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The human herpes virus type 6

Diseases caused by the fault of herpesviruses (HSV) are the most common viral infections that affect people of different age categories (may be ill as a child and an elderly person). The disease, depending on the extent accompanied by changes in the skin and mucous membranes, which leads to the formation of bubbles. The infected person is infectious to others. The infection may also affect the Central nervous system and internal organs. When infection of the fetus may be malformation.

Infection (in particular, human herpes virus type 6) can be transferred by secretions from the mouth, genitals, saliva during kissing, using toys, etc. From the place of initial infection spreads through the lymphatic route to lymph nodes, nervous system, nerve ganglia and other organs.


Viruses of group of herpes viruses have more than one kind (there are about 80 viruses), but the attitude of the person are mainly the following:

  1. Herpes simplex virus 1 – HSV-1, HSV-1 (causes primarily infections of the oral cavity).
  2. Herpes simplex virus 2 – HSV-2, HSV-2 (genital).
  3. Varicella Zoster.
  4. Virus Epstein-Barr.
  5. Cytomegalovirus.
  6. Herpes simplex virus type 6, WGC-6.

Herpes type 6 – feature

Herpesvirus 6, HHV-6, WGC-6

Virus exanthema subitum (herpes virus type 6, WGC-6) belongs to a group of viral DNA, which exists in two versions, UGC-UGC and 6A-6B, is different, to a certain extent, genetically, biologically, and antigenically. Primary infection herpes virus 6 occurs most often as an undefined disease with a fairly high fever, sometimes accompanied by convulsions.

The herpes virus type 6 have infants and toddlers in 1/5 of cases symptoms fever roseolovirus origin. Only about 20% of children there is a rash or develops a "sixth disease." Rarely present hepatitis or atypical lymphocytosis.

If was was reactivating, otherwise healthy people (during pregnancy, after admission to the ICU for treatment of other serious diseases), they occur without symptoms. Reactivation UGC-6B, however, comes half of the recipients. The disease is characterized by fever and encephalitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, and signs of bone marrow suppression and worsening cytomegalovirus infection. Noticeable further change in mental status from confusion to speech disorders. WGC-6 also contributes to the immune suppression caused by HIV infection, and induces the production of cytokines.

Transmission of the disease

Herpes sixth type is spread through saliva and possibly sexual secretions. Recent studies have documented a new method of transmitting WGC-6, as well as integration of the virus in the parental DNA, which is then transmitted to the child at the moment of conception.

Symptoms and course of illness

Herpes type 6 causes a typical manifestation of this disease is not a serious febrile condition in infants and young children with a rash, with or without cutaneous manifestations. Children with roseola usually have a slight infection in the upper respiratory tract, with the following high temperatures (often over 40°C) that can last for a week. Babies may be cranky and irritable, best loss of appetite and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. More severe disease are rare.


Herpes type 6 is not detected by standard diagnostics. PCR tests may detect DNA WGC-6, but with great difficulty. Antibodies to WGC-6 are easier to identify than the virus itself. For this reason, elevated levels of IgG antibodies can only be a sign of indication WGC-6 Central nervous system.


Amplification and detection of viral genome by PCR (minimum sensitivity 5 copies per reaction) and reverse hybridization (minimum sensitivity 5 copies per reaction)


  1. Whole blood (EDTA tube –transport to the laboratory within 24 hours after sampling at room temperature).
  2. Plasma (after centrifugation of whole blood in EDTA tube for 10 min. To 7 days may be stored at 2-8°C, longer at a temperature of from -18 to -22°C).
  3. Cerebrospinal fluid, urine, biopsy (at temperature of -18 to -22°C).


Appeal to the specialist you need! The attending physician will direct the necessary examinations and, in accordance with their results will determine how to treat herpes.

Treatment for herpes type 6 is aimed only at relief of symptoms. Virus infection then stored in the body.

Sixth disease – symptoms and treatment

Sixth disease refers to diseases of viral origin. The disease causes the human herpesvirus 6 (WGC-6). Most frequently patients affected by this disease are children under the age of 3 years. The disease may, however, affect older children.

Sixth disease is very contagious and is often transmitted from babies through saliva to other family members. Sixth symptoms of the disease begin to show sudden high fever, persisting for several days (3-5 days), often reaching 40 ° C (high temperature is present, approximately, 30% of young children). The disease usually manifests itself as the flu. The child loses appetite, becomes irritable, lethargic, not interested in games, you might have a cough or runny nose. It is not unusual slight inflammation of the throat and a moderate swelling of the cervical lymph nodes, and diarrhea.

Once the temperature drops, appears pink or red rash. Spotted and slightly convex red rash first appears on the trunk, and then typically spreads to the arms, neck, stomach and legs. Sometimes the rash disappears within a few hours or 2-3 days.

Often the sixth disease is often confused with measles or rubella.

Treatment sixth disease

Does the place it is the sixth disease, can determined with certainty only by a doctor. Usually, the disease is treated with medication to reduce fever, and the physician recommends the consumption of adequate amounts of fluid.

If the child has a high temperature, we should not wait "until she goes down", the fever can be a symptom of other more serious diseases. Fever is a typical manifestation of urinary tract infection, inflammation of the kidneys, or meningitis. High fever in a child is also dangerous because it can cause febrile convulsions. If the child's temperature rises above 39ºS or a febrile seizures, immediately consult your doctor.

Child with a fever should be bathed with warm water, it should never be cold or hot.

The rash can be treated with antiseptic ointment that accelerates the drying of rashes, reduces itching and prevents the development of bacterial infection.

The sixth disease is crucial that is rash. After it fully disappears, the child ceases to be contagious and may return to the child's group.

Other diseases caused by HSV

The herpes virus is much harder to tolerate people with a weakened immune system. Treatment involves the use of antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) at the local level. Herpetic lesions must be dried (usually zinc ointment).

Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis (inflammation of the mouth and gums)

It is a disease of infants and young children. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the lips are visible blisters. The disease is very painful, the child refuses a meal. Subsides after 10-14 days, swollen glands in the neck can last for several weeks.

Follicular conjunctivitis

The disease is manifested by unilateral inflammation of the conjunctiva with enlargement or inflammation of the eyelids, on the edges of which may be visible blisters. Accompanied by photophobia, edema, pain, spot shadows on the cornea. The disease may affect the deeper structures of the eye and persist for a long time. Comes to a significant deterioration of vision.

Herpes labialis (herpes simplex virus)

The infection is manifested by burning, itching and painful blisters on lips, sometimes in the mouth, nose or on the face. Bubbles is initially watery but may be bacterial superinfection and so they begin to fester. Under normal circumstances the illness recede within 8-10 days (depending on treatment).

Genital herpes

The disease is caused by HSV-2, sexually transmitted. If the infection affects a pregnant woman during childbirth it can be transmitted to the baby. The rash appears on the external genitals, vagina and cervix, on the penis in men. There is fever, malaise, swollen lymph nodes in the groin. May have difficulty with urination. Virus always affects the and nervous structure, so there is pain. The same problem may occur homosexuals in the rectal area and around the dam.

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