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Worms in children — indications and effective methods of treatment for worms

How to identify the first signs of infection with worms of the small children?

It is very difficult to do at first examination even by an experienced specialist. Possible signs of worms in children at this age may indicate changes in the body caused by growth and development, the appearance of the teeth or changes in diet.

To know that a newborn or a year old baby was infected, only by of diagnosis and laboratory investigations.

Discovered a representative of helminths will be carefully studied, and a children's doctor will be able to get the full treatment to bring the worms in a child and save him from the accompanying unpleasant symptoms.

Infestation of worms in children

The appearance of worms often causes fear and panic in parents. But, if the time to begin to treat them, you can avoid many of the diseases that they cause.

How the process of infection with parasites and worms what are:

  • roundworm, pinworm, whipworm. Typical re-infection. It is possible to detect helminth eggs on clothing and in Calais. Use for cooking dirty, raw foods, poor hygiene,
  • cat, Chinese Fluke. When eating seafood, raw, salty and poorly cooked fish,
  • liver fluke. Ingestion of contaminated water, infected vegetables and fruits, contact with contaminated soil, sand,
  • the lung Fluke. Poorly cooked seafood, and crab meat,
  • a tapeworm. Using fish, eggs,
  • shistosoma. You can catch in the waters when bathing,
  • pork, bovine tapeworm. Food of animal origin are poorly treated,
  • dwarf tapeworm, tapeworm. Dirty hands, poor hygiene,
  • hookworm. Enough raw fruits, vegetables from the garden, the violation of hygienic norms,
  • trichinellas. Raw or improperly cooked meat of wild animals and cattle,
  • filarias. Penetrate with biting insects like mosquitoes, horseflies, flies.

Prevention of worm infestation is mandatory in childhood.

Ignorance of basic hygiene rules and communication of the baby with their peers, playing on playgrounds, contact with soil and sand can lead to infestation.

Diagnosis every six months and analysing for worms will allow time to detect and start treatment.

How to find out if there's a newborn baby worms

Children 1 year of life to identify parasites can not even an experienced qualified person for the inspection. With this purpose, every month there is a compulsory laboratory study of materials taken defecation within the pediatric clinic.

What are the common signs of worms in infants:

  • restless sleep,
  • poor appetite,
  • sudden weight loss,
  • the combination of diarrhea and constipation,
  • allergic reactions, rashes,
  • copious saliva,
  • vomiting, regurgitation of food debris,
  • causeless crying and screaming,
  • abdominal distention,
  • cramp,
  • increasing the temperature to 37°C,
  • cough.

The baby's health completely depends on the parents, whose duty is to study his habits, the time spent on sleeping and waking, the amount of food consumed per day.

Signs and symptoms of worms in children is a cry, crying for no reason in the newborn, food refusal, obvious anxiety and disorder of the bowel.

Signs and symptoms of worms in children from 1 year to 6 years

How to understand and how to determine that the child has worms, is quite simple. For this you need to follow daily activities of a baby, age-related changes.

Worms in children up to 6 months may exhibit symptoms:

  • flatulence,
  • loose stool,
  • constipation,
  • helminth eggs can be detected in Calais,
  • the salivation enhanced,
  • the kid is naughty,
  • allergic cough,
  • rash,
  • lowered immunity,
  • the decrease in body mass.

To recognize the parasites can be in the home.

Note that the symptoms are the same in children under 2, 3 and signs of worms, who is one year old kid:

  • diarrhea constipation changes,
  • itching and rashes,
  • gnashing of teeth,
  • lymphadenopathy,
  • cold,
  • fast fatigability,
  • nervousness,
  • disturbed sleep,
  • cough,
  • salivation,
  • eructation,
  • abdominal pains.

To detect unnatural changes in the body in older children is much easier.

Have the opportunity to learn and ask about the discomfort experienced by the baby, ask him to point to the localizationthe pain or discomfort.

There are characteristic signs of the presence of worms in a child 4 years of age and to 6:

  • involuntary urination during sleep,
  • teeth grinding,
  • itching in the anal area,
  • allergic rashes,
  • temperature up 37°C – 38°C,
  • bronchitis,
  • aching pain in region of navel and belly,
  • fatigue and lethargy,
  • diarrhea,
  • yellow mucous membranes and skin,
  • puffiness.

The first obvious signs of worms in the body is, of course, upset bowel function and disruption of normal digestion.

The second way to identify worms in a child is detected the parasite in the feces or redness, a burning sensation in children near the anus. This also needs to be carefully watched. In any case, even the least suspicious symptom should alert parents.

What diseases are caused by parasites in children

If you do not pay attention to obvious signs of the presence of worms in children, and ignore the treatment, the consequences are heavy enough for the baby and can lead to death.

Worms can cause:

  • alveococcosis. Occurs liver, lungs, parts of the brain. Caused by the parasite Echinococcus,
  • hookworm infection. Inflammation of the duodenum. Reason: Ancylostoma,
  • ascariasis. Suffers from gastro-intestinal tract, blood and lymphatic vessels, heart. The disease is provoked by Ascaris,
  • hymenolepiasis. The complication caused by the dwarf tapeworm, causes the Central nervous system, small intestine,
  • diphyllobothriasis. Starts from the excess in the body of the worms, like a tapeworm. Symptoms: enlarged liver and spleen, digestive disorders, Central nervous system,
  • clonorchiasis. Source: Chinese Fluke. Indications: pulmonary edema, impaired biliary and digestive system,
  • metagonimus. Pathogen: flat worm Metagonimus yokogawai. The presence of worms provokes diarrhea, enteritis,
  • necatoroz. Is caused disease representative of Necator americanus. It is characterized by allergic reactions, anemia,
  • opisthorchiasis. Disorders of the biliary system, triggered by the cat's Fluke,
  • paragonimiasis. Source: lung Fluke. Effects: fever, intoxication, lung damage,but-intestinal tract, brain damage, meningitis, jaundice, asthma, bronchitis, peritonitis,
  • beef tapeworm infection. Pathogen: bovine tapeworm. Manifestation of disease: intestinal obstruction, urticaria, bulimia nervosa, appendicitis,
  • tenidos, cysticercosis. Source: pork tapeworm. Symptoms of the presence of the parasite: intestinal disorders, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, anemia, Central nervous system disorders, digestive system,
  • trichostrongylids. Cause cramps, anemia, upset his chair, leukocytosis. Provoked by the nematode Trichostrongylus colabriformis,
  • trihozefalez. Intestinal disorders, digestive disorders provoked by whipworm,
  • fascioliasis. Infected giant liver Fluke contributes to the poisoning of the body, dysfunction of the biliary tract,
  • schistosomiasis. Reason: blood Fluke or Schistosoma. Symptoms: rash, fever, lesions of the genitourinary system,
  • enterobiasis. Pathogen: pinworm. To recognize its symptoms easily itching in the anus, diseases of the genitourinary system complications,
  • echinococcosis. Provoke tapeworm. Cause peritonitis, seizures, dementia, biliary tract disease, cysts, abscesses of the liver, enlargement of the spleen.

To avoid parasites, it is recommended to carry out prevention and pass the appropriate tests to monitor the hygiene of the baby and clean the house, disinfect, ventilate the area and strengthen the protective functions of the body.

Worms in infants treatment

Almost all preparations from worms designed for children aged 2 years. The treatment, which requires a newborn baby should be gentle. A weak immune system and still poorly developed organs should not suffer from antibiotics and chemical composition of most medicines.

What are the pills for worms is better for young children from 1 day of life:

  1. "Fenasal". Appoint, if a child is discovered flat, tapeworm, tapeworm diseases, as the beef tapeworm infection, teniasis, difillobotrioz, gimenolepidoz. At the child till years the daily dose is 0.5 grams, from 2 to 5 years – 1 gram, from 5 to 12 years old – 1.5 grams,
  2. «Piperazine.» With ascariasis and enterobiasis in young children from birth. One-time admission per day, children up to 1 year – 0.2 — 0.4 grams, 2 to 3 years – 0,3 – 0,6 g, 4 years and up to 5 appointed at worms — 1 — 1,5 g. Children from 6 years — 0.75 g,
  3. "Pyrvinium". Age – from 3 months. A single daily reception when enterobioze children 15 mg per kg of body weight, suspension is assigned from 1 to 2 years: 5ml, 3 to 4 years – 7.5 ml, 5-6 years – 10 ml.

All drugs are reserved exclusively for children's doctor and after examination and diagnosis for parasites. Self-selection treatment does not get rid of worms and will only provoke the deterioration of the health of the baby.

Pills for worms for children 1 year and up to 2 years

It is necessary to give with caution any medicines to children under 2 years. Carefully study the instructions and contraindications.

Only after determining the type and class of helminths specialist prescribes a cure for parasites for childrenyears:

  1. "Nemocid". Prescribed for the treatment of helminths in young children from 6 months. Indications: ascariasis, enterobiasis, necatoroz, hookworm, trichocephalus. Daily reception from 6 months to 2 years 125 mg, for children from 2 years to 6 years — 250 mg, age 6 — 12 years – 500 mg. laxatives not required,
  2. "Helmintox". At worms it is recommended to receive children from 6 months. Highly effective in ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoroz, trihozefaleze. Dosage: from 6 months to 2 years – 125 mg, 2-6 years – 250 mg children over 6 years – 500 mg. Laxative is not appointed.

To complete the treatment in most cases is recommended enemas and medicines to restore intestinal flora, vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of worms in children from 2 years:

  1. «Vermoxum.» From 2 to 10 are administered a single dose by 25-50 mg at mixed helminthiasis,
  2. "Mebendazole". In diseases caused by mixed helminthiasis, it is recommended the drug of wide action. Assign the child 2 years and up to 10 years at a dosage of 25-50 mg once,
  3. "Vermin". Helps to treat worms in a child 2 years of life. When mixed worm infestations, multiple nematodes. The daily dose is from 25 to 50 mg once.

The doctor may prescribe and suspensions, if the kid doesn't want to take pills. In this case, the dosage would be changed. May prescription ointments. Basically, it is a zinc paste for local external use.

Preparations from worms for children aged 3 to 6 years

In older age to choose effective methods and ways how to get worms out of a child's body, much easier.

You can give not only drugs, but herbs of parasites for kids:

  1. «Pyrantelum.» Treatment in children is from 3 years from diseases like ascariasis, hookworm, enterobiasis and necatoroz. Daily dose from 3 to 6 years – 1 tablet, 6-12 years – 2 tablets,
  2. "Biltricid". For the treatment of worms in a child of 4 years. Diseases: shistosomes, fascioliasis, paragonimoz, trematodes, opisthorchiasis, cestodosis, cysticercosis. The minimum daily dose of 20 mg per kg of body weight 2 times,
  3. "Pumpkin seeds." An effective herbal preparation. In diseases associated with worms in children 3 to 4 years, recommended a decoction of 75 g, from 5 years to 100 g,
  4. "Difisil". At worms in a child 2 years and up to 5 daily dose is up to 3 g of the drug, after 6 years and 3.5 – 4 g.

While getting rid of worms recommended diet, intake of fruits and vegetables, natural fresh juices of garlic, onions.

After most medications it is advisable to hold enema or take a laxative.

Be sure to maintaining cleanliness and personal hygiene, taking vitamins, and reducing the immune system of drugs.