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Treatment of genital herpes

What is genital herpes

This disease is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. The virus is type 1 and 2. In the first case, the percentage incidence is about 20%, for the virus type 2 have all the rest. Treatment of genital herpes get rid of problems with him and help to return to usual lifestyle. But few know how to treat genital herpes and trying to not use those drugs.

It is therefore necessary to start to find out what type of herpes are evident. Only after that start treatment. Self pick up drugs is not too good. People may simply not know what kind of medication will help you quicker to handle and do not hurt. So questions for the diagnosis and treatment should be consult a doctor.

Transmission of the virus

The main mode of transmission is sexual. It does not matter which variant of sexual intercourse to happen. Sources of infection become sick with severe manifestations of herpes. In this case, the genitalia may show sores or even a bottle with liquid inside. When ulcerative scabs will fall off and at the point of attachment of mucosa is restored, the person ceases to be dangerous.

Possible household transmission. The virus is transmitted through clothing, hygiene items, linens. This path is rare, but still possible under certain circumstances. If the allocation is dry, the virus dies and ceases to be contagious.

The most dangerous vertical path. When this child passed the virus during pregnancy or childbirth. If the infection occurs during pregnancy, it is possible to stillbirth, miscarriage and missed abortion. Often there are defects that still leads to the death of the child after birth.

Inoculation with the way a sick person can transfer the virus from one lesion in the genitals. This can occur when the transmission of the virus from the face to genitals.

Clinical implications

Usually, primary infection goes unnoticed. The virus just enters the body and does not manifest itself. While there are no symptoms and rashes. The virus is in the body, waiting for the right moment. Carriers of the virus are roughly 75-85% of the adult population. But clinical manifestations occur in only about 10%.

Therefore, the first manifestation of the virus will actually relapse, because he came early and was sleeping all the time. Created necessary conditions for the reproduction and manifestation of the herpes virus that caused him obvious clinical manifestation. The reason might be the decreased immunity, frequent stress, hormonal changes, infectious diseases. Cosmetic procedures and surgery also becomes the reason. Excessive fatigue of the body, alcohol abuse, hypothermia can provoke a recurrence of herpes often. So you should try to avoid such situations and not to forget the timely psychological and physical relaxation.

Rash herpes

The most obvious sign of the disease is the appearance of rashes. They appear in certain places:

  • vulvar lips,
  • pubis,
  • cervical canal,
  • male sex organ,
  • buttocks,
  • urethra,
  • hips,
  • anus,
  • testicles,
  • prostate.

Women may experience a rash in the area of the clitoris, and men near the head of the penis. Bubbles can be single or multiple. They are watery at first, then burst, and there are open sores. If no action is taken and the sores are in the wet areas behind the folds, the festering sores and can bleed. Then the sores begin to dry, covered with crusts. The entire period from redness to falling off of the crusts can last up to 10 days.

If rashes appear monotonous without certain dynamics, it can last for several weeks. During this time there will be new eruptions, and dry old.Rashes in the vagina or on the cervix are very rare, but rather the exception to the rule.

Diagnosis of diseases

Before curing, it is necessary to identify and confirm the disease. Do it in the laboratory. It is most convenient to identify the disease when the rash. But the methods of diagnosis will differ from the stage of the disease. When typical symptoms sufficient to conduct a visual inspection. The attending physician even without tests can indicate disease.

If the patient complains of his fortune, and appeared immediately in the beginning with redness, the doctor take material for analysis. Take swabs from the vagina, the urethra may take a scraping from the throat or rectum.

Often genital herpes can accompany other diseases, so the diagnosis gives the opportunity to identify and start the treatment immediately.

You can use the study is based on finding antibodies to the virus 1 or type 2. As material for research use blood, swabs, urine, mucus. Depending on the problem the doctor will decide what materials are necessary for the analysis on antibodies.

Convenient methods for diagnostic PCR and ELISA. Each of them has its own characteristics, but they help to make a diagnosis.

Features of the herpes virus

The virus lives in the skin and spinal nerve ganglions. So after favourable conditions, it begins to move to his place rashes. Often you can see some precursors in the form of itching, burning.

The detection of antibodies does not say that the rash called herpes. Therefore it is necessary to use other diagnostic methods. Often these tests must be done pregnant or during preparation for pregnancy. But don't worry if detection of antibodies to the herpes virus. This is not a reason to start treatment and the woman can safely pass the entire pregnancy.

It is most convenient to establish the cause of the rash by the method of PCR with the capture of smears. This material take 1 to 3 days of rash.

Often, even in excellent condition the immune system may occur clinical manifestations of genital herpes.

Which diagnostic method is most convenient and suitable for an individual patient determines his doctor. In some cases, you may need to use several surveys. It will make diagnosis more accurate. Sometimes it can join other sexual diseases where there are similar symptoms. Therefore, visual inspection and interview of the patient can be diagnosed wrongly.

Atypical forms of herpes.

In the occurrence of typical form with all clinical manifestations it becomes easier to diagnose. But in some cases, there are atypical forms. They make diagnosis difficult. After all, in the form of symptoms only some. It may only be redness, burning or itching, blistering or swelling, ulceration or necrosis. Depending on the manifested symptoms and give the name of this atypical herpes: bullous, erythematous, necrotic, itchy, bleeding.

In women, atypical forms are more common. Men suffer from these forms less. But in 20% of cases male infertility is to blame for the herpes virus, which is found in the semen during the tests.

Oligosymptomatic herpes

Subclinical form shows a small expression of symptoms. They're quite short end in 1-2 days. Microinformatica is expressed in the form of a small itching and a couple of cracks. Often do not pay attention, do not go to the doctor and it is difficult to diagnosis.

Reveal is usually a herpes in sexual partners of the primary patient, conducting Virology research. This form is often the companion of other sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, to undergo a proper examination and to visit your doctor is very important.

Defeat the herpes virus

To set the correct frequency of lesions is difficult. This is due to the fact that almost half of the patients, the disease can occur without obvious sensations. Therefore, doctors suggest that in fact this disease is more common than it is diagnosed.

So internal genital herpes is not felt and the person has no complaints. I can only detect some discharge from the vagina or urethra, which pass quickly and do not cause discomfort. If you hold at this moment a laboratory study, found an increase in the number of leukocytes. This means the presence of inflammation.

When asymptomatic, affects internal genitalia are absent any complaints. Clinical data that will confirm an inflammatory process is also not observed. The study of the vagina and of the urethra in the form of strokes, inflammation is not found and the elevation there. And in the study of the secretions of the virus will be detected.

The features of herpes in women

In the inflammatory process in the urethra, a woman will feel cramps in the beginning of urination. Also may be more frequent urination, in the urine can detect blood and in the urinary stomachache.

The appearance of herpetic cystitis may be the first symptom of the disease. It usually appears after the sex or after every change of sexual partner.

If the herpes smote analthe area, then there are often cracks that constantly recur and hamper the correct diagnosis. This symptom is often confused with other diseases of the rectum.

The features of herpes in men

The appearance of herpes urethra men during urination feel burning and cramps. There may be a sensation of heat hypersensitivity at rest.

Herpes bladder can develop as a secondary disease, joining the urethritis or prostatitis. There is disorder of urination, pain and burning sensation, blood in the urine and a small amount of the most of urine.

With the defeat of herpes prostates often do not notice. Often prostatitis in this case, flows with small number of symptoms that does not give confidence in the diagnosis.


Treatment of genital herpes is based on the reduction of its symptoms and minimize its recurrence. The fact that the herpes virus once in the body, doesn't go away, staying forever. But the correct approach to treatment can help avoid further problems.

The use of drugs

For genital herpes for the treatment of suitable acyclic nucleosides. They help to cope with the virus. Among them:

  • acyclovir,
  • penciclovir,
  • famciclovir,
  • valaciclovir.

As the virus constantly adapts to the drug and can not be him, for better treatment should be alternated with each other. This will allow more precisely to affect the virus. To choose the right drug will help the doctor.

Used for the treatment and the interferon drugs. They can be used together with acyclic nucleosides. Interferon is considered to be the active helper of the immune system as an antiviral protein. It finds the virus and gives it to multiply. Some believe that the lack of interferon becomes the impetus for recurrent herpes.

There are preparations combining interferon and acyclovir. If you use drugs in the form of creams or ointments, it is advisable to choose one that will not be too liquid, will not leak. Since the rash can be painful, you can choose a cream with the lidocaine, which relieves pain.

With proper selection of drugs problems disappear in 5-6 days. To help the ointments or creams can be used tablets.

The basics of treatment

The result of treatment of cold sores depend on certain factors. First of all, from the qualifications of your doctor. The more experience, the faster he will establish the correct diagnosis and will pick up the drugs. A lot depends on the patient. Careful adherence to the prescription, perform all procedures promotes a speedy recovery.

The treatment is based on several important factors. First of all, you need to stop all the acute manifestations of herpes. To try to reduce the intensity of symptoms and the frequency of the outbreaks. It is necessary to increase the period between relapses. Ideally, to ensure that these periods were at least a few months. Treatment of herpes commits to take the necessary medicines. They help the immune system to get rid of acute symptoms.

You should also remove the pain, because it appears when involvement of the nervous system in the inflammatory process. It is impossible to prevent the spread of infection to other organs. And during pregnancy, be sure to take preventive measures and avoid recurrence.

All this can give a comprehensive approach to treatment, especially individual selection of drugs, dosage and scheme.

Hygiene when the disease

To heal the body in getting rid of symptoms, you must follow certain hygiene. When using drugs in the form of ointments should not immediately wear underwear. Let the ointment soak in a bit. After a shower use a clean towel for the genital organs separately from the body. This will help not to spread the infection from the hearth to other places. Preferably not too wet places rashes and carefully DAB them on, leaving no moisture. This will further bring discomfort, especially with the appearance of ulcers.

During the relapses and lesions lingerie to choose from natural fabrics and a boxy cut. It should not squeeze the place of the lesions, so as not to injure them. Preferably after hygienic procedures wash hands thoroughly. Dirty hands can't touch other mucous membranes (mouth, eyes, nose).


People with genital herpes should be responsible and try not to transmit the disease to others. It is enough to refrain sexual contact during a recurrence, and time to take treatment. Then the other person will not become infected. Special attention should be given to prevent infection in the presence of ulcers.

Be sure to take responsibility for their health. The herpes virus gets along well with other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, timely detection and treatment will help alleviate the disease and reduce its recurrence.