Stomach flu symptoms and treatment

Infectious disease, which is accompanied by acute inflammatory processes in the stomach and small intestine is called the stomach flu.

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This disease is provoked by viruses. These include: rotavirus, enterovirus, norovirus.

If you consider the stomach flu symptoms and treatment, we can conclude that not depending on which of these microorganisms was the causative agent of the disease, mainly symptoms appear the same.

The factors causing the infection

Viruses that provoke inflammation in the stomach can get in several ways:

  1. The viruses that trigger stomach flu thrive in meat and dairy products, as well as in water. Here they not only live, but multiply. Among the above, the greatest danger to man is water. As it is because it can happen a mass poisoning.
  2. These microorganisms person found daily, although it does not even know. This ignorance is due to the immune system, the cells of which instantly eliminate almost all foreign that enters the body. But if the immune system is weakened, for any virus to get into the internal environment of a person will not be a huge problem. For this reason, people with a weakened immune system, suffer from stomach flu far more often than is healthy.
  3. This disease can happen due to the ingestion of the virus by contact-household. This occurs during eating, when using the joint hygiene. Most often, the infection occurs through products,

Symptoms and treatment of gastro-intestinal flu

When did the contamination in the human body possible stomach flu, symptoms can be observed after a few hours. In rare cases, they appear after a couple of days. In this case there is the presence:

  • headache,
  • absence of appetite,
  • ailments throughout the body,
  • elevated temperature,
  • pain in the abdomen,
  • vomitings,
  • multiple diarrhea.
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In this disease also may present all the symptoms pointing to flu-like condition:

  • stuffy nose,
  • redness of the throat,
  • in a voice hoarse occurs,
  • dry cough,
  • dyspnea,
  • pain in the chest.

When a long time, there are diarrhea and vomiting, you should pay special attention, as it can threaten to organism dehydration. To avoid this symptom, you need to drink plenty of purified water or black tea. In this situation, it is best to refrain from milk and dairy products. Also it is not desirable presence in the daily diet of sweet juices.

Fever and frequent vomiting, even on an empty stomach, are also characteristic symptom of the stomach flu.

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For children this disease is much heavier than adults, and therefore can be dangerous for small patient. At this time, for the child is characterized by such symptoms of stomach flu: lethargy, in some cases, excessive activity, excessive moodiness, categorical unwillingness to eat, there is frequent spitting up, poor sleep.

If a person has discovered the stomach flu, the flow is divided into three stages:

  1. The incubation period when the disease is hidden. The main symptom at this time can only be increased body temperature,
  2. In the acute stage, which lasts approximately one week. Here already there are all major symptoms of the disease,
  3. The last stage is the recovery.

The incubation period lasts about five days, but in a latent form some signs should alert: sour smell from the mouth, periodic rumbling in the abdomen, not severe pain in the abdomen, the release of large amounts of watery stool, stool is not too pleasant.

When occurring on the inner wall of the intestinal inflammation, the process of digestion is disturbed. In the result, the stools become mushy.

When dehydration occurs reinforced signs of toxicity: inflammation in the throat, and eye membranes appear redness, increasingly abdominal pain.

When the stomach flu comes into the acute phase, then at this time there are cold symptoms.

The last stage occurs in adults after about a week, but young children – in some cases much later.

To identify the stomach flu by using laboratory tests that are carried out,investigating the feces, urine and blood. Upon confirmation of disease immediately the question arises – how to treat the disease?

Unfortunately, medications to treat stomach flu, no. In this case, use of symptomatic therapy, which aims to the effects of virus does not affect human health.

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If you experience in the body of any infectious process accompanied by the presence of diarrhea and vomiting, it is first and foremost to ensure patient generous fluid intake. This will help to avoid dehydration. Contacting a specialist is necessary because hiding behind this disease, actually may be more of a serious communicable disease. For example, Salmonella and cholera, which should be treated under the special supervision of specialists in this field.

When, during the disease occurs in prolonged vomiting, you should definitely go to the doctor and he prescribed relevant pharmaceuticals. In any case it is impossible to do it yourself. Recommend: Prifinia bromide, Reglan.

Antipyretic drugs should be administered only after fever attended three day in a row. Basically, take: Paracetamol, Panadol and others.

Against persistent diarrhoea is recommended to take Enterofuril. It is not only safe, but also may be used to treat newborns.

Goiter is one of successive stages of gastric flu. To avoid this in the course of treatment specifically include prebiotics. Thanks to them, the beneficial bacteria in the upper intestine, distributed in greater numbers. The natural microflora is restored much faster. For this purpose appointed Duphalac.

Treatment at home

To treat stomach flu at home. In this case, take such actions:

  1. To restore the body's water balance, consume large amounts of boiled water, carbonated liquid at this time it is better not to drink,
  2. Coping with dehydration using different broths:
  • One of the most popular herbal teas is chamomile. To prepare it you need one liter of boiling water add the tea bag of the flower, a couple of tablespoons of raisins or dried apricots and a teaspoon of kitchen salt. Keep it for half an hour, then infusion of strain and drink 0, 5 cups in an hour,
  • From intoxication, make an infusion of marshmallow root. Per liter of water should submit two teaspoons of crushed root of the plant. Leave for 30 minutes. Make over the day in small doses,
  • At the slightest symptoms of stomach flu helps is ginger tea. For its preparation you need a tablespoon of chopped root pour 500 ml boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Eat approximately 5-6 times a day for 0.5 cups,
  • To eliminate intoxication use of a decoction of dill. Teaspoon of this plant pour a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Take a table spoon every 30 minutes,
  • The viruses that cause stomach flu use this drink. In the glass of hot boiled water adds a half tablespoon of natural honey and fresh juice of half a lemon. Take 250 milliliters to 4 times a day.
  • Health broth made from rose hips, Linden flower and chamomile. All necessary ingredients are taken in equal quantity. From the resulting medicinal composition have to measure out a tablespoon and brew in half a liter of boiling water. After that infuse it for 30 minutes and drink half a glass a day. Optionally, you can submit a teaspoon of natural honey.
  • To strengthen the immune system well with a decoction made from the leaves of raspberry, currant and cranberry, which dumaetsya a small amount of honey.
  • To resolve diarrhea, use a strong decoction of rice. To prepare it you need half Cup of rice, pour a liter of boiling water and simmered to withstand for five minutes. Then the contents of the pan to drain. The resulting liquid take 50 ml every 30 minutes.

Not depending on which method will be the treatment of stomach flu, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Prevention to avoid infection

To prevent stomach flu, you must follow some preventive measures:

  • carefully observe personal hygiene,
  • to take different actions to strengthen the immune system,
  • before eating food, they should know how to handle,
  • use only boiled water or the one that passed the filtering process,
  • conduct regular wet cleaning, and when the house is sick, and disinfectant.