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Herpes type 2 symptoms in women

Genital herpes is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that is one of the most frequent genital infections. The agents of the two types of herpes simplex virus:

  • Herpes type 1 (HSV-1).
  • Herpes type 2 (HSV-2).
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No longer apply the rule of 1960, which was in effect until recently, which States that infections due to HPV-1 is clinically manifested in the upper part of the body (especially on the face, in the mouth and on the lips) and infection that causes the herpes virus type 2 – only on the lower half of the body (genitals and their surroundings). 70-90% of cases of genital herpes causes herpes that is type 2, and 10-30% of cases of HPV-1.

The course of primary infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, and type 1 in women and men is no different. The infection is localized on the lips, in the mouth or on the face may in the course of various sexual acts and practices spread to genitals and Vice versa. Primary infection of the genital organs and their environment, usually only occurs after puberty and is characterized by changes in the skin and mucous membranes in the form of vesicles and pustules.

Form of transmission

The disease is transmitted sexually.


The only carrier of the virus is infected person.


Herpes viruses can infect any kind of animals but the viruses are not transmitted human to animals and Vice versa.

Incubation period

Approximately 5-7 days.

The mechanism of induction of the disease

During primary infection herpes of the second type as HSV-1 enters through a minor injury to the skin or mucous membranes, multiply in and damage them. Externally, the infection is manifested by formation of vesicles, and later, when they burst pustules and crusts. After a few days, when the body begins to form antibodies from these places, the virus along the nerve fibers can be transported in the cells of the nervous ganglia (neurotropic viruses). In the ganglia, the virus for the rest of your life may remain in an inactive (latent) form, but the infection may at any time be activated and re-flashing. The virus can be activated after exposure to various precipitating factors, for example, in case of fever, emotional stress, menstruation or hormonal balance.

Infectious dose

Not specify.

The affected system

The skin and mucous membranes of the genitals and their surroundings, rectum, mouth, and nose, eyes and nervous system.

Geographical distribution

The disease occurs worldwide.

Disease characteristics

An infection that causes herpes type 2 symptoms is typical, similar to the HPV-1. There are painful lesions, slightly swollen, on the surface there are small blisters. Bubbles filled with clear liquid and can burst. They gradually dry out, becoming covered with scabs. After they can stay red spots.

Diseases caused herpes virus occur in the body 90% of the people. During primary infection, the virus replicates primarily in the site of entry, and within 6-10 days after infection can occur lesions of the skin or mucous membranes. The virus spreads through the nerve fibers in the nerve ganglia, where it persists, and how can at any time return. This can happen under certain conditions (for example, in the case of febrile diseases, under stress, with exposure to the sun, depending on the menstrual cycle, due to the depletion and weakening of the immune system).

Herpes simplex virus type 1 causes symptoms, most often on the lips. The transmission of the virus through the saliva of carriers. Primary infection in more than 90% of infected people have no signs of disease. The virus remains in the nerve fibers, waiting for a weakened immunesystem, to be able to be activated. When activated, the virus from the nerve ganglion and transferring it again to the skin there are the classic rash affecting lips, face or nose.

Gerpes 2 tipa simptomy u zhenshin

Herpes simplex virus type 2 causes cold sores on the genitals and is transmitted sexually. The disease is manifested by pain, itching or burning in genital area, pain in the hips and legs. Vesicles usually localized in the genital area, but may be present in the vagina, on the cervix or in the rectum. Bubbles and one spot on the genitals should be examined by a dermatologist!

Herpes viruses are very contagious even if the blisters have healed and formed scabs. If they are not treated properly, the affected area may be secondarily infected with bacteria, causing there painful pustules, the healing process takes longer, perhaps even scarring.

Clinical features

The infection sometimes occurs with no symptoms (20%), but frequently induces the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs or their environment. Men sometimes affect the penis and the mucous membrane of the urethra, often difficulties when urinating and sexual intercourse. The representatives of sexual minorities may be affected by the rectum and its vicinity. In women, symptoms often appear on the external genitals, but the infection may spread to the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix. The accompanying sign of infection usually is the swelling of the adjacent lymph nodes.

In the case of primary infection during pregnancy can also be infected fruit. When asymptomatic course, or activation of latent infection in the mother leads to infection of newborns during delivery. If untreated or delayed therapy, the infection in newborns goes into a complex General generalized disease with symptoms of blood poisoning and inflammation of the brain, as a rule, they tend to be fatal.

Laboratory diagnostics

ELISA method is a technique aimed at identifying the differences between primary infection and re-activation of the latent form, by the so-called evidence of early antibodies of class IgM (disappear in the period after the acute phase) and IgG antibodies (persist throughout life). In acute infections, the levels of these antibodies increases significantly. Usually used diagnostic kits can not distinguish between antibodies against HSV-1 antibodies and HSV-2, as the antigens of both types are very similar, and serological tests show cross-reactivity. Reactivation of herpes infection, usually is not associated with the early formation of antibodies of class IgM, and passes without a significant increase in levels of IgG antibodies.

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Virus isolation in cell culture – not routinely used.

The method of immunofluorescence is a method that can identify the virus using monoclonal antibodies (are the product of a single clone of b-lymphocytes).

Specific PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a very sensitive method for the detection of viral genetic material (DNA). Expedient to confirm the activation of the virus, and to distinguish between HPV-1 and HPV-2. In the framework of the method is taken, the swab from the skin, mucous membranes and fluid from vesicles on sterile swab.


Treatment for herpes type 2, and type 1 is complex and involves symptomatic and causal therapy, although the virus can not be destroyed, perhaps only effective slowing its spread. If you have a herpes infection it is important to decide what form of antiviral drugs to choose whether to give preference to preparations of local action (ointments, creams, plasters) or to introduce medication into a vein, intramuscularly or orally in a pill form. Drug treatment depends on the nature and severity of the infection, General health of the person. Used forms of drugs can be combined, and the treatment of serious infections belongs to the specialized departments of infectious, gynecological and dermatological. Most often, Acyclovir is used in all forms of administration (this drug is also typically used if there is a herpes type 2 in pregnancy as type 1), pills Valacyclovir, Famciclovir tablets in the form of cream. Prolonged use of these drugs may lead to selection of resistant viruses. Neither drug is able to remove the virus that is inactive (latent) form survives in the nerve ganglia.

Preventive measures

As with all sexually transmitted diseases, preventive measures include strict adherence to the principles of safe sex and increased level of hygiene.

Active immunization

Vaccines against herpes viruses HPV-1 and HPV-2 are under development.

Immunity after overcoming illness

Despite the fact that the body reacts to infection by producing antibodies and cell-mediated immune reactions for the complete removal and neutralization of this virusnot enough and does not protect against re-infection or reactivation of the virus.

Prognosis and possible complications

The herpes viruses infected nine people out of ten. Some of their active form never shows up or manifests itself only once in a lifetime. But it is important to remember that every virus "waiting for" immune system disorders, when can be activated. Bubbles that occur as a result of activation, are very contagious and can, thus, easily lead to infection. The herpes virus is very powerful, it does not destroy even machine washable at forty degrees. People who have active virus on the lips or face, it when washing the genitals, wear gloves, or hygiene hands are well sanitized, so that, in the case of the presence on them of the virus, it has not caused vaginal herpes.

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Severe complications occur in individuals with weakened immune systems and people with skin diseases (eczema, common skin damage). These people, the infection can cause meningitis and inflammation of the brain.

Genital herpes is a hidden danger, especially for women. From the vagina it can easily get into the bladder and cause pain during urination and other problems.

This is a very dangerous phenomenon shortly before birth, because there is a risk of infection of the newborn, which in many cases leads to his death. Finally, it is important to know that genital herpes increases the risk of HIV transmission from an infected person.