What can I eat during rotavirus infection

Infectious diseases can causes serious health problems. An example can be called an intestinal infection, which becomes the cause of severe diarrhoea. This infection most often develops in children, as their immune system is not fully formed yet. Adults can also get infected by this infection, but the disease will flow much easier. The acute phase can take 3 to 8 days. Ways of transmission are many: airborne droplets, through direct contact with a carrier contaminated items, food. Accurate diagnosis can only be experienced by the doctor after laboratory studies. Quite important issue is the fact that you can and need to eat during rotavirus infection. After all, certain conditions cause the propagation of the infection.

CHto mozhno est pri rotavirusnoj infekcii

What are the symptoms?

In order to be able to seek help from a qualified specialist should pay attention to the symptoms of infection in the body. Symptoms typically expressed as follows:

  1. Fever. Rotavirus infection causes, like other pathogens, a sharp increase in temperature. Such symptoms is an immune system reaction to contact and activation of the pathogen diseases.
  2. A distinctive feature of the infection of this type can be called the emergence of acute abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In the event of such symptoms, immediately contact doctor
  3. Weakness and malaise are also a symptom of infection.

In General we can say that the virus is dangerous for the patient because of dehydration. Violation of water-salt balance should be adjusted with the help of medications or diet. Consider what you can eat and what needs to be removed from the daily diet to accelerate the healing process.

Way of infection

The source of infection is always the virus. The infection initially affects the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, and then comes out along with feces. In this relatively long period the person by airborne droplets can transmit the virus to other healthy people who were near him.

CHto mozhno est pri rotavirusnoj infekcii

The special features of the transmission include the following points:

  1. For the first few days, the infection causes no symptoms – only sneezing. Moreover, we note that the sneezing pathogen is transmitted from carrier to healthy people.
  2. Only after a long enough period begins to manifest the main symptoms were high fever, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.
  3. In many cases, the pathogen is transmitted even in the absence of direct contact of a healthy person is infected with. Most often the causative agent remains in the subject, who had been contacted by infected.
  4. The path of the infection flows through thin and thick intestine. At the same time develop quite severe diarrhea, which becomes the cause of severe dehydration.

Rotavirus infection rarely becomes the cause of complications. However, severe dehydration may cause symptoms that bring the patient a lot of problems. The only way to solve the problem – the diet. You should pay attention to the fact that drugs that kill rotavirus infection no. In order to reduce the degree of manifestation of symptoms, should refrain from certain foods.

Diet as the main method of treatment

As previously noted, the diet during rotavirus infection is the only effective method of treatment. Its major aspects include the following features:

  1. Dairy foods are the environment in which it is best propagated virus.
  2. Because of a strong gag reflex, the patient quite often has no appetite. Doctors do not recommend to force the patient to eat food, but to reduce dehydration, you should drink homemade sour, chicken broth or unsweetened tea.
  3. If the patient has an appetite, you can eat rice without oil.

A lot of attention is paid not only to the type of food intake, but and graphics. Drinking and eating should be regular, but in small portions. Such right allows you to exclude the likelihood of the gag reflex.

However, you should pay attention to the fact that antibiotics in this case help is irrelevant. This is due to the localization of the virus.

What is allowed to usecase of infection?

You should pay attention to the fact that diet during rotavirus infection enables you to use the following foods:

  1. Wheat bread, mostly dried.
  2. Broth, lean cooked meat or fish.
  3. Vegetable soup also helps to restore the digestive system.
  4. Fish and lean meat can also be included in the diet.
  5. Poultry – meat diet, which is quite often included in the daily diet.
  6. Rice, buckwheat, semolina and other Kaza.

During rotavirus infection in adults symptoms expressed to a lesser extent. That is why in many cases the diet is not adhered to. However, in children the symptoms can be expressed much more brightly, which requires dieters.

What not to use?

It was noted earlier that some foods can lead to the replication of the virus in the body. This group can include:

  1. Bun.
  2. Fresh bread.
  3. The broth is prepared by using fatty meat.
  4. Fatty meat or fish.
  5. Sausage products, canned food, smoked fish.
  6. Pearl barley.
  7. The macaroni and cheese.
  8. Millet.
  9. Also alcohol should be excluded from the diet, as it significantly weakens the immune system. It is believed that alcohol could kill the infection. However, this pathogen is resistant to almost all antibiotics.
  10. Vegetables should be deleted radish, cabbage, onions, garlic and cucumbers.
  11. Sweets also contribute to the spread of the virus in the body.

CHto mozhno est pri rotavirusnoj infekcii

The above recommendations should be taken into account when considering what foods can aggravate the situation during infection of the body.

Features feeding children

Diet at the time and after rotavirus infection in adults can significantly reduce the manifestation of symptoms. In children the symptoms may be bright enough to cause quite a lot of discomfort. Despite modern advances in medicine, the treatment for rotavirus infection is the diet. We should pay attention to the following points:

  1. In the diet can significantly reduce flow velocity of the inflammatory process. That is, the inflammatory process is often severe course of the disease.
  2. If the child to the artificial mixture, or porridge, you should translate it to nut mixes and cereals. Milk is the most suitable environment for breeding infection.
  3. Quite important is the fact that when breastfeeding you can not stop feeding. This is because breast milk contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. The mother's immune system is formed, what determines the production of antibodies.

The important point is the fact that when infected children be sure to seek medical attention. This is due to the fact that dehydration in children is severe, it causes quite a lot of discomfort.

CHto mozhno est pri rotavirusnoj infekcii

In conclusion, we note that to avoid infection is difficult. Over time, the body produces enough antibodies, which fight infection. So adults can easily tolerate rotavirus infection, and only in special cases you need to follow the diet discussed above.