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Giardiasis symptoms — Methods of treatment of giardiasis drugs

Giardiasis (giardiasis) – this human infection has become increasingly common. The pathogen Giardia(Giardia) is a single-celled microparasites, who managed to occupy adults and children around the world.

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If the level of resistance of adults to the manifestations of such infection, and their bessimptomnom, most scientists are convinced that the number of labionasal in the human population far outstrips official statistics.

Giardia prefer the reproduction in the small intestine.

The infection is, the image currents can be mild and severe, acute and chronic, possible subclinical and asymptomatic forms that define treatment. Often a carrier of the pathogen do not become ill, but has the potential to spread the infection, representing a transport container for the parasites, the disease is spreading.

The causative agent of giardiasis

The causative agent of giardiasis, survives in two ways — in the way trophozoite and cysts.

The first can multiply rapidly, triggering an alert for the symptoms of giardiasis.

Second — these are egg-shaped curves in which immature Giardia find peace and protection under aggressive pressure.

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Giardia exists in two forms – stationary (cysts) and movable (under favourable conditions)

Infection with Giardia is fecal-oral. Cysts in the feces of humans and animals are carried out. Showing the amazing vitality, the cysts in the reservoirs is stored for several months, endure and freezing, and heating to 50°C. But die in boiling water. Therefore, infection can be obtained using tap water, my fruits and vegetables raw water.

In summer, frequent infection in infected waters. Contact-household path are infected infrequently, but it is better to maintain hygiene, to avoid any risk. It will affect the treatment of the infected family member.


Clinical symptoms among patients infected with Giardia, stands a complex poliformplast that affected numerous classifications.

Subject classification, with multiple levels of classification of Russian and foreign authors, taking into account the need for effective systems, the most practical would this kind of classification.

Gamblingsites — the actual disease, but there are migration, selection, and infestation of Giardia.
Giardiasis as a disease associated with the weakening of immunity, with the accession of various infections.
Subclinical giardiasis — besimjannij.

Actually, giardiasis, symptomatic (clinical) — with a explicit clinic pathology. Which, in turn, is divided into its symptomatic varieties.

Clinical giardiasis

Infected patients can recognize the symptoms of giardiasis in violation of the digestive tract.

The signs vary depending on various conditions. For example, the number of pathogens, duration of infection, age of the patient. You can't talk about definite symptoms. We can talk about suspected giardiasis, if you see the nonspecific (occurring with other abnormalities) symptoms.

Symptomatic giardiasis occurs in 12-42% of all infected with Giardia, subclinical — 48%, asymptomatic — 26-29%.

Scientific research

Pilot study of volunteers showed that the same dose of infestations of Giardia cysts develops clinical manifestations in 60% of subjects. Diarrhea, abdominal syndrome, bloating, fever and other symptoms was evident at 3-10 day from the inoculation of cysts, while they were cyclical, disappearing through the same periods in different subjects.

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The number of cysts in the feces of infected people, too, were not permanent. The symptoms of giardiasis can get ahead of the cysts for a few weeks.Disease symptomatic giardiasis could suddenly disappear after a month and a half, and could exist in a sleepy form many years. Then the allocation of cysts were observed with lengths of 10 — 20 days.

The body is not able to immediately report the infestation. The duration of the incubation period of giardiasis is equal to several weeks. A typical signal of giardiasis are often manifestations of gastrointestinal syndrome. Localization of pathogens in the small intestine causes the breakdown of the main functions of the digestive tract.

Intestinal giardiasis

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The Central manifestations of the intestinal form of giardiasis are:

  • vague pain in the right epigastric region,
  • painful sensation in the umbilical region,
  • incoherent with food,
  • painful nausea and vomiting,
  • flatulence, poor appetite,
  • fever with slight fever, belching,
  • steatorrhea (fatty stool, usually with enteritis),
  • heartburn,
  • krasnohorodka or morbilliform rash,
  • anorexia, diarrhea (sometimes foamy).

Hepatobiliary form

Traditionally it manifests as cholecystitis. Often joined by gastritis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis. Giardiasis this type of the main signs of infection are: pain in the right hypochondrium, feeling of bitterness in the mouth, pain when polerowanie area of the gallbladder, a small, jaundice and itching.

Liver giardiasis is the most dangerous type of lesions Giardia of the human body. Gall bladder pathogens reach infrequently, but the destruction of this tissue leads to very serious results. Parasites triggers the liver abscess, and may cause cirrhosis.

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Symptoms when toxic-allergic giardiasis

Toxic-allergic type of the disease characterized by increased frequency of allergies (urticaria, angioedema).

Doctors distinguish the severity of the prolonged allergies with this type of pathology. It is poorly amenable to medical influence. Often accompanied by the development of atopic dermatitis with continuous-recurrent course. Can be affected joints.

The asthenoneurotic symptoms of giardiasis

With this type of symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract are absent or insignificant.

Therefore, the most important are: headache, nervous disorders, nervousness, weakness. Insomnia, manifestations of neurocirculatory dystonia also indicate that asthenoneurotic giardiasis.

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Acute symptomatic giardiasis

This form is a complex of signs differs painful feeling around the navel, sore right upper quadrant, together with symptoms of dyspepsia – vomiting, belching, bloated stomach, loss of appetite, etc.

Painful sensations do not depend on the meal, constantly plagued with a nagging nature, reaching sometimes to acute attacks. Possible diarrhea with more frequent defecation up to five times a day.

Diarrhea often gives way to constipation. Liquid and foamy chair with time comes to fat and proforming. Duration of acute phase not more than a week, after which the patient recovers or receives a chronic or subacute form.

Chronic giardiasis

Advanced forms of giardiasis are usually Mature people and children of school age. Chronic giardiasis is characterized relapsing.

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Giardiasis have these symptoms:

  • malaise (lack of energy, headaches, pathological leanness, malnutrition, retardation of physical development in adolescents),
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (irregular stools, pain abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite),
  • cholecystitis and colitis,
  • coated tongue,
  • uneven skin color (for constipation),
  • "marble nose" (contrasting the paleness of the nose),
  • allergic symptoms of giardiasis (skin itching, urticaria),
  • the symptoms of asthma and arthritis.

Giardiasis in women

If a Mature man can be a carrier of Giardia, not feeling particularly any specific processes, Giardia in pregnant women can easily become the causative agent of a very dangerous disease, even if it does not affect in a visible manner on the physiological comfort. Therefore, it is necessary to understand giardiasis what signs say about this invasion in women which pathological changes it results in pregnancy.

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Vaginal microparasite usually come from unprotected sex. During pregnancy starts a global hormonal changes.

Its main feature is the weakening of the immune system. That, as already mentioned, helps the parasite to reproduce, grow, and dramatically exacerbate the hitherto sleepy giardiasis.

Therefore, all expectant mothers doctors strongly recommend to strictly comply with the rules of personal hygiene, not at the time carrying a babyfrom swimming in stagnant ponds and public pools that have the highest invasionist unicellular microparasites.

Symptoms of giardiasis in women

In order to have time to react and apply all the techniques of preserving their own health and the health of the baby, learn the features of the female genome.

In the early stages of infection, during the incubation period, and even the acute period of giardiasis in women infestation does not manifest any obvious signals. Traditionally, the first symptoms are manifested only when the number of the pathogen in the small intestine significantly increase (the density of the colony may reach one million parasites in one square centimeter of mucous membrane).

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A woman can complain:

  • diarrhea (loose stools without blood impurities),
  • on a small heat in the area of 37 degrees,
  • to skin symptoms (itchy rash, urticaria, atopic dermatitis),
  • General malaise (fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite),
  • itching of the vagina.

Neurological symptom

A chronic form of giardiasis in pregnant women is often accompanied with neurological symptoms (headache, mild dizziness, nausea and vomitus), as well as signs of intoxication.

Treatment of giardiasis can not be fast. The destruction of all Giardia, a number of several million in the average adult patient will require multiple courses of medical therapy. How to treat giardiasis in a particular patient is best determined by the specialist during the inspection.

Treatment is best done according to doctor's recommendations. At home in parallel with the medicines you are allowed to apply national treatment. Plus can not do without the restoration of the intestinal microflora and detoxification.