Intestinal flu symptoms and treatment in children

Stomach flu (gastric flu) – an infectious disease characterized by lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract with rotavirus. Infection is via common goods, personal hygiene products, as a result of direct contact with the patient (airborne droplets, contact with vomit and feces). The peak of maximum activity of the virus is necessary for autumn and winter.

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The infection leads to dehydration, as a result of frequent retching and diarrhea. The child's condition deteriorates: there is a loss of the Central nervous system, muscles reduces the spasms, in particular cases, ascertained cardiac arrest.

Clinical picture. Common symptoms

Once in the duodenum, rotavirus penetrates the intestinal mucosa, where it begins to proliferate actively. The incubation period of the disease to kolebletsja from several hours to 5-7 days. The child feels a surge of strength, symptoms were completely absent, however, infected automatically converted into the potential distribution of intestinal flu.

The disease is characterized by unreasonable aggravation. Stomach flu in children has its own symptoms:

  • body temperature increases to 38-400C,
  • the tonsils are covered with a purplish-white bloom,
  • the child feels nasal congestion, experiencing discomfort while swallowing food,
  • frequent retching,
  • loose stools with a pungent odor (up to 12-15 times per day),
  • deterioration of health,
  • a complete refusal of food.

Signs of intestinal flu is characterized by General intoxication and dehydration: the child becomes lethargic, starts to act up (crying without tears), the number of acts of defecation is reduced to a minimum. Only a timely appeal to the specialist will help to avoid irreversible processes in the organism of the child. Experts strongly recommend to abandon self-healing, highly qualified specialists will reduce the risk to a minimum, rather than to treat the child grandmother's funds.


In the course of the disease, experts identify three stages of rotavirus infection:

  • Mild form. Child complains of recurrent pain in the abdomen. At night there is a jump in small temperature. Defecation happens 4-5 times a day, mushy stool without visible anomalies. Sometimes the symptoms of intestinal flu in children are in a state of suspended animation, suddenly manifesting itself in the later stages.

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  • The average degree of gravity. The health of the child is deteriorating rapidly: the body temperature is kept at around 37-380C, there is nasal congestion, redness of the throat, General weakness. Patient complains of recurrent pain in the abdomen, acute resavore character. The number of acts of defecation is increased to 8-10 times a day, the stool has a characteristic yellow color. Often watery stools accompanied by frequent retching.
  • A severe form of infection. The pediatrician says extreme form of intoxication. There is a lethargy, the child refuses food and drink. Tension muscle accompanied by severe pain, the baby starts throwing tantrums is not able to withstand the cramps. Body temperature remained stable at around 39-410S. The number of acts of defecation increases to 15-20 a day, retching regular. The stool becomes watery foam-like substance. On the background of dehydration observed sagging skin, the number of acts of urination is reduced to a minimum (urine a dark brown color with a pungent odor).

Method of treatment

First aid

Passivity, irritability, refusal of food, nausea and vomiting typical signs indicate the development in the body of a baby rotavirus. Experts recommend to immediately seek professional help before arrival of doctors is strictly forbidden "stuff" of the child drugs.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, the parents are obliged to render first aid:

  1. Baby provide a warm, vitaminized drink (juice, tea, juice). Lightly sweetened drink will help to restore the water-salt balance in the body of the patient. The drink is given without restrictions.
  2. Never leave a child alone – chances are that the kid can choke on their own vomit, especially in grudnichkovye age.
  3. During sleep the baby's head should be turned sideways and lying on hills (hard pillow, cushion). In order to avoid accidents,it is recommended to take 0.1-0.15 m above the headboard.
  4. If the body temperature reaches 380C, it is recommended to give the child antipyretics. The integrated use of antibiotics is prohibited.
  5. Breast-feeding must be done exclusively with natural products. Food is carefully boiled or steamed (liquid soups, porridges, pureed vegetable soup). Fatty, fried is prohibited.
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Treat stomach flu (especially in children) in the home, to turn to "healers" and shamans are forbidden. When the first signs of flu, you should immediately seek assistance from a specialist – sometimes, a harmless infection "hiding" a serious disease that can lead to death. Treatment of intestinal flu is in the hospital.

Hospital treatment

In many years of practice, experts have developed a treatment algorithm for stomach flu.

  1. Isolation from healthy people. When the diagnosis in a child intestinal flu, the patient is placed in the infectious Department in order to prevent the spread of infection. In fact, the baby is in the ambulance box, without the possibility of contact with loved ones.
  2. Rehydration therapy. The appointment of isotonic fluids and complex products, specialists in a short time manages to restore the intestinal microflora. The fluid lost as a result of abundant of vomit and diarrhea recovers within a few days.
  3. Strict diet. During the treatment the patient is strictly prohibited fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods. The main diet should consist of liquid soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, fresh fruit, compotes and juice. Food should be warm, pre-grated on a fine grater (in order to facilitate the work of the digestive system). In particular cases, experts practice a short-term refusal of food, in order to fully restore the rhythm of the bowel.
  4. The purpose of probiotics. As auxiliary treatment, experts prescribe probiotics in conjunction with activated charcoal. Drugs prevent bloating, positively influencing the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

In particular cases, the patient has constant nausea with occasional retching, in order to prevent the "aftertaste" of the disease the doctor appoints drugs with antiemetic effect.

Professional advice

At the request of parents, may be vaccinated the child against rotavirus infection. In a kid's body (orally) administered attenuated rotavirus. Vaccination is performed in two stages:

  1. At the age of 10-14 weeks along with the food the child is administered the vaccine.
  2. At the age of 16-24 weeks re-vaccination, in the same way.

In children the stomach flu occurs epidemiolo, to prevent potential infection is possible by the following methods:

  1. For drinking you need to apply boiled, pre-filtered, water.
  2. After visiting crowded places, the hands thoroughly washed with soap and water or wiped with disinfectant wipes.
  3. While swimming in open water and pools, it is forbidden to swallow the water.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children continues until the complete disappearance of the primary symptoms.