Rotavirus intestinal infection incubation period

Rotavirus infection (rotavirus, rotavirus) is an intestinal infection caused by a virus Rotavirus, hence the name "rotavirus". The disease can carry both adults and children (from age 6 months early – a rarity). And, as a rule, the disease in children carried much heavier. Moreover, due to complications of the disease, the mortality rate among children worldwide younger age is quite high.

Rotovirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya inkubacionnyj period

In people, the disease is called intestinal rotavirus (gastro) influenza, however, nothing in this infection with flu does not (except for some symptoms). But if the answer is not get to find by studying "rotavirus infection", you can try finding "an intestinal/stomach flu" (because not everyone knows that it's wrong).

The incubation period of rotavirus lasts from 12 hours to 7 days, after the infection is 7 days. You can become infected even before the symptoms of the patient in 1-2 days, and after almost 2 weeks.

Get infected at any time, but the peak incidence occurs in spring and autumn. And it is not difficult to guess why – 2 of the dirtiest time of year, and that during these periods, the organism is particularly susceptible to various diseases due to reduced immunity (specialists call them infectious periods).

How is rotavirus

Like most intestinal infections rotaviral infection is caused by bacteria. Moreover, the transmission of the virus occurs through dirty hands and airborne droplets, one only has to spend some time around sick. As soon as the man's mouth gets a virus, almost instantly, the infection penetrates into the intestine, the person becomes its carrier. Once the infection got inside, she immediately starts to spread to others (especially fast the infection multiplies in children of preschool age).

What is the danger of the incubation period of rotavirus

For a start it is worth noting that the incubation period is the beginning of a serious illness. It was at this period the infection is actively released into the environment, which contributes to greater likelihood of infection of others, in this lies the main danger for the people around.

Rotovirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya inkubacionnyj period

We can conclude that a healthy baby may be the cause of the spread of the virus Rotavirus in a child's group of kindergarten or in grade school.

During what time can you catch an intestinal infection from the carrier

Not all known information about the infection period from the rotavirus. If a person lives in one house, it doesn't matter. And when the family consists of 2 or more people, especially if there are children, it is important to be aware of such issues. Depends on the probability of infection of other family members.

Rotavirus infection is very contagious disease especially to children (the younger the child, the more likely to get infected).

The person remains contagious during the entire period of illness, and almost 2 weeks after recovery (but the activity spread of infectious cells is much lower than for 1-2 days before). When a person is already a distributor of infection, and symptoms and signs have not been observed, it is called a healthy carrier.

Viral cells can safely survive outside the human body, for example in water it is able to maintain the livelihoods of nearly 60 days in the fresh fruits and vegetables up to one month, and on other subjects quite live up to 45 days. Dirty hands are usually the infected cells up to 4 hours, so you need to wash them as often as possible (especially after contact with the patient, as is well known, active virus period a person may be quite noticeable).

Rotovirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya inkubacionnyj period

Symptoms are very sharp, starting, typically, with the increase in body temperature to 38-39 °C, drowsiness, and chills. When the body is in a relaxed, stationary (e.g. at night) you may experience a strong cramping abdominal pain, most severe pain seen in children. Nausea and profuse watery diarrhea can haunt a person for several days, as the turn and at the same time. Fever is often the cause of lack of appetite, also frequent urge to the toilet (for whatever reason) much exhaustthe person that has a desire solely to sleep.

Before the main stage of the disease in rare cases can be observed runny nose and sore throat, promoting the formation of the sore and coughing (these symptoms prompted the society to call infection intestinal flu).

To make sure that it is rotavirus infection is possible if the clinic special analysis. But before you run to the lab, we should call to the house pediatrician, who, thanks to experience and knowledge will be able to make a diagnosis based on the complaints of the child and of the existing symptoms. Any doctor is capable of doing because of frequent, almost 100% incidence of rotavirus infection in children. 99 children out of 100 suffer this disease.

Re-infection is extremely rare, but possible another type. Quite a lot of them, and after the disease produced immunity for one type of rotavirus infection, which ill child.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in the early stages

Specific drugs for the treatment of rotavirus has been invented, for this reason, all efforts should be directed at treatment of individual symptoms (to avoid complications), and facilitating the General condition of the patient.

The main rule – is a constant replenishment of body fluids and maintaining electrolyte balance. Otherwise, it may be dehydration that is a huge risk, and the basis for complications. A lot of fluid is lost due to high temperatures, frequent watery diarrhoea and vomiting.

To fill fluid you can give plain water. Initially allowed to give water in large quantities, which most likely will cause a new urge to vomit. But, it is important to note that vomiting and diarrhea is a protective reaction of the organism to penetrated by the infection, they help me to get rid of the infection.

Periodically to still not only provoke vomiting, but also to replenish fluids should be given water in small amounts, but often (no more than 1 hour between meals). In addition to plain water, you can give the means of oral rehydration therapy (drugs that restore the water-salt balance).

Rotovirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya inkubacionnyj period

The temperature below 38 °C is also not recommended cells Rotavirus kills it in this temperature of the body. Antipyretics can be given if the temperature is above 38,7 °C, when the child begins to feel overly sluggish. Many children quietly tolerate high temperature if the numbers on the thermometer do not cause concern to the child and parents the temperature, you can leave (as long as it did not rise above 39 °C). How much and how to cure temperature in order not to confuse her more than necessary can be read in the instructions.

From the diet immediately after the appearance of the first signs of intestinal infection we need to exclude all severe and dairy products. Mild disease may have ended without the use of drugs, quite right to come to power at the time of morbidity (this does not apply to children up to 2 years).

Easy diet is the Foundation of treatment for any infection of the intestine and stomach. Depends on how hard it would be to pass the disease. Because of the viruses in the stomach produces a temporary inability to digest heavy food (especially those that contain lactose). Besides from the food eaten will depend on all the trips to the bathroom after eating.

Infants on artificial feeding, you need to give lactose-free (low-lactose or soy) blend. Infants on breastfeeding do not need to stop breastfeeding, enough to reduce the number of feedings of milk and alternate with the same lactose-free mixture. A full recovery of stomach to digest lactose will happen after 2 weeks, then you can return to normal food.

But first and foremost the patient and the people around him need to take care that he drank as much water as possible. And then to think about food (chicken broth, porridge on water, boiled vegetables).

The number of "sick" days depends on many factors: age, condition of health at the time of infection, chronic disease (worsening due to effects on the body infection). Especially hard to transmit the virus to children under one year and elderly people (especially if there are chronic diseases of the heart or stomach).

Babies under one year are particularly vulnerable to such infections. Upon detection of the first symptoms in children under one year should immediately go to the doctor, they most quickly comes dehydration to critical levels. Usually, the first time carry this disease at this age, then create immunity. If the infection happens for the second time, it is likely that in kindergarten, and then the disease is transferred much easier.

Before the stomach to fully recover may take 2 weeks, and possibly months, it all depends on the severity of the infection and the human body. While the stomach throws all his strength into your recovery, you must stick to a sparing diet, and stay away from dairy, fried, spicy and fatty foods.

How to protect yourself and others when ill rotavirus someone from the family

It turned out that the virus Rotavirus is very easy to pick up, and hurt them not just uncomfortable, but sometimes dangerous. However, to avoid the disease is quite difficult,especially if one of the family members still contracted (given that you can catch it, as it became clear that the man is sick). Protect from infection the rest is difficult, but possible:

  • To completely isolate the sick from the healthy family members,
  • To do in house global General wet cleaning. Processing need not just water, and medical alcohol. Decontamination should be exposed to all subjects, which could relate to the patient and, without fail, the door handles.

Rotavirus disease and its prevention

So how do you protect yourself from the virus or at least push it from child to chickenpox later (the disease is easier, starting from the 5th year of life):

  • You first need to wash your hands every time after the street, contact with animals and other people,
  • Food (especially fruits and vegetables) to handle boiling water,
  • To provide the child with proper regular meals.

Rotavirus infection is the most insidious, unpleasant and dangerous intestinal infection, so it is important to take care of yourself and loved ones, to observe basic rules of hygiene and to keep the infectious person was not next to (or as far as possible).