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Center for prevention and fight AIDS

AIDS center

To fight on their own with immunodeficiency is impossible. Therefore it is best to contact the experts. The center for AIDS will provide medical assistance to people living with HIV and affected by AIDS. This institution is the main assistant in all matters relating to immunodeficiency. To find in Moscow it is possible on the street of Sokolinaya Gora.

Centr profilaktiki i borby so spidom

In the center you can always get professional and specialized care. Every patient and his family have the necessary advice, psychological support. It helps them better understand what they're dealing with, to decide how to act in the future.

In addition, all patients receive the necessary antiretroviral treatment. Centre at Mount Falcon provides the drugs to all in need. Patients will be under observation for necessary tests. Doctors monitor changes in their health and timely detect opportunistic diseases. It helps the patient with HIV to protect yourself and prolong your life.

Clinical account

Everyone becomes infected with HIV patients and is constantly visiting the doctor. The health care provider monitors changes in the health of each patient. It helps to change one drug to another, to give the necessary advice and consultation. Replacement drug can happen because of a change in treatment or when the medication does not produce the desired effect.

If necessary, patients Center at Mount Falcon into the hospital and receive full treatment. It completely meets international standards and allows to improve the condition of the patient. After improvement, he is discharged, but the monitoring continues.

Clinical account helps not only to track the number of cases of HIV, but in time to provide them with treatment. This control allows you to see all the features of the disease and its spread. In the future it gives you the opportunity to introduce new methods of diagnostics and to control its quality. The more it is developed, the more infected people to get professional help.

Help infected

More HIV-positive women decided on pregnancy. Centre at Mount Falcon will help to reduce the risk of infection from mother to child. At the moment, the number of infections has decreased significantly and does not exceed 3%.

In addition, the hotline Centre at Mount Falcon helps to answer many questions and help the infected. Do not despair and hide when the diagnosis is confirmed and the status of the patient. Today, such people are quite live the usual life.

It is enough to contact the Center for AIDS at Mount Falcon and get all the necessary consultations. In addition, each patient receives full treatment. It's completely individual, as calculated based on the characteristics of the organism, viral load and many other factors. Therefore, this approach can not just to keep your secret from people, but really to live your life.

Invented a few decades ago, antiretroviral drugs have changed the lives of those infected. Thanks to the medicine the lives of patients increased. After all, without treatment, she'll barely reach a dozen years. Therefore, with the use of antiretroviral therapy infected people live in average as the average person. It is important not to stop treatment and continuously for any inquiries, contact your doctor. Through this approach, infected people can afford to enjoy their favorite things and spend our lives with loved ones and family.