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How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip

Where are these rashes on the face, how to deal with them and how to prevent unpleasant surprises.

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The cold sore on the lip – a small reddish swelling around the mouth or on the wings of the nose, look like blisters, unpleasant itch and cause discomfort. Doctors say that it is a manifestation of the herpes simplex virus. To deal with this phenomenon in early childhood and to catch the infection from someone else, like parents, grandparents, friends and classmates. You can become infected by close contact, with hugs and kisses, through shared utensils and even a simple sneeze.

A small but instructive article will tell you how to get rid of a cold sores and preventive measures against its frequent manifestations.

Herpes is quite common. Swelling on the nose and lips may be only a weak manifestation of the virus in the complicated form it may be stomatitis and angina, and many other unpleasant diseases.


The herpes virus is of two types: the first (HSV-1) and second type (HSV-2). The virus of the first type, called simple, it is airborne and appears on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. The virus of the second type is much more dangerous, is transmitted through intimacy and manifests itself on the genitals of a person. However, a simple virus is insidious, can move and hit intimate area, if not to observe elementary rules of hygiene.

As already explained above, catch virus very easily. He prudently enters the body, spreading along the nerves and is prescribed in their endings. Studies have shown that herpes type 1 is already infected more than 90% of people on the planet. But most infected somewhere near 80%, the virus is in hibernation, doesn't manifest itself, but only until, until triggering factors. The remaining 20% of people are carriers of the herpes virus can quite often suffer from rashes. This process of relapse, and to avoid it, you will have to follow certain rules of the game.

The reasons that encourage the virus will Wake up and deliver a little trouble:

  • Long stay in the cold,
  • Of any other viruses and infections,
  • Slight cold,
  • Chronic fatigue,
  • Stressful situation,
  • Bruises, cuts, abrasions,
  • Women's critical days,
  • Exhaustion due to a strict diet,
  • Lack of vitamins,
  • Abuse sunburn.

The virus enters the body unnoticed and can during the month does not show itself. Or maybe just to Express yourself with a rash on the face or in the mouth. Less common lesions of the ears, forehead, chin and fingers. 12 days can last manifestation of the virus, in addition to rashes, General malaise, weakness and even high temperature. If redness, blisters and itching appeared on the lower back and genital area, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

To keep in check

"Lip crud" can be prevented and apply a number of measures to keep the virus in check. Excellent methods home hardening, morning exercise, diet and sleep. In short, a healthy lifestyle. And then the immune system will cope easily with the illegal tenant in the body.

If the patient often suffers from symptoms of the virus, will have to adhere to a certain diet. Eliminate from the diet all types of chocolate, nuts, to give up alcohol. Shows patients low-fat dairy products, eggs, any fish, cereals, legumes useful. How to drink more fluids and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Give up bad habits, reduce the intake of sugar and salt. Limit white bread, coffee and carbonated beverages.

It would be good to pass a comprehensive examination and determine if there are other infectious diseases, which provoke the aggravation of herpes. Only a trained professional can properly prescribe treatment and to help strengthen the immune system, and thus to cope with any infections.

Council! It is not recommended to take antibiotics and antiviral medications can make things worse and cause irreparable harm to your body!

It is important to remember

If lip cold it should be remembered that the patient is extremely dangerous to others. Since herpes is easily transmitted, the patient with apparent manifestations of non-sterile and contagious. With cold on the lips is better to sit at home and not make contact, but more often to wash hands, not to transfer the virus in the eyes and on the genitals.

Useful tips for those who have poured cold on the face:

  1. You should not touch the infected areas and should disinfect the hands of different antiseptics.
  2. Maintain your own hygiene, not to drink from another Cup.
  3. In any case, do not pick your skin, don't tear up the sores.
  4. Not to kiss andto cuddle, especially with children.
  5. You should not leave its saliva on the objects of common use.
  6. Ointments, creams and other means applied to the infected areas with cotton sticks.

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  7. Read more about the methods treated in the following paragraph.

We will fight!

Unfortunately, despite the fact that in the 21st century, not yet invented a drug that completely killing the herpes simplex virus. It can only be controlled, to live with him in one body. However, it is hoped that the tool, than to cure and to completely destroy will be found, as medicine is moving by leaps and bounds in its development.

Method of struggle:

  1. If there is slight redness and slight itching around the mouth, you should immediately begin treatment of the common cold on the lips, and not wait for the copious rash. If you act quickly, it manifestation of the herpes may not occur, and the symptoms will pass quickly and without consequences.
  2. Pharmacy. You need to choose where to buy drugs. Well, when near the house is a proven, reliable pharmacy that will help essential tool at the right time.
  3. People suffering from frequent rashes, after consulting with the doctor, to stock up on drugs and have them always at hand.
  4. Antiviral ointment should be in the medicine Cabinet constantly. To treat the common cold on the lips urgently need. Carefully check the expiration date, to monitor the availability of fresh products.

Council! If the patient decided to self-medicate and didn't go to the doctor, then extreme caution should be applied to unfamiliar drugs. When buying a good idea to consult the pharmacy how to cure a cold, read more information about the virus, to listen to the opinions of other fellow sufferers.

The most popular tools. Doctors recommend!

Ladies especially upset because of problems on the face. Then there is the big question, how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip. Especially if there's a big event in life, a date, vacation, party. You can choose from a large list of the drug proved as an effective remedy for colds on the lips, reviews patients can be found in the Internet. Before applying the medicated cream or gel, the wound should be treated with disfiguring means.

  1. Acyclovir (cream)

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  2. Zovirax. The advertisement did not disappoint.
  3. The he needs therapy with valtrex. It is more expensive than other products but very effective.
  4. Bonafton Tromantadine (gel). Stops the manifestation and prevents relapse.
  5. The alloferon-3 is effective in the initial stage.
  6. Alpizarin used when herpes, chicken pox, stomatitis.
  7. Herperax. Ointment for frequent use.
  8. Gold star (balm) cheap, proven tool at all times.
  9. Dr. mom (baby ointment) ointment is effective for children at an early stage.

Council! You should not cauterize a cold sore on lip brilliant green, iodine, alcohol. It is possible to burn and aggravate the disease.

Folk remedies. People recommend!

  • Surprisingly, the question of how quickly cure the common cold on the lip, the answer is that good old ordinary toothpaste.
  • Often recommend spray rash deodorant, which can be found in each house, not more than 2-3 times a day.
  • When severe rashes offer table salt, cheap, dries, apply 1-2 times a day.
  • How to get rid of a cold on the lip make-shifts? Users of the networks, the answer is that an effective mixture of yogurt and coffee. A little bit of garlic and honey added to this mixture and promise a quick result.
  • Garlic is also recommended with grated Apple, ancient remedy.
  • There is an unpleasant, but a proven method is earwax. For those who do not disdain by any means, you can try this old folk advice.
  • Got a cold on the lips, treatment can be carried out simple tea bags, used help in different cases and this too can help. It's worth a try.
  • To cope with the problem of how to remove a rash, and may also juice aloe and Kalanchoe. Cut leaves to attach to the sore spot and make the juice inside.
  • Appeared cold on the lips, quick treatment can have a fresh cut lemon slice.

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  • Rash treat onions. Cut onion applied to the affected place and so in the course of the day several times.

Council! If you need to attend some important event, and on the face a little trouble, you can remove her makeup, to hide harmless creams.

A lot of people's councils, but each body is different and you should still consult with specialists. It is important to respect your body, know exactly how to treat the problem and remember one thing, health is one of the main values in this fleeting life.

Bless you!

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