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Can HIV be transmitted from HIV infected

HIV infection today is one of the most dangerous diseases. Still, there are no medications that can cure him. So many people are afraid to communicate with the infected. They try not to touch such people not to go with them in a pool and can't even hug them. If you know all the possible ways of infection, the fear will be significantly less and the questions on the topic can you get HIV infected, self will disappear.

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Dangerous disease

You need to understand how this disease is dangerous and how to protect. It is also desirable to know what to do in case of a collision with a HIV positive person. The virus is indeed dangerous and virtually destroys the immune system, weakening the body so that he is not able to deal with even the most simple diseases. If you do not try to fight off the virus, then he gradually moves into the last stage called AIDS. Death of an infected person comes not from the virus, but because any disease that enters the body, are without immunity. So is it possible for HIV to contract HIV and how it occurs?

Way of infection

The main route of infection through the blood. But you need to consider all the nuances, so it is advisable to learn every possible way. This will help to understand whether it is possible to become infected from HIV positive person. The main ways all three:

  • through the blood;
  • via semen;
  • vertical.

Each of them has its own characteristics that affect the possibility of infection.


Exposure to blood occurs only when infected blood enters the body healthy. This often happens with drug addicts who use injection one syringe. So the particles of the blood remain on it and come with ease with a new injection of another person.

To infection with other dirty medical instruments. The danger of Contracting have medical staff who are faced with the blood of patients with fences or other manipulation. So everything is done strictly in gloves and in compliance with all hospital regulations.

Can get infected and the patient, if he is receiving blood transfusions from an infected person or transplanting his body. In these cases, the disease develops faster, because the body gets a sufficient amount of the virus. Viral load is very large, which causes a strong impact on the immune system. But if the human body after transfusion, and surgery weak, the virus faster captures new territory.

If infected blood gets on the skin, the risk of infection is minimal. But when the skin has cracks and sores, the virus can easily get into your body and start gradually to reproduce. There is also a risk when tattooing or in the piercing of body parts for earrings


To HIV infection through sexual intercourse with an infected the infection could be not only through sperm. Vaginal discharge is also have the virus. Even in this case, the risk is still less. The virus is not only in the blood. It is found in other fluids, even though the viral load have fewer.

Describe the cases when the infection is followed through a Blowjob. However, he is more dangerous for the host. Because then this party may face with sperm, which significantly increases the risk. But for the giver side, there is some risk. Nobody knows whether there are mouth sores that bleed and there are no scratches on the penis. Indeed, in this case, the virus can easily penetrate into the body of a healthy person.

Vertical path

This way can get the child being in the womb. This can happen if the mother was HIV positive before pregnancy or contracted for during this period. But modern studies show that this happens if the mother is not taking any antiretroviral drugs. Still most often children born HIV negative. But you always have to understand that there is a risk. It is:

  • at pregnancy;
  • during the generative process;
  • after birth.

Gestation period

Infected fruit can usingthe placenta, when the virus mother gets to it. Normally, the placenta protects the baby and helps him eat a healthy diet, supplying all the necessary materials. But if the placenta problem and its membrane is damaged or inflamed, it is not able to protect the fetus. Therefore, the virus penetrates and infects her.

During childbirth

Passing through the birth canal the baby is facing the mother's blood and secretions of her vagina. Therefore, even healthy and not infected baby has a high risk of getting the virus. Particularly increased risk for early detachment of the placenta or when obstetric operations using the obstetric forceps. It can damage the baby's skin and to bring through these scratches HIV. Therefore, use a C-section.

After birth

At birth is absolutely not an infected baby, his mother can infect through your milk. Though this product is quite useful and is the source of all the nutrients. But in the case when there are cracks in the nipple, the baby could easily get infected. Moreover, researchers have shown that milk can also be a dangerous for the baby.

When it is impossible to get HIV

Many people do not know necessary information about HIV positive, try from people to fence. Not to get dealing with HIV infected person, it is possible. Because the virus is impossible to get any contact, either domestic or airborne droplets.

So don't worry can a person get HIV from a hug. No need to be afraid of hands, use utensils, or clothing. You can visit one of the pool and the toilet absolutely not afraid to get infection. Also not to get HIV through insect bites. There is no risk when kissing, but it is not advisable to forget about the sores or bleeding gums in too deep kiss.

Do not be afraid to wash the sick and healthy together. This gives the virus the opportunity to hit another body. When sneezing or coughing of the patient it is also not to. Upon contact with tears and sweat healthy person does not become infected. But the use of razors or toothbrushes carries risk. But even healthy people should have their items for hygiene.

How to avoid infection

To infected not infected healthy, you should always take all security measures. First of all when they have sex definitely use a condom. It is necessary for those who often change partners. In addition, such protection will help to protect yourself from STDs.

It is not advisable to use personal hygiene items. Even outside the human body, the virus lives quite a bit, but there is a risk of infection. During medical procedures it is advisable to use disposable instruments. Also do not forget about gloves and other means of possible protection. Those with soon to be surgery, can advance the blood, its further use for him.

Special care and caution must be used in pregnant women, because they are responsible not only for his life. Therefore, they must be extremely cautious with HIV positive.

How to find out about your HIV status

It is enough to test for HIV, which can be done in any laboratory. For research need the blood, urine and saliva viral load is insufficient, therefore, to measure the presence of the virus difficult. The results of the analysis the person will receive in 3-5 days.

The study was conducted by ELISA. If the first result is positive, is necessarily performed another test. But it can use other methods to help confirm the presence of virus or disprove.

If a person suspects that he has contracted HIV, it makes the analysis three times. The first study is performed 6 weeks after possible infection, following 3 and 6 months. This is necessary for accurate detection, because once in the body it is almost impossible to immediately notice. Especially when the viral load is negligible, but the person will still be contagious. After some time, the virus multiplies and it becomes noticeable during the tests.

What to do if positive

You must contact your doctor or the AIDS Centre. The patient will receive all medications and psychological help. Antiretroviral drugs are given which help to destroy the active cells of the virus. It is able to delay the spread of HIV and to give the opportunity to live a normal life. When refusal of treatment, the virus quickly spread throughout the body and will turn into AIDS. In this case, life is reduced and life expectancy of 10-12 years. It is therefore very important to know all the ways of spreading of HIV in the body and try to protect themselves.