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Herpes in the mouth in adults symptoms and treatment

Doctors say that in recent years in big cities, the population often sick with herpes in different forms. Fortunately, herpes of the mouth is not a dangerous disease.

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In principle, the virus that causes cold sores in the mouth, lives in every human body, but it does not manifest itself. Its activation occurs only in the case of weakened immunity. At this time on the lips bubbles appear, which are called "cold". During this period, cases often say that they are not in being able to do things, they too get tired quickly. Herpes of the mouth requires immediate treatment.

However, when there is a cold sore on the mucosa of the mouth, you need to consult your doctor for diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment.

Features of the disease

Could there be a herpes in your mouth? Is it possible? Mostly because he affects the lips and passes through two or three days. Herpes arising on the mucosa of the mouth, most often seen in toddlers. In adults herpes in the oral cavity is much rarer.

Herpes, appeared on the mucous membrane of the mouth is divided into several stages:

  1. Acute. Occurs in the oral cavity after infection with the virus.
  2. Chronic. Herpes in the cavity is characterized by recurring symptoms of the disease, if a person has a weakened immune system. The symptoms of chronic herpes found in both adults and in young children.

Treatment of herpes, which is characterized by the acute form, should begin as soon as possible. Treat cold sores in the mouth you need to start immediately after detection of symptoms.

A chronic form of herpes found in the mouth, requires preventative measures.

Forms of herpes.

Before you start to treat herpes, the doctor must identify the severity of the disease. It can have several stages:

  1. Easy. Asymptomatic. The temperature rises very rare. Toddlers can begin to act up and refuse to eat. In the mouth there is swelling. Sometimes there are small wounds that heal quickly and leave no residue.
  2. Average. Symptoms are pronounced. In the analysis of blood visible characteristic changes. Than to treat the disease at this stage only knows the doctor, independent attempts can lead to serious consequences.
  3. Heavy. In a patient with the lesion becoming the oral cavity and most of the lips. The disease begins rapidly, symptoms can immediately make the correct diagnosis. Treatment of herpes in the mouth in this stage is described in detail in the medical literature. If in time not to begin treatment, can remain visible traces.

Causes of herpes

The main factors causing the active actions of the virus, are considered:

  • Avitaminosis,
  • Stress state,
  • Great exercise,

    Gerpes vo rtu u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

  • Oncology,
  • Pregnancy,
  • HIV infection,
  • Antibiotic treatment,
  • Chemotherapy.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease occurs on the basis of complaints of the person and their appearance. The disease has a characteristic clinical picture corresponding to only this disease.

  1. At the first examination, the mucosa looks normal, but the patient feels unpleasant itching and burning. Some complain of tingling or tingling sensation in the mouth. Severe pain causes a touch to the neck lymph nodes,
  2. The color of the gums takes on a different hue. They look dark, and then become swollen. At this time, the sore hurts to swallow and chew food. Greatly increased lymph nodes. It becomes very stringy saliva in the mouth appears an unpleasant odor. If you put pressure on the gums may cause blood.
  3. First mucosa is covered with bright red spots. After some time they turn into bubbles with a liquid. During the inspection of the oral cavity, divided into several groups with white bubbles. Sometimes they merge and form a large hearth,
  4. After the bubble burst, there are small ulcers, yellow. They are quickly covered with a solid crust. In some cases, cracks, slight bleeding,
  5. Healing of ulcers is on their own, without treatment. Moreover, no trace of it remains. May remain a little swollen, possible bleeding gums. Subsides swelling of the lymph nodes,
  6. At the last stage, the swelling completely disappears, there is a delay wounds completely disappear severe pain.

With the defeat of the tonsils, tonsils are covered by group a rash which quickly turn intoerosion. The affected areas are in the shape of an oval, covered with a whitish bloom.

If in time not to begin treatment of the erosion, she turns into ulcers. If at that time will be infected by another disease, ulcers become necrotic. Once all is healed, no trace from ulcers does not remain.

Any form of herpes found on the mucosa of the mouth, always causes a strong burning sensation. If herpes affects the sky, there are severe pain, hurt to swallow food.

If time does not begin to heal a cold sores, it can cause diseases of the digestive system. To avoid this, treatment should start immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

The formation of bubbles in the mouth can be caused by various forms of stomatitis. The correct diagnosis can only physician, self-treatment, without defining the nature of the disease always leads to complications.

How to treat herpes

In any case, wherever the herpes requires taking antiviral drugs. With their help, will be suppressed by the activity of the virus. The mucosa will heal quickly. The greatest effect give drugs:

  • «Zovirax»,
  • «Amixin»,
  • "Alferon".

    Gerpes vo rtu u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

The course of treatment and the dose indicated in the attached to the medication description. Besides medication, you can do a rinse of the mouth and throat various herbs or obscure pockets of infection in various antiseptic preparations.

Herpes, appeared on the tongue is treated with the use of hydrogen peroxide. After the treatment of ulcers, doing a mouth rinse with a light solution of chlorhexidine.

To promote healing, cold sores, resulting in the language, you can RUB the juice of aloe.

All lesions in the mouth, regardless of inflammation, are also processed with hydrogen peroxide. The oral cavity need rinsing as often as possible, multiple solutions:

  1. Water with dissolved salt,
  2. Furacilinum,
  3. Chlorpropham.

To reduce pain, mucous to lubricate "Kalgel", which includes lidocaine.

Adults to get rid of herpes of the throat, caress the mouth with miramistina. You can take finely crushed tablet of acyclovir, and then to dissolve it in a little warm boiled water. (Enough 150 mg). This solution need to gargle as often as possible during the day.

If the viral infection was joined by a bacterial infection with the formation of purulent ulcers, the doctor prescribes the following antibiotics: "Biseptol", "Amoxicillin", "Ceftriaxone".

Dose and course of treatment of herpes in the throat, the doctor calculates according to the form of the disease and age of the sick.

For small children the mouth lubricated alternately, first with hydrogen peroxide and then chlorpropham in an oil form.

Selection of medicines for pregnant women should be performed only by a doctor. Any self-treatment. This is because a pregnant woman is contraindicated with these drugs. Therapist, prescribing specific medicines, be sure to take into account this fact.

At the initial stage of the disease, the treatment is directed on removal of symptoms. As often as possible to rinse your mouth with a decoction of sage, or chamomile. It is possible to prepare a solution of antiseptics.


When a person has herpes the mucous membrane, it is possible to speak about decrease in immunity, the appearance in the body of a viral infection.

The virus can start its activity for several reasons:

  • Overcooling,
  • Stress,
  • Diseases,
  • Oncology.

    Gerpes vo rtu u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

The symptoms may appear periodically, all depends on the individual condition of the body. Treat cold sores must at the first appearance of symptoms. Caress the throat with a decoction of herbs and oil the sores prescribed by a doctor ointments. All this will help to speed up recovery.