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Rotavirus intestinal infection symptoms and treatment in children

Infectious disease — rotavirus similar symptoms with intestinal syndrome. Diagnosed in people at any age, but most babies from 0.5 to 2 years. The rotavirus is transmitted from a sick person or a healthy virus carriers in contact with the gastrointestinal mucosa, multiplies rapidly in the cells, moves together with the feces.

Rotavirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya simptomy i lechenie u detej

The primary symptoms of the infection begin to manifest in the form of diarrhea, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, fever, dehydration. Infection poses a risk to toddlers due to unstable immunity, leads to cramps, severe dehydration, a fairly stable condition, severe deterioration of health.

How do you get rotavirus?

Rotavirus infection or stomach flu – “the disease of dirty hands”. The main ways of transmission:

  • contact-household through undercooked meat, unwashed fruits and vegetables, dirty hands and toys often like to pull in the mouth of toddlers,
  • fecal-oral while lack of personal hygiene, not washing hands after going to the toilet or visit the street.

As a rule, secondary symptoms and re-treatment of rotavirus infection in children are rare, since contamination is unlikely. The virus is the development of stable immune system. However, the primary infection is pronounced and dangerous for kids because of the resistance of the virus to the external environment. The death of the virus occurs only at t -38 gr. Flash is often in kindergartens, pre-schools due to the high contagiousness of rotavirus.

How the virus manifests itself?

As a rule, in the first days of the occurrence of rotavirus infection bright the symptoms are obvious. Infectious in the incubation period from 1 to 5 days in children

  • decreased appetite,
  • there is a weakness,
  • sharply deteriorating overall health,
  • there are bouts of diarrhea and abdominal cramps,
  • moves liquid with water diarrhea with the rotavirus with a sour smell.
Rotavirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya simptomy i lechenie u detej

Due to severe diarrhea occurs rapidly dehydration that threaten young patients. At critical dehydration symptoms rotovirusnaya infection in children there is:

  • confusion until the complete loss of,
  • convulsion,
  • redness of the eye, conjunctivitis,
  • hyperemia throat,
  • the weakening of the body.

Clinical symptoms of rotavirus infection in children pronounced during the first 7 days, then they gradually fade away, is formed to the virus resistant immune system and there comes a full recovery.

In adults the symptoms may be blurred and insignificant. A special threat for health is not responsible or infection, treatment is not required. However, adults can become virus carriers and dangerous to others.

Children are most vulnerable for disease. Rotavirus in children is characterised by an acute course in the beginning:

  • a sharp rise in temperature,
  • the appearance of diarrhea gray-yellow hue, runny nose,
  • redness of the throat,
  • pain when swallowing,
  • loss of appetite,
  • loss of strength,
  • moodiness toddlers especially in the morning,
  • nausea,
  • the discharge vomiting with mucus and undigested pieces of food or after ingestion of water more than 50 mm.
Rotavirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya simptomy i lechenie u detej

Signs of rotavirus infection in children can be different. Often similar to other infectious diseases: cholera, salmonellosis. On the background of liquid stool sharply increased temperature, pain in the abdomen on the type of colic. Condition requires urgent call a doctor or ambulance. In any case be self-medicate!

How to treat rotavirus, knows only doctor. The timely implementation of the therapeutic course usually does not cause complications in the future. But parents, it is important to know what are the symptoms and treatment of rotavirus infection in children how to provide first aid to prevent dehydration, which can lead to death. Children should be given a warm drink after every 1 hour, to control the temperature. Increase to 40 Gy can lead to seizures. Dehydration develops rapidly and leads to damage of the intestines, upper respiratory tract, lymphatic system, pharynx, imposes a load on the cardiovascular system.

Complications can be on the accession of intestinal virus. But the prognosis is favorable with timely treatment to the doctor, an emergency treatment. Otherwise, the symptoms of rotavirus infection in children on the background of fluid loss canto be in the form of seizures, heart failure, kidney failure, bowel perforation, toxic shock.

Diagnostic method

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests in a hospital environment, also counting the number of leukocytes and neutrophils in fecal bacterial analysis, the possible presence of Escherichia coli Salmonella, also antigens with resistance to rotavirus.

Rent blood from a vein in the presence of antibodies to rotavirus, coprogram also conducted to clarify the nature of the masses of feces, determine the virus RNA. The child often rotavirus infection is not detected in the blood and it is not examined by doctors because of the instability of the immune system and formation of antibodies to the virus only at a later age. The basic method of diagnosis is examination of stool for bacterial analysis, conducting coprogram. The chair of the progression of rotavirus infection leaves fluid, often with signs of hematuria.

Often done:

  • bacteriological examination for the presence of intestinal microorganisms,
  • serology for the detection of rotavirus antigen,
  • the study of faeces for Virology, chair in the development of rotavirus infection moves liquid with an unpleasant odor,
  • the study of biological material under the microscope for the detection of rotavirus antigen or the presence of viruses in the cell structures,
  • aspiration biopsy by taking tissue from the colon, if results questionable negative after the study for serology, Virology.
Rotavirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya simptomy i lechenie u detej

If rotavirus infection in children, as well as features are not found in the body, that is carried further differentiation of the disease due to the similarity of symptoms with dysentery, salmonellosis, infestations in the intestines. Symptoms in children are often similar and self-treatment can not be carried out in any case. Rotavirus intestinal infection can cause severe condition and death. If you suspect an urgent need to call an ambulance or a doctor.

The child has a special rotavirus infection that usually happens during peak periods of the epidemic: in the autumn and winter, sometimes the flash is in the summer. The infection is usually seen in children 1 — 2 years with acute febrile onset, onset of severe nausea and diarrhea of secretory type in combination with a syndrome of gastroenteritis, scatology.

Sometimes rotavirus infections in children has the signs of complications such as necrotizing enterocolitis, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, renal failure, geodinamicheskogo disorder.

How is it treated?

First and foremost, what to do to avoid dehydration during a severe vomiting and diarrhea, when the stools are loose with rotavirus infection moves constantly rehydration. It is important to regulate the water-electrolyte balance. To do this, children should be taken Regidron every 1 hour. For first aid from rotavirus infection can make a solution of baking soda (1ch.l.) and salt (sodium chloride 1H.l.), add sugar (2ch.l.), water babies every 2-3 hours to restore urine output to normal.

The child can occur with rotavirus infection as a complication of necrotizing enterocolitis, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, toxic syndrome of the kidney, renal failure, geodinamicheskogo disorder.

Antiviral drugs in the treatment do not apply as selectively to viruses do not affect. How to treat rotavirus infection in infants under 2 years old only knows the doctor, usually assigned only symptomatic treatment.

Treatment deals exclusively with the district the attending pediatrician. As a rule, children under 2 years are subject to hospitalization in infectious Department with their mothers.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in child medicines are not applied. Important to faster eliminate the symptoms of rotavirus. The main thing is to restore gastrointestinal tract, normalize the water-salt balance.

Viral infection treatment by prescription:

  • antiviral agents (interferon, citovir) to suppress the activity of the virus,
  • regidrona to eliminate painful symptoms,
  • enterosorbents for removing toxins from the body,
  • antiemetics (tserukal, motylium) for recovery of intestinal motility, eliminate gag reflex,
  • drugs from pancreatic (CREON, Mezim) to normalize the function of the pancreas,
  • antipyretics (ibuprofen, paracetamol, Panadol) with increasing temperature over 38,
  • antimicrobials (anterola, enterofuryl) to suppress pathogenic microflora in the intestines,
  • of bifidobacteria to restore the beneficial microflora in the gut, protect the mucosa from damage by virus,
  • protivoallergennye medications (side effects of the drug, Actovegin, claritin) for normalization of microflora in the intestines, suppression of allergic manifestations.

Parents, it is important to know when the question than to cure rotavirus infection, which in any case can not give kids to drink a solution of potassium permanganate because of the possible corrosion of the stomach and bring to irreversible consequences. Use to be only a rehydration solution that you can take the kids tothe arrival of the doctors. Also important is the exclusion from the diet of dairy products due to poor absorption of lactose by the body, if does the liquid stool in rotavirus infection. Babies also need to restrict breast-feeding-2 times per day. At other times, to use lactose-free or soy food mixtures.

In children, the symptoms are an exacerbation of rotavirus and there is a lack of appetite, therefore, should not be force-fed. In the first two days the children must act in the stomach only liquid food in the form of porridges on water, chicken bouillons, and homemade jelly. When pain in the stomach, you can give a pill shpy, orally administered. With increasing temperature more than 38 g it is recommended to use rectal candles Tsefekon. But it is advisable to apply only in the case of raising t over 39 GRS, since the death of the pathogen occurs when t 38gr. and the higher the temperature below 38 Gy.

For colic applicable enzyme medication (CREON, smectite) for the normalization of microbiocenosis of microflora in the intestines as an inflammatory process in the walls inevitably leads to dysbiosis.

Children assigned Baktisubtil capsules 2 times a day before meals by dissolving a probiotic in water.

When you attach to the virus secondary infection a physician will be assigned Enteral 1 tsp 2 times a day.

When the rotavirus in children up to years, typical drowsiness, so you have to let them sleep as much as you want. However, measurement of temperature and drink plenty of liquids should be permanent.

All medicines from rotavirus infection have to agree with the doctor. Accept the course of treatment must match the age, weight, body kids, various characteristics of the organism. Assigned intravenous intramuscular drugs.

The diet and all recommendations of a doctor is extremely necessary with the exception from the diet of spicy, sour, salty, fried meats. Only cooked meat, steaming soups and vegetables. To drink to give the child tea, mineral water “Borjomi”. Food better to give the kids small portions in order to quickly restore the body after the passage of rotavirus therapy. Additionally, the normalization of electrolyte balance, improve the body resistance and elimination of infection can be given to children on the second day of treatment dried blueberries, compote of berries for the relief of the chair. In order to brew and drink children oak bark, wormwood, chamomile. This condition like dehydration or dehydration in the body in infants develops very rapidly up to loss of consciousness and death.

Symptoms in toddlers dangerous if:

  • there is no section of the pot,
  • observed dryness of the tongue in the oral cavity and skin,
  • crying without tears discharge,
  • the rejection of the bottle with water.

If you notice such symptoms in infants you need to urgently call an ambulance, to carry out immediate intravenous rehydration. Most likely, the mother and her baby will be taken to the hospital.

What is prevention?

Rotavirus intestinal infection can lead to serious health problems. If the first symptoms, you should not put off going to the doctor. Prevention that rotavirus infection is recognized as an epidemic in the region is:

  • mandatory observance of measures of personal hygiene,
  • do not use common household supplies,
  • conducting oral vaccination, timely vaccination to suppress the virus and increase immunity. Vaccination is proven, is made for children aged 1.5-7.5 months.

Rotavirus infection usually does not cause relapses. Only when joining a bacterial infection period may exceed 7 days. It is important to understand that it was impossible to separate treatment of rotavirus infection in a child under one year, only under the supervision of experts. If there were pronounced symptoms, we urgently need to call an ambulance.