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Herpes treatment at home folk remedies

Lechenie gerpesa v domashnih usloviyah narodnymi sredstvami

This virus is a very common disease, so for many years in the Bank of life experience had accumulated a huge store of knowledge about how to deal with it. Unfortunately, completely to get rid of cold sores will not work as the disease is considered incurable. However, there are many proven ways of dealing with its manifestations, the most common of which, of course, is the formation of painful ulcers on the mucous membranes and lips.

Herbal teas against the symptoms

The active form of the disease is manifested only with the weakening of the human immune system when the body for one reason or another can't keep it from spreading. Therefore, for the prevention of the symptoms fit any methods that strengthen the overall health of the person and his immune system.

Against the disease actively practiced treatment of folk remedies that help along with antiviral drugs, but do not have serious side effects and are not so heavy for the body of the patient. In addition folk remedies against herpes can be used in conjunction with drugs that only enhance their curative properties.

However, applying medicines based on herbs, you need to start with small dosages, because each person can have individual intolerance to substances or allergic reaction to individual components of the infusions. Ideal before applying a folk remedy to consult your doctor.


  • to prepare tincture of chamomile pour hot water over three tablespoons of dry powdered leaves of the flower, allow to cool for one hour, tightly covered vessel with the medicine, and either be ingested or burn sore bubble on lip substance moistened gauze,
  • decoction of chamomile mixed with the infusion of propolis. The mixture needs to drink three times a day a tablespoon or apply out every few hours.

Medicine on the basis of chamomile contribute to the drying of the bladder, relieve pain and disinfect the surface of mucous membranes, removing the pus.

White wormwood

For the treatment of herpes labialis and prevention when you start itching you can drink tea made from white sage. With high probability this will prevent the formation of bubbles.

Aloe leaf

Lechenie gerpesa v domashnih usloviyah narodnymi sredstvami

When herpes treatment the popular methods involves the use of aloe. Fresh juice of the plant is quickly drawn bubbles on the affected areas of the body and deprives you of discomfort. Sufficient regularly applying the pulp sheet while the "cold" will not work. To expedite the withdrawal symptoms aloe it is recommended to apply a bandage.


Well proven in removing disease symptoms and Kalanchoe. Or the affected area moistened with juice of the plant, or applied to his sheet, but the procedure should be repeated every 2-3 hours. The first use will fade the discomfort and pain. After a few sessions dry up the vial, and, after some time, the attack is blocked.


Effective recipe based on some kinds of mint. Water with peppermint in a proportion of one tablespoon of plant per Cup of liquid is brought to boiling and filtered. The decoction should be applied to affected skin.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies based on herbal concoctions has proved to be excellent. The above are the most effective methods of quickly relieving the symptoms of virus diseases and proving that to win herpes folk remedies.

How to treat virus chemicals?

Popular treatment of herpes includes such substances as separate elements of inanimate nature. By method of trial and error, humans have identified the most effective compound for the treatment of pain and resorption of speaking bubbles. And also understand how to treat the symptoms of the disease most quickly.

  1. Sulfur. "Cold" on the lips is healing nicely from the banal matches. Wet sulfur on the tip of the head and prisilaite wet side speaking bubble. If you regularly 5 times a day to carry out the procedure, then the symptom will take place on the second or third day. For home therapy is fast enough.
  2. Ash. Equally effective national treatment is applied to diseased parts of the black plaque formed after the burning of a small piece of paper on the saucer. Ash destroys pathogenic microorganisms in circumferencerankas.
  3. Cauterization with silver. Possessing bactericidal effect, silver can significantly reduce the unpleasant sensation of the attack. Heated a spoon or fork enough to make it swollen the place from four times daily to painful bubble dried up and split away from the body. A useful result is achieved in average for 2 – 3 days.

Foods that stop the symptoms

Folk remedies for herpes include proper nutrition. Eating certain categories of products reduces the activity of ailments in the body, inhibits seizures, and promotes healing speaking entities.

These species include potatoes, food with high protein content, legumes, dairy products: yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

The impact of these products on the herpes virus proven in clinical trials conducted by doctors, which confirms the validity of statements about the effectiveness of treatment folk remedies. The fact that these products are characterized by high content of lysine or diaminohexanoic acid – a substance that promotes the production of antibodies in the blood that destroy pathogens.

On the contrary, is highly undesirable in the period of exacerbation of the virus to eat the nuts and sunflower seeds raw and roasted form. These foods have large amounts of the amino acid arginine, which promotes the growth of viral particles in the body.

The use of hygiene items and medications

Traditional methods of treating herpes will use ordinary objects we use in everyday life. The same applies to pharmaceutical drugs which can be far from the fight against chronic viral infection. But home medicine quite often reveals unknown sphere of use of various medicines and tablets.

  1. Toothpaste. To dry painful education, to remove redness and swelling, it is not necessary to seek any additional ingredients as a proven remedy is already at hand. To eliminate the disease in one work week is enough during brushing to brush with toothpaste the affected area of the lips. Unfortunately, tooth powder this property does not have, but pasta will suit absolutely any kind.
  2. Valocordinum. Two days with a rash cope valocordin you want to RUB into the affected areas three times a day: morning, after lunch and before bedtime. This is perhaps the most effective folk remedy localization of herpes at home.

    Lechenie gerpesa v domashnih usloviyah narodnymi sredstvami

  3. Laundry soap. To prevent an outbreak of cold, the place of formation of the future of the rash should be lubricated with standard soap. Used this recipe at the first signs of exacerbation.
  4. Corvalolum. It turns out that this drug not only helps with heart disease, but also is actively used as folk remedies for the treatment of herpes. Cure dry painful areas on the lips.
  5. Oxolinic ointment. The ointment is proven not only to prevent colds and flu, but an antiviral weapons. Lubrication her affected area will soon produce tangible positive results.

Where does the virus

It is known that this viral disease is very common among people. According to some doctors, the disease is "sleep" mode nine out of ten inhabitants of the planet, penetrating into the body early childhood. Clinging to the nerve endings, it is gradually absorbed into the structure of the CNS, how to remove illness is no longer possible. At the modern level of development of medicine disease is considered incurable.

Sensing the presence of pathogens, the organism attempts of their destruction. The human body produces special antibodies that block the circulation and spread of the disease. So all this is manifested only with the weakening of immunity. From here it is possible to identify a number of factors that contribute to the appearance of cold sores and other symptoms. If these factors have not left you out, most likely we should expect a rash of purulent bubbles and advance to stock up on the necessary ingredients for the methods listed above withdrawal symptoms.

Factors contributing to the exacerbation of the disease

  • infection wakes up in autumn and winter, the sudden cold, wet weather,
  • related diseases,
  • General weakening of the body from high physical strain, due to stress, fatigue,
  • insufficient intake of vitamins also leads to inflammation of the bubbles.

Despite such wide distribution, active symptoms appear only every fifth person. Therefore, you should not consider this disease is inevitable, and the use of certain preventive measures can minimize the number of bouts of infection.

Prevention of "colds" on lips

To avoid being infected with virus or not cause his symptoms, we recommend the following:

  1. To minimize tactile contact with the person who observed the active phase of the disease. Categorically unacceptable are kissing and intimate contacts withoutcontraceptives'.
  2. If there are a sick man, while a characteristic rash on his body should be especially careful to wash dishes, wash linen of the patient, and better and to avoid using his personal belongings.
  3. When you have formed is characteristic of bubbles, it is recommended to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. In any case can not climb dirty fingers in the eyes, as this can cause serious complications in the organs of vision.
  4. The patient should be particularly attentive to their health and to keep yourself in shape.
Lechenie gerpesa v domashnih usloviyah narodnymi sredstvami

There is no guarantee that the therapies will quickly give results, but, at least, it is obvious that to locate herpes folk remedies is quite real.

Unfortunately, this disease is incurable, but its effects can be significantly reduced with proper prevention of heart attack and skillful use of tested recipes home medicine. And how to cure cold sores, there is a lot of literature. Take care!