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Roundworm — roundworm What is, symptoms and treatments

Everyone at least once in his life faced with parasites or worms. Along with many bacteria, viruses and germs, spores and fungi they live in any corner of the environment as an integral part of the ecosystem.

Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

Roundworm is also a multicellular organism, which perfectly adapts to any conditions of survival: salt or fresh water, soil or sand. To continue the life cycle approach the animal, the vegetable world. But the Ascaris of the human needs people who are its initial and final hosts.

Life cycle and development of the roundworm

Before we consider the life cycle of this parasite, we define: Ascaris – what is it. Starting from the stage of conventional microorganism prior to becoming adult, which is located in the human body, this representative of roundworms may be up to 12 years. The eggs are in the feces, enter the soil. Small larvae, which are formed within one month, affect plants and water.

Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya
During the process the embryo passes through several stages: morula, gastrula, tadpole, larva

The next stage of development you can call the contact directly round worm in the human body. From the oral cavity or the circulatory system, if the penetration has occurred through the skin, enters the stomach and intestines. Destroying its walls, the parasite through the blood to penetrate into the bronchi, and from there go into your mouth. And only after repeated purposeful movements in the gastrointestinal tract, roundworm transferred to the process of growth, reproduction, and stage of migration.
Getting used to the microflora of the people and their adult representatives moving within various organs and systems. First sent to the liver and the pancreas, and followed by the respiratory system: lungs and bronchi. Reach the right ventricle of the heart and even the brain. And all this time they naturally spread toxic substances as a result of their life. That's what a human parasitic roundworm.

Infection with Ascaris

Under favorable conditions, which include a temperature of about 25 °C, large humidity, roundworm can survive in the larval stage is long enough, about 10 years. They are absolutely safe for the outside world. Only in humans they trigger complex processes and related diseases. And how did they get into the human body.

Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

There are several common ways:

  • polluted water body. Insensitive to liquid habitat the worms enter the human body from water flow through the ears, mouth, skin. This includes contamination by untreated tap water,
  • damp soil, sand. This applies to children playing in the summer and warm in the sand, fans of countryside and country towns and rural areas. Through the skin and wounds from the soil can be transferred to the microorganisms and not only,
  • dirty raw food. Vegetables and fruits, fish and milk. Don't forget that livestock often graze near rivers, lakes and streams,
  • the traditional handshake. Contact of an infected person and a healthy leads to migration of Ascaris. Through subjects of personal hygiene, shared use, clothes.

Even a basic failure to follow normal hygiene procedures, as time washed hands, only to provoke the appearance of worms. Should not be excluded from public places, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, cafes and street toilets. Try to have in her purse antibacterial pills or look for the dressing room.

The symptoms of roundworm in the body

After penetration of the parasites into the body and to the first characteristic signs may take at least a month. In rare cases, when the rate of development of Ascaris raised about their existence can be found out through 14 days of infection. But it is often overlooked as underlying their symptoms are not too obvious:

  • dry, suffocating cough,
  • temperature of 37.5 °C,
  • rashes on the skin,
  • a feeling of weakness and fatigue,
  • vomiting, nausea,
  • pain in region of navel and belly,
  • visible swollen lymphnodes',
  • violation of the chair, which is characterized by alternating constipation and diarrhea,
  • bad interrupted sleep.
Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

These signs indicate the first stage, the phase of the life cycle of ascarids, their migration through the body. Often confuse the symptoms of food poisoning and infectious diseases, and therefore, rarely go to the doctor for examination. But few people realize that this stage is preceded by a much more severe intestinal. She comes 2 weeks after the first signs.

Ascariasis in children and adults

Should be about 1.5 – 2 months from the moment of penetration of worms in the body, came to intestinal stage or disease ascariasis. At this stage, and start mainly to diagnose and treat parasites. The symptoms are already causing great concern among patients and physicians:

  • spontaneous pain flare in the abdomen,
  • white or yellowish tinge to the skin,
  • vomiting, nausea,
  • increased secretion of saliva,
  • diarrhoea changes constipation,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • sudden weight loss.
Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

But this is only the beginning of complications. For obvious visible signs it is difficult to estimate toxic poisoning that has already spread throughout the body, and the degree of damage important systems. Already pronounced ascariasis, which is caused by parasites at this stage leads to very dangerous diseases:

  • appendicitis. Severe inflammation of the Appendix, the Appendix,
  • pancreatitis. Destruction of the pancreas its enzymes,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • cholecystitis. Violation of the biliary system,
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, purulent pleurisy,inflammatory processes in the urogenital system,
  • sepsis. Toxic effects on the body causes the immune system is weakened enough. This provokes the activation of bacteria, microbes, E. coli and other pathogens,
  • purulent inflammatory processes in the liver,
  • avitaminosis. Most parasites disrupt the metabolism, causing the lack of useful vitamins and elements,
  • cardiovascular problems,
  • disruption of the Central nervous system.
Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

And it's all to provoke a small roundworm and the results of their activity. Late detection and diagnosis of worm infestation leading to sometimes serious consequences. Therefore, when the first symptoms of mild poisoning or inflammatory process should be addressed to the doctor.

Tests for roundworm

For a thorough and precise examination roundworms and their larvae will take several weeks. Because the worms are constantly migrating, it is very complicates their diagnosis and subsequent treatment. There are basic methods for the determination of Ascaris in the body:

  • traditional stool tests for possible manifestations of eggs,
  • General analysis of blood. Ascariasis is often reduced hemoglobin and increased performance of erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
  • ultrasound examination. Helps to visualize parasites,
  • radiography. The study of lesions and the presence of airway foreign microorganisms,
  • examination of sputum valid at the initial stage of larval migration,
  • hardware vegetative resonance study. Involves the use of computer diagnostics, determines not only the appearance, but also the quantity, stage of development of the worms,
  • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibody. They are formed in response to exposure to the toxins caused by parasites.
Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

And only after a positive result of the selected studies specialist assigns the individual medication. It depends on the stage of development of the individuals, duration of disease, degree of involvement of organs and systems.

Treatment ascariasis

Because there are several stages of the disease, choose medicines should comply with the form flow. For early and late detection of Ascaris assign different antiparasitic drugs:

  • «Thiabendazole.» Not for children under 2 years of age. Daily dose is 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. Take 2 times a day. Course – 7 days,
  • «Vermoxum.» In complicated form of ascariasis. Daily intake – 2 times 100 mg for adults, children up to 2 years and is prohibited.
  • "Dekaris". Used for intestinal, advanced forms. Consider taking 2.5 mg per kilogram of child weight and adult disposable in the amount of the drug is 150 mg,
  • «Pyrantelum.» Assigned in the amount of 10 mg per kilogram of weight. A single dose of. Adults and children after 6 months.

After receiving de-worming drugs are usually prescribed subsequent reparative therapy. It can be sorbents and multivitamin complexes:

  • "POLYSORB". Eliminates the effects of long-term intoxication caused by various reasons, reduces the effectsallergies.
  • "Neuromultivit". The complex of vitamins of group B. it is Used to restore the body after infections and diseases, has a positive effect on the Central nervous system. Daily dose – 1 tablet 3 times. The duration is 4 days.
Askaridy — CHto takoe askaridy, simptomy i metody lecheniya

If the ascariasis caused complications or acute symptoms of any disease, the drugs are selected individually for each patient. The doctor takes into account allergic reactions, the degree of organ failure, the possible consequences. Self-treatment or replacement of medications is unacceptable. Need strict adherence to the recommendations and prescriptions of the specialist.

How to get rid of folk remedies from Ascaris

Additional problems with the worms won't hurt. But do not expect too intense and effective impact of medicinal plants, roots and decoctions. They can significantly speed up the treatment, but not replace it.

A decoction from ascarids. All components used in equal proportions. Herbs are readily available in the pharmacy or from honest sellers. Composition: tansy, and sea wormwood, camomile. Pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Reception to start the next morning – 200 mg 2 times per day. The length of treatment is 3-4 days.
Pomegranate recipe. ½ Of the fruit infuse in 1 Cup of boiling water. After 2 hours you can take. Daily doses of 3-4 teaspoons in the morning, afternoon and evening. Administration period is 4 days.

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Ginger. Dry root or purchased in powder form, take 3 times a day, ¼ of a teaspoon. Be sure to drink water. Before meals. Preferably 30 minutes.
Melon. Fresh fruit can be taken without restrictions. Unless, of course, no allergies. The pulp, juice – no difference. It is equally is an anthelminthic.