasma protein. If any of the organs is inflammation, the ESR will be raised. Anemia is also accompanied by elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate also may indicate the presence of malignant tumors. Low ESR is less frequent and evidence of polycythemia – excess of erythrocytes. Normal ESR parameter for the sexes are different and should not exceed 10 mm/hour in men and 15 mm/h in women.

Different laboratory tests of blood in the forms of the results of the analysis can specify other rules, this is due to different methods of calculating the parameters. Then the interpretation should be made from the prescribed norms.

Full blood count – the basis for diagnosis of almost all known diseases. Modern medical equipment allows to set parameters of blood with an absolute accuracy that is important for the purpose of correct and adequate treatment. The norms of the elements of the blood depend on age and gender. Having the results of a blood test, everyone can check it against the norm, and knowing what the indicators are and what they depend on, make the decision, which doctor to seek timely treatment.