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Can HIV not be passed to partner?

AIDS and HIV today – the global problems on a world scale, the plague of the 21st century, which is known and heard by one and all. Naturally those who care about their health, the question arises – how is transmitted HIV and AIDS, where it is necessary to keep yourself protected from dangerous diseases.

Mozhet li VICH ne peredavatsya partneru?

HIV and AIDS – what is the difference of the terms?

Before considering the question of how AIDS or HIV is not transmitted, it is necessary to consider and understand the difference in these two seemingly identical terms. If you answer that these are two identical concepts – this should not believe because this is a misconception and there's a big difference.

If you do not go into medical terms, in the beginning is to say that to live fully, rejoicing in all the charms and the colors of life, at the same time, as AIDS is very problematic. It is the stage of AIDS, any infection or parasite can leave the patient's feet, becoming his deadly virus, deprived of life.

In the medical interpretation of the term AIDS is primarily acquired form of immunodeficiency syndrome, characteristic of a weakened immune system, while HIV is the virus that provokes the weakening of the immune system and destroy it blood impossible. AIDS is the last stage of the development and course of the HIV virus. When AIDS patient is being treated for all comorbidities in the case of diagnosis of HIV are prescribed a course of maintenance therapy the immune system, strengthening the immune system, helping it to suppress the virus and its destructive work in the body.

Stage – from HIV to AIDS

How and why acts infection – these questions set themselves physicians for decades. To understand when the disease is in effect and understand how it can be transmitted or not be transmitted infection is to get acquainted with the stages of HIV.

Doctors have identified the following stages:

  1. The incubation stage of the course of pathology – it follows a direct infection of the person pathogenic virus. This stage may occur without symptoms or with pronounced symptoms, resembling signs of colds or flu. Antibodies the body at this stage does not produce and therefore to determine infection in the human body, at this stage it is not possible.
  2. The first manifestation of disease – seroconversion. At this stage of the disease the immune system produces antibodies and the first to diagnose HIV doctors can. The immune system tries to fight infection by producing antibodies – at this stage the patient may increase the body temperature, exhibit other signs typical of viral theology of the disease.
  3. Asymptomatic stage of HIV – at this stage the virus will destroy the immune system flowing without symptoms. By the time this stage can last from 5 to 15 years – the typical symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, increases the level of lymphocytes in the blood.
  4. Symptomatic stage – it is at this stage and develop AIDS, transforming themselves from HIV. The body simply ceases to resist pathogenic virus on the background of a weakened immune system the patient developed viral, fungal infections, malignant cancer.

How HIV is not transmitted?

To dispel for myself the fear of the plague of the 20th century, consider how can be transmitted or not transmitted HIV and is thereby, eliminating all doubts and ambiguities in this matter. The question of how HIV is not transmitted, then in this respect the following doctors debunk the most common myths and misconceptions, giving competent comments and explanations.

In today's world of information technology and the many available literature, there are people who mistakenly think that HIV or AIDS could be "caught" as a simple ARD – airborne droplets. Such people often flinch if they just sneezed or coughed a patient with a positive HIV reaction, or even turn away, avoiding his face. In this case it is not necessary to behave that way you can be absolutely calm, because the doctors say even the theoretical possibility of infection in this way. In itself the pathogenic HIV virus can only exist in body fluids of a person on the air, the virus immediately dies.

Many may ask the following natural question – is it possible for one person to transmit HIV through biological fluid, e.g. saliva, from kissing? In this case, doctors also give a clear affirmative answer – it is impossible. However, in theory there is such a possibility, but with certain reservations. Each of the partners should be open wounds and bleeding in the oral cavity, and the carrier of the virus HIV viral load level as high as possible. And even under these conditions, to talk about 100% exposure to HIV, doctors are not taken, the fact is that the virus in the saliva contains a minimal amountthe likelihood of transmission is practically eliminated. To infect a person this way – the last one should consume 3 liters of saliva is infected and the only way the likelihood of becoming HIV-infected takes its shape.

Speaking about the possibility of infection through perspiration or tears – in this case, also infected with HIV impossible. In this case, the situation is similar to that described above, the percentage of virus in sweat or tears is extremely small, and they are in contact mostly with the skin. As known, human skin is not only the largest organ in the body, but natural, protective barrier of the body before the virus. And even if the sweat will get into the wound or a fresh, open cut is also not going to happen of infection because of their insignificance. Among the many deluded persons in the potential ways of Contracting HIV, there is a perception that the virus can enter the body through the bite of blood-sucking insects of all who had contact with HIV – infected person. In this case, the amount of infected blood that consumes the insect enough to 100% to infect the patient. But there is one thing! No mosquito or gnat, any blood-sucking insect will not pump in the body of a man eaten by his earlier blood. In addition, blood-sucking insects previously, before the bite handles a place on the human body by special enzymes and the virus is not contained. Therefore, this method of infection can not speak – it is excluded from the list as such because HIV disease is not transmitted.

In the process of considering possible ways of infection, healthy people should not be afraid and tactile contact with an HIV – infected patient. In this case, the barrier to the virus is the skin's natural protective barrier as a barrier for pathogenic organisms. Even if the body of an HIV – infected patient have a wound and bleeding flows – risks are minimal, such as a bleeding injury must be both in contact between persons. To make such a situation possible, but there are risks to get infected is minimal thus HIV is not transmitted.

How is HIV transmitted?

According to the doctors, in practice there are 3 ways through which HIV can enter the body of the patient. It is about them and speech will go further.

  1. The first option is getting the virus in the organism – are sexually transmitted, to put it simply the sexual act, the sex can be anal, and vaginal, oral. The virus, transmitted in this way, enters the body through mucous membranes, and the use of condom does not give 100% protection against infection in the body.
  2. HIV from an infected mother to a newborn baby. In this case, the infection can go directly to the period of delivery, period of gestation, and while breastfeeding the child.
  3. As noted by the doctors, to date, women with HIV the probability that a child will be born healthy is very high. The risks of infection can be minimized if advance to preventive treatment during gestation and get it in the postpartum period, moving to artificial feeding method.

  4. Through contact – blood – blood. In this embodiment, the virus enters the body portion of HIV-infected blood. In regard to the question of how blood can get into the body of the patient, the doctors there are such options:
  • first blood can enter the body by sharing needles and syringes, by means of which injected drugs, and also in the process of General use containers, how to make drugs, and for the subsequent rinsing of syringes,
  • the virus can enter the body and in medical institutions if the medical staff uses non-sterile, previously untreated or insufficiently disinfected medical instruments,
  • the virus can enter the body and the tattoo parlor is in the process of applying to the body of the figure, with the puncture of piercing and, accordingly, the use of non-sterile instrument,
  • in case of contact with the wound or on mucous membranes, in the body of the patient, his blood is infected blood, including the provision of medical care, for instance, by transfusion to a sick patient who is in need of this,
  • when transplanting internal organs, if the latter were not in a study and control the risk of this method of infection is small, but still such variant takes place to be in medical practice.

HIV virus is found in almost all biological fluids of the human body — perspiration, tears, saliva in varying concentrations. But only 4 of them contain the virus, sufficient for infection the amount of blood, the secret, produced by the vaginal mucosa, semen and breast milk.

The main thing that should be remembered the patient in the fight against HIV is prevention, compliance with all the rules of safe sex when sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar and untested partner should be avoided. Do not neglect a condom, do not use non-sterile needles and syringes for injections, and when any suspicion for HIV to consult a doctor. Moreover, modern medicine allows us to be tested for HIV anonymously, when you can simply visit the appropriate office of any medical institution, to take to the laboratory for testingblood and get the result. Remember: timely action of treatment can help prolong life for years to come, without compromising your health.