Rotavirus intestinal infection treatment in children

Rotavirus infection is very dangerous and common disease of the intestine, especially for children (other names of the disease – rotavirus, rotavirus, rotavirus gastroenteritis). To undergo danger of infection, since 6 months. Adults tolerate her almost imperceptibly, but in children (under 5) often there are complications. Worldwide the mortality rate from this intestinal infection is quite high. So parents should try to learn in advance all the questions concerning her treatment and to prepare, as the infection almost inevitable. Rotavirus infection sick children 9 out of 10.

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The disease is so widespread because you can become infected even before the first signs appear.

After the disease in humans produces immunity to it. But! Only to that virus that he had. A variety of the virus Rotavirus is very large. Therefore re-infection is possible.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

The first thing to note – for the treatment of infection there are no specific drugs. All forces should be directed at each symptom separately:

  • treatment of diarrhea and vomiting (mostly keeping the level of fluid in the body),
  • the decrease in body temperature,
  • the use of drugs that improve digestion,
  • healthy diet food.

Treatment of intestinal infections in children occurs in stages, and none of them are impossible to miss.

It is important to note that viral infection in children, developing on the background of ARVI little noticeable in the early stages. Then not only parents find it difficult to define it, but also experienced doctors. This is due to the symptoms that the child manifests and SARS.

For this reason, it is important to follow a few basic recommendations:

  1. Allow the child to an upright position. In addition, even during sleep, the baby can't be left alone. This is due to the vomiting that can overtake you suddenly. At the slightest sign it is necessary to raise the child's head so that his nose was above the mouth. Otherwise, he can drown,
  2. From the diet should exclude all dairy and dairy products. And dishes of these products, too. They create a great environment for bacteria. The exception is breastfed children. Still need to clean raw fruits and vegetables (refers to gross food),

    Rotovirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya lechenie u detej

  3. Not to force is by force, this will only increase the vomiting, given that it can occur in the absence of food in the stomach. If the appetite is not lost, you can in small portions to give the chicken broth. Give small portions is necessary to avoid the gag reflex,
  4. It is important to give more water. But, stick to one rule: lots of water in small portions. Fluid intake should be a lot more than usual. You can use a small spoon or a syringe without a needle. The main danger of rotavirus is dehydration. If there is no vomiting give the fluid every 5-10 minutes for 1-2 teaspoonful, and if no vomiting the interval is increased to 15-20 minutes, and the volume reduced to 1 tsp,
  5. Maintaining water-salt balance in the body. To do this in the first aid kit it is always better to have a means of oral rehydration (the most common drug Regidron). If such is not handy, you can use regular sugar water or rice water.

In the period of the disease it is important to pay attention to the child's diet. In the first days to stick to a light diet, avoiding fatty, spicy and coarse food. You can give liquid porridge on the water, chicken broth, juice and liquid jelly. On the second day, you can prepare mashed potatoes with breadcrumbs from white bread.

The anti-high temperature

As a rule, the gastro-intestinal virus accompanied by high fever. When it rises above 38 °C, and the kid feels bad, you need to use antipyretics. Excellent decision – candles, given that their allowed to bet every 2 hours. Another advantage of candles is that they are easy to put not only during wakefulness but also during sleep.

However, it is worth noting that below 38 °C down is not necessary (if the child is not a problem). Virus Rotavirus bacteria are killed at this temperature, which actually, will help to heal faster.

A warm blanket is better to postpone the recovery. It is preferable to use a light sheet.

Temperature above 39 °C is allowed to knock half of paracetamol together witha quarter of dipyrone. Together they will help to quickly get rid of the heat.

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Excellent bring down the temperature of wet wiping light alcohol solution. It is important not to miss the slightest area of skin to avoid temperature extremes. Next you need to wear cotton socks. There is also not heat wrap the baby.

Drugs when rotavirus

The pharmacies offer many different medications, but the effectiveness and security of proven two of them: paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition, they received the approval of all physicians.

Another plus is that they are compatible with each other. But this is not to say that they need to give at the same time. Best move:

  1. The first thing to give paracetamol (after the temperature dropped, all the symptoms disappeared – is SARS),
  2. If the effect of the pills is zero – give ibuprofen (you can give the drugs in reverse order).

It should be noted, once noted the lack of effect of the tablets is paracetamol, be sure to contact your pediatrician. In the meantime, the doctor is not suitable to observe the reaction to the following medicine (ibuprofen).

It is also necessary to remember, and better to record the time when the child took the medication because between meals it is recommended to observe the interval. Paracetamol is taken not more than 1 time per four hours, and ibuprofen – 1 in five hours.

No one knows which of these 2 drugs will have a desired effect on the baby. For this reason, the Cabinet should keep both medications. It is also recommended to buy liquid paracetamol in suppository form. In the case before the child turns 3 years.

To get rid of abdominal pain

The infectious period in children is usually starts to hurt the stomach. With it you also need to fight drugs. It is important to know that medication should only be given in case of confirmed diagnosis. The most effective tool in the fight against abdominal pain – no-Spa. But it is better not to give tablets (again, because of the age and the efficiency and convenience), and in ampoules of 2 ml. to give your Child ½ ampoule and only when the pain becomes unbearable. After should be given warm tea.

Intestinal infection and diarrhea

To avoid severe infection of the bacterial infections, used Enterofuril or Enteral. Doctors often issued the first drug, and prescribed dose and intervals based on the age of the baby. Also Enterofuril is designated as prevention after treatment in children is rotavirus.

Rotovirusnaya kishechnaya infekciya lechenie u detej

To cope with the abundant diarrhea will help Smectite. During the day is taken 2 sachets, then the effect will not keep itself waiting long. Each sachet dissolved in ½ Cup water.

How to recover quickly

To normalize a chair, and quickly restore the bowels, pediatricians assigned Baktisubtil. Given 1 capsule, previously dissolved in a little water, 2 times a day for half an hour before meals. The medication is taken, starting from the 3rd day of illness, when vomiting will recede.

Further treatment

On day 2 since the beginning of the disease the child appears strongest drowsiness. No need to disturb him, let him sleep how he wants. And in this period it is necessary to monitor its temperature. As soon as the baby wakes up, give him to drink.

The next step is assigned to the drug, restoring intestinal flora (e.g., Linex).

Antibiotics during rotavirus infection in children

Antibiotics for enteric viruses can be given only in 3 cases:

  1. The bloody diarrhea. It says bacterial infection, and they are treated with antibiotics. Rotavirus is a viral infection, and it does not happen blood in the stool, and antibiotics are not applied,
  2. Cholera and suspected it after severe dehydration,
  3. After laboratory confirmation of giardiasis (parasite in intestine) together with long-lasting diarrhea (over 2 weeks).

More in any cases antibiotics do not apply! Also what it is necessary to prick antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Rotavirus enteric infection in children antibiotics is not treated!

Before using any of these medications need to consult a pediatrician. To treat rotavirus infection in children alone is not recommended. The fact that the signs of the rotavirus is very similar to more dangerous diseases.

However, to buy tools oral rehydration is still necessary. Because in addition to rotavirus diarrhea and vomiting can cause other diseases. And, as already known, both leads to dehydration. And it is very important to replenish fluids in the body.

IMPORTANTLY! When you stand high temperature, continuous vomiting and frequent diarrhea need to call an ambulance for hospitalization! All the symptoms lead to rapid dehydration, endangering the welfare of a child.

If someone in the family contracted a stomach bug, you must at the same time to handle all the surfaces which can touch the patient to provide him personal dishes and isolate it from the rest of the family.

Prevention of rotavirus infections in children is very simple: personal hygiene (wash hands everytime after streets, contact with Pets and children and before eating), process hot water, fruits and vegetables. In the prevention of rotavirus after treatment children are assigned antimicrobial drug – Enterofuril.

Rotavirus intestinal infection, that is, its treatment in children must be used under the supervision of a physician as yourself can only hurt the baby.