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Cytomegalovirus infection in children symptoms and effects

Citomegalovirusnaya infekciya u detej simptomy i posledstviya

More than 15% of children revealed cytomegalovirus. If it was always considered that the main reason for unprotected sex sex, today doctors are sounding the alarm and say with confidence that there are other ways of transmission and entry into the body. For children with weak immunity, fragile before the onslaught of different kinds of infections. CMV is transmitted through casual and deadly, what you need to know and remember their parents.

Why does it appear?

Cytomegalovirus infection in children is:

  • congenital with difficult course and complications of infection of the fetus in utero,
  • purchased while lifting up virus kids in kindergartens and schools due to transmission through airborne droplets.

If in the first case the infection penetrate through the placenta leads to retarded mental and physical development, hearing, vision, occurrence of frequent seizures in children, in the second case, the virus does not cause disturbances in the systems, also with the variation in mental abilities, but on the background of impaired immunity may occur later, in 2-3 years, in the form of respiratory diseases: SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections.

Virus, or herpes type 5 can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus by passing from the mother when infected in early or late pregnancy. All can result in miscarriage or infection of the unborn baby. Cytomegalovirus in children has a latent period and is not always possible even doctors to identify in a timely manner, although even in the absence of any obvious signs of a newborn child will be considered a passive carrier. Less common, but initial symptoms may appear only in 3-4 years when infection through saliva from infected children in kindergartens, schools and will be considered as acquired disease.

How can you recognize?

The symptoms of cytomegalovirus include:

  • yellowing of the skin of the skin and sclera of the eye in the liver,
  • poor weight gain in the digestive disorders,
  • decrease blood clotting (thrombosis) in lesions of the circulatory system,
  • inflammation of the tissues of the brain during the development of encephalitis.

The baby may appearance:

  • hemorrhagic rashes, bruises on the body,
  • bleeding from the navel,
  • the discharge of feces with blood,
  • neurological disorder,
  • cramps',
  • loss of consciousness,
  • opacity and change the shape of the lens,
  • lesions in the structures of the eye,
  • cough's,
  • dyspnoeas,
  • the discharge of urine in small quantity with a pungent odor when the penetration of the virus in the kidneys.

    Citomegalovirusnaya infekciya u detej simptomy i posledstviya

The risk of congenital infection — complications that can lead to disability and death of the baby. With acquired CMV infection in children after 1 year observed:

  • the defeat of the upper respiratory tract,
  • the emergence of severe coughing,
  • pain when swallowing,
  • rise in temperature,
  • nasal congestion, runny nose,
  • the emergence of a rapidly spreading red rash on body,
  • swollen lymph nodes in the armpits, groin, in the neck, leading to soreness,
  • the appearance of jaundice on the skin,
  • pain in the abdomen.

In the course of diagnosis revealed enlarged spleen and liver. It is worth noting that all of the symptoms are similar to a cold or pneumonia, and the risk of cytomegalovirus in childhood. Can cause serious lesions in the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, liver. Clinically the child has mononucleosis. Severe — damage the heart, liver, lungs.

More often a congenital form of infection leads to complications: mental retardation and even death in 25% of cases when infected with CMV in utero. Symptoms are manifested immediately at birth, when a high probability of mortality. If a newborn fails to save, the intrauterine infection can lead to:

  • serious neurological diseases,
  • auditory and visual defects,
  • backwardness in mental development and growth of the baby,
  • frequent convulsions,
  • deterioration of vision and coordination.

Not always showing symptoms at once. It happens that the birth takes months or years, when sight, hearing gradually begin to deteriorate, resulting in so-called night blindness. As a rule, the manifestation of the pathology caused by the decline of immunity. That is why it is so important from childhood to worry parents about strengthening immunity in their babies. Home treatment of cytomegalovirus in young children it is recommended to drink a decoction of rose hips, give raisins, nuts, rich in vitamin C.

What are the diagnostic methods?

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It is not easy to diagnose cytomegalovirus in babies due to the lack of specific features or availability are similar to other diseases. Requires a full examination, tests for confirmation of infection the presence of antibodies and the protective protein, which is evidence of latent chronic form of the virus.


  • analysis of urine and saliva for the detection of the pathogen,
  • General analysis of blood for suspected anemia and thrombocytopenia, when the number of red blood cells is extremely low,
  • analysis in biochemistry the subject of renal increasing enzymes in the liver, increase of urea and creatinine,
  • the study under the microscope of sediment in the urine for the presence (absence) of cell nuclei when the progression of the virus, it reaches an impressive size,
  • cytomegalovirus as an instrumental method of study,
  • Ultrasound for possible damage to the lungs for signs of pneumonia,
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum to increase liver and spleen, there may be bleeding in them,
  • MRI of the brain to detect the inflamed lesion, presence of calcifications

When eye problems children need urgently to provide the eye doctor for a visual examination of the fundus for signs of damage of its structures, and will be the basis for the development of therapies in the future.

How to treat the disease?

It is impossible to completely eradicate the virus from the body, and medication, there is no deliverance. Cytomegalovirus the child is treated with antiviral medications. Although in spite of their efficiency the recurrence in the congenital form of CMV and newborns is still possible in the future.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus in young children is complex, with appointment kids antiviral drugs in the immunoglobulin as a low-toxic substance and possible to the destination immediately after birth

The risk of CMV in children is that a weakened low immunity can not resist the diseases and symptoms are sometimes clearly expressed. If diagnosed acquired cytomegalovirus infection in children (latent), the treatment of children is not carried out.

Focus on by reducing immunity due to other diseases. It's very stressful for the body and the impact on internal organs that can lead to irreversible degenerative processes in various organs. Depending on your symptoms possible appointment:

  • antipyretics,
  • copious drinking of saline solution to fill the water and base balance,
  • Acyclovir, Panavir.

Children are encouraged at the time of treatment to comply with bed rest, in difficult situations – hospital treatment with injection of drugs intravenously under close medical supervision. Possible serious complications in babies under 1 year because of a weak immune system. Assigned more gentle anti-virus tools, although they cure the disease in full is almost impossible. Thanks to a special medicines, doctors can check for diseases and to achieve sustainable long-lasting remission. Most importantly, to guide treatment to strengthen the immune system, suppression of cytomegalovirus. Assigned safe Immunal with biologically active components. Moreover, at home children can be given infusions of healing herbs: Echinacea, schisandra, ginseng, fruit and fresh vegetables.

When the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus in addition to antiviral therapy, it is important to protect the baby from contact with healthy people, to eliminate all factors provocateurs that can improve the course of disease. But as prevention is, on the contrary, is to protect children from contact with sick people, accustomed to wash more often hands with soap, follow the simple rules of personal hygiene.

To stabilize the condition of the child at home you need to give the kids the drugs orally to enhance the immune system, but only after a doctor's prescription. Self-excluded. Dose and time the medication is completely dependent on age, weight, severity of the infectious process occurring. When joining a bacterial infection in children treatment should be with antibiotics. It is important to direct treatment to suppress the negative impact of cytomegalovirus.

The baby's body is growing. The diet should include proteins, vitamins and trace elements. Antibiotics also adversely affect the intestinal flora, so be sure to assign additional probiotics for normalization of flora, improve gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system as a whole. You should avoid stress, more walk in the fresh air, to observe the regime of the day.

Than to treat the house?

The main purpose of folk remedies:

  • to help the body cope with the disease,
  • to achieve enhance immunity,
  • suppress the activity of the virus,
  • translate it in a latent stage.
Citomegalovirusnaya infekciya u detej simptomy i posledstviya

How to treat cytomegalovirus folk remedies is to brew with boiling water medicinal roots and leaves, prepare charges, such as licorice, comfrey, orchids, daisies,series and reception children 3/4 Cup 3 times a day.

You can prepare:

  • collection of succession, thyme, Burnet, rosemary, birch buds, yarrow and give it to children for 3/4tri Cup 4 times a day,
  • collection from primrose, lungwort, plantain, violets, raspberry, succession, nettle, birch, meadowsweet, fennel, rosehip. Brew the same way, to insist night in a thermos, to give 3/4stakana 4 times a day in times of heightened symptoms,
  • collection of alder, aspen, dandelion (root). 1 tbsp pour boiling water, boil on water bath for 5-7 minutes, to insist. To give children food for 30 g 3 times a day.

It newborn babies in immunodeficiency unstable before the complications of cytomegalovirus infection. The disease have a latent period and can progress. In the untimely appeal to doctors to lead to serious consequences and health problems:

  • nervous system,
  • meningitis, inflammation of the brain,
  • eye diseases, conjunctivitis,
  • strabismus, blindness.

How effective treatment is depends on the state of natural immunity and protective forces of the body. Medication same drugs can suppress the aggressive action of CMV in newborn children on the body to minimize symptoms. By the way, they appear more brighter if the child is also more cancer, leukemia and becomes almost unstable before the onset of any, even the most minor infection. This greatly complicates the treatment, and these children are constantly under close medical supervision.

With regard to prevention, the main task is to strengthen the immune system, unformed children have to adjust diet, dosed physical load, to carry out the procedure of hardening in order to avoid dangerous consequences. The only way to arrest the virus at an early stage. With the appearance of symptoms of the common cold (as it flows cytomegalovirus in children in the initial stage) to go to the doctors. The symptoms of the virus are similar to many diseases, only about the danger and how to treat cytomegalovirus know far fewer parents.