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HIV infection a brief description, path of infection

HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus attacks the immune system. HIV and HIV infection are the same disease. During infection people do not even feel it, continuing to live the usual life. Only after several weeks or months of infection. In this fever, enlarged lymph nodes, possible skin rashes, and even diarrhea. Therefore, it can be confused with flu or other similar diseases.

Then comes the quiet period and the person feels healthy. It can last for several years, but in fact the virus remains in the body continues to grow, gradually destroying the immune system. Gradually, HIV becomes AIDS, the last stage of the disease. The worst thing is that the immune system is not fulfilling its functions and often it ends in death.

How the virus acts on the immune system

As you know, the immune system, with 3 types of cells. They all work together, performing different functions. For detection of virus and bacteria needed T-lymphocytes. Then going into work in-cell, which after a signal of T cells was found marked antibodies. Then enter into the work of the phagocytes, destroy foreign bodies.

HIV influencing on the T cells, destroying them. So they are not able to give a signal of the penetrated into the body of the outsiders. And the great advantage of the pathogen to T-lymphocytes,. It penetrates, is the biological process of the cells, creating copies of himself. Because of this process, the lymphocyte is exhausted and dies. Reproduced copies to invade other T-cells of the immune system, again multiply, gradually destroying the immune system. In the end of the leukocytes becomes less, and the immune system becomes severely weakened. She can not cope even with the most common disease. When the number of T-lymphocytes is reduced to a minimum level, any disease can end in death. The rate of reproduction of HIV cells much faster propagation of T lymphocytes.

Transmission of the virus

HIV infection can present in any body fluids and easily overcome the barrier of the placenta. But the number of viral particles in different liquids is different. That is why they have different epidemiological significance. HIV can be in absolutely every tissue of the body infected.

These include:

  • blood,
  • sperm,
  • the allocation of the genital organs,
  • mother's milk.

You can also find HIV in the different types of liquid. But the concentration there is quite small, which minimizes contamination:

  • urine,
  • saliva,
  • sweat,
  • tear fluid.

Infection can occur through spinal fluid, but this way is quite difficult.

In addition to this distinction, the way of transmission: natural, artificial.

In the natural transmission of infection occurs by contact, from mother to fetus and through body fluids. Artificial virus transmission can occur through blood transfusion, sexual contact, through injection, transplantation. The most frequent remains the sexual transmission of HIV. This is due to the large viral load in semen and vaginal secretions.

Susceptibility to HIV

Susceptibility to the virus is universal. It is determined by genetic and phenotypic polymorphism of each individual. This affects the possibility of infection, accelerate or slow down the development of symptoms. Conducted epidemiological analyses showed significant difference in the dynamics of infection at the races. So the most susceptible Negroid, Mongoloid are less sensitive.

At this time found and studied three genes that control the synthesis of molecules involved in the permeability of the virus into cells. Thereofit turns out that people with the homozygous form is less susceptible to infection through the sexual act, than a person with a heterozygous. But this does not affect the contamination with blood, as it is equally high.

To transmit the infection, in addition to source needs all the appropriate conditions for this. Natural options situation HIV is transmitted via semen, secretions of the genital organs, milk. The pathological situation when the virus is transmitted through blood. But for infection to need the penetration of these liquids into the body.

It is not transmitted HIV

A hearing that a person is HIV positive, avoiding him, trying once again not to contact. But we have already proved how it is transmitted virus. However, he did not passed through:

  • airborne path,
  • contact-household,
  • nutritional,
  • water,
  • transmissible.

Therefore, healthy people are not afraid of insect bites, because it is impossible to get infected. Also, do not be afraid that the virus is transmitted through hugs, shared clothing, utensils, or swimming pool. When coughing and sneezing he is also not transmitted. Excluded infection through food and water, as for reproduction, the virus needs the human body.

The differences between HIV 1 and HIV 2

These two types of HIV are equally destructive act on the immune system. But still they have some differences. The fact is that HIV 2 is more similar to the immunodeficiency of monkeys. Therefore, it has lower infectivity, making the risk of infection from an infected person less than with HIV-1.

This results in reduced viral load. Therefore, the second type requires much more time to increase the number of its cells. Because of this destruction of T limitow significantly reduced. This leads to slow development of the disease and difficult clinical picture. To prove the presence of the virus of the second type in the body through laboratory studies quite difficult.

Virulently HIV 2 less, so to infect them with the other person, you need multiple contacts. But vertical transmission from mother to fetus have not been recorded, were not observed path through breast milk.

The ravages of HIV

In addition to lymphocytes, HIV has the ability to adversely affect many of the body's cells. From it destroyed the nerve cells, there is a big effect on the cells of the liver and heart, macrophages and monocytes. Under its influence, the body cannot protect itself, and there is a failure of the normal interaction of all components of the immune system.

In humans, disturbed liver function, worse working brain cells, and even spleen. In the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory system manifestations occur non-refundable, attracting even more harm to the body. The manifestations of infection can be different and what organs suffer first difficult to predict.

Stages of development of HIV

There are several stages of infection. They are all different in duration and may differ individually for each infected.

The first stage is the incubation period. Its duration is difficult to predict, because sometimes it can last more than six months. All depends on the amount caught the virus in the body, from the body. This phase usually lasts at least 2 weeks or increased to 5-6 months. To determine the presence of virus is difficult, but people in this stage are contagious.

Next will be the stage of acute infection. It can be completely asymptomatic and catch it. But sometimes HIV is manifested by increase in limfouzel, temperature increase, possible skin rash or pharyngitis. This stage lasts about 2 months.

Then comes the latent stage. At this time, the virus itself did not show outwardly, but rather actively reproduce in the body, destroying cells. This stage lasts about 7 years. But there are times when it lasted more than 10 years.

The next stage of the emergence of secondary diseases. Since the immune system is already weakened, without a sufficient number of lymphocytes, it can no longer deal with into the body infections. Not surprisingly, even the common cold will last for a long time and adding more and more diseases.

The latest is the AIDS stage. The number of lymphocytes is so small that it is absolutely not able to protect the body. Therefore the immune system no longer resists any infection. The body is exhausted, it affects important internal organs that causes a disturbance of all systems. Infected usually die from opportunistic diseases.

Diagnosis of HIV

To determine the presence of virus in the body necessary to pass tests. Typically, this use of blood, because urine and saliva viral load is insufficient. This will interfere with accurate determination of the presence or absence of virus in the body.

Most studies use ELISA. It works by the method of antigen-antibody, detecting antibody to HIV, proving his presence. There are other research methods, but ELISA has shown itself as a comfortable and high quality.

Diagnosis is a complex process. In addition to laboratory research includes clinical and epidemiological survey. However, it is the laboratory is one of the most important for diagnosis.


To HIV test much more reliable, you need to prepare for it. To do this, doctors do not recommend to eat before testing. Preferably the last meal for 8-9 hours before the study. It is best to donate blood in the morning, then eating happens in the evening.

Also avoid drinking alcoholic beverages several days before the test. But if shortly before analysis, the man had been ill with an acute form of infection, it is necessary to inform the doctor. In this case, the possible incorrect test result.

If negligence for the preparation of the analyses, possible false answers. This will lead to unnecessary unrest and will need to retake the test again.

How to conduct a laboratory study

The most popular and most efficient study by ELISA. For this by some manipulation of creating a chain where detected antibodies to HIV. This technique appeared many decades ago, but is constantly evolving. Today, there are already 4 generation ELISA. This helps to quickly detect the virus and make the tests more accurate. After all, the first generation required a sufficient load of virus in the body. New more accurate, can detect HIV at an early stage. This allows you time to begin treatment.

Also do research and other methods among which the virologic PCR. But this method is mainly used in cases with suspected acute infection. Also it is used for the detection of HIV vertical transmission to the child.

There is a method of research called immunobloting. It is carried out for confirmation or denial response to the IFA.

Where can you get tested for HIV

To be tested for HIV almost all clinics and hospitals. Enough to properly prepare for the HIV test. If you want you can do an anonymous test. For this purpose it is necessary to alert the medical staff. If this HIV test will be conducted in a special Cabinet anonymous survey. In addition, to address this issue in the AIDS Center.

The results will be announced 3-5 days after the date of analysis. In some laboratories there may for a few days to delay the answer because of the specifics. For those who do not want to wait a long time, there is a special rapid tests. The answer to them will be received in 15-20 minutes. But mostly they are used for pregnant women surveyed women admitted to the hospital. They also help in emergency situations with staff who do not know what the patients HIV status.

If the answer to the HIV positive

In case of positive result we should not immediately worry. In some cases, still not eliminated the human factor, the possible acute infectious disease or improper preparation for analysis. Always absolutely all positive results are re-analyzed.

For convenience and authentic result usually use the method of immunoblotting, developed on the basis of ELISA, combined with electrophoresis. It is the most sensitive and allows to accurately prove the presence or absence of antibodies to HIV.

What to do with a possible infection

In some cases, people find it difficult to answer infection occurs or not. But know this is necessary. So three pass HIV on different terms. This is done in order to identify the virus, because it works immediately.

The first analysis pass 6 weeks after possible infection. If the test turned out negative, the next test you need to pass in 3 months after infection. In the negative case it be ready in 5-6 months.

Only after that receiving a negative result we can speak about the absence of the virus in the human body. But do not forget that during the seronegative window you have to be careful and try to protect others from possible contamination.

Seronegative window and how to behave at this time

The period from exposure until symptoms of the virus in laboratory studies called seronegative window. At this time, the tests give negative response, but if the blood contains HIV, then the viral load is so small that it is not visible. Everyone infected this window period is an individual. Some can last for several weeks, while others live with it months. Everything will depend on the number of cells of the virus, trapped in the body. The more, the earlier end seronegative window and identified the virus.

A patient with a possible infection do not know whether he is healthy. But as you know, people are contagious even in the beginning after getting the virus in the body. Therefore, during the seronegative window should follow some safety rules to others.

  1. You cannot donate blood as a donor.
  2. Not to participate in the transplant as an organ donor.
  3. To use protection during sexual intercourse.
  4. Use only disposable medical instruments.
  5. To monitor changes in health status.

All this will help to protect other people from possible contamination.

With a positive result

If a review response has turned positive, after all possible checks, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications based on the characteristicsorganism's.

Treated with special preparations. but they are not able to completely cure HIV. Currently these medications do not exist. All of these drugs able to block the function of enzymes of the virus. So it can not be so quick to breed and some suppressed its activity. This treatment can last many years, and the man absolutely will not to worry about deterioration.

Doctors know how to determine the needed medicines related to antiretroviral. With their help, the viral load decreases, which can be seen in the blood tests for HIV. If a prescription medication is not helping or getting worse, the doctor selects the treatment with other drugs.

No need to hide and be afraid when you receive a positive HIV status. A man in contact-household level is absolutely safe. With it, you can safely shake hands, walk in a single pool, even use the same utensils. But hygiene products (toothbrush, razor) are necessarily separate. After all, there may be particles of blood in rigid and active cleaning teeth or cuts when shaving.

How not to get HIV

Though the treatment significantly prolongs the life of infected, but still it is better to avoid HIV. It is enough to follow some rules. You need to learn ways of getting the virus in the blood. This will help in some cases to avoid infection and to know what to be afraid of when dealing with HIV infected people.

First of all you need to be choosy in sexual relations and to use the remedies. In addition, it should be remembered that even oral sex are sometimes the risk. But to use a condom while hardly anyone wants, increasing the risk.

It is not necessary to use a disposable medical instrument after someone, because injection way of transmission is quite high. Also be sure to stay healthy, avoid tattooing and body piercing in unknown salons.

It is important to periodically undergo examination and pass all the necessary tests. After all, it is very necessary for your own peace of mind and well-being. Even if the infection and timely identification of HIV status, will be easier to start the treatment. It is earlier the better. Only then the infected will be able use drugs to significantly slow the replication of the virus in the body and to enable the immune system to work. Because death in HIV are possible from any of the disease. So take care of your health is necessary