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How to treat herpes on lip fast treatment

CHem lechit gerpes na gube bystroe lechenie

The appearance of small blisters especially on the lips, is a very unpleasant disease that is called herpes. Not only that, the bubbles on the lips do not look aesthetically pleasing, so they also bring a lot of trouble: wet bubbles cause discomfort. It should be noted that herpes on lips go away on their own within 2-3 weeks, but completely out of the human body it does not disappear. The cells of the virus are found over a long period of time in the human body in a sleep state, and by reducing the immunity of the virus manifests itself again. It is noteworthy that on the lips herpes is a result of exposure to herpes simplex virus, which the doctors called HSV-1. They also distinguished two main types of HSV: HSV-1 and VPG2. On the basic signs of the virus are the same. But it has significant differences. The first type can cause sores in the mouth. The people he is called herpes simplex. HSV-2 most often is the cause of herpes in the genitals. In that case, if sexual partners are practicing oral-genital sex, HSV-2 can cause the appearance of the virus in the genitals, and mouth.

The main causes of cold sores on the lips

Most often, a simple herpes virus enters the human body through cuts, abrasions or other damage to the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. Another reason for the penetration of the virus into the body is direct contact of an infected person with uninfected. This is usually through kissing, as the result of sharing household items or through unprotected sexual intercourse. It is noteworthy that if the virus first enters the body, the more he'll never leave him.

How is the infection?

As mentioned above, getting through abrasions in the body, the virus spreads along the nerve fibers and progressing to the Central nervous system. There it is actively developed and propagated. In humans, the penetration of the virus is not accompanied by any symptoms until then, until reduced immunity. This can occur as a result of the impact of the disease, intense emotional or physical stress. Upon the occurrence of suitable conditions, the virus gets active in nerve endings and is manifested in the form of transparent bubbles on the surface of the lips.

Thus, conventionally, the process of getting the virus in the human body can be divided into three stages:

  1. Lack of sensitivity or the appearance of a tingling in a certain part of the lips,
  2. The appearance in the problem area itching or burning,
  3. The presence of inflammation and redness in problem areas.

From an infected person the virus can manifest itself once in a few years or a few times a year. A particularly virulent virus herpes cancer patients and patients with AIDS who have undergone organ transplants: they have the bubbles can appear in the internal organs.

In addition, the need to allocate additional causes of herpes on the lips. These include:

  • Menstruation and long sitting on a rigid diet,
  • Bad habits and excessive alcohol consumption,
  • Getting solar burns of varying degrees,
  • The lack of fluid in the body,
  • Frequent injury to the surface of the skin or mucous membranes,
  • The removal of a large number of dental nerves,
  • Permanent makeup lips,
  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis.

It should also be noted that the herpes virus can be passed to a newborn in case if one of family members or medical workers with whom contact was a child, there is in the body of this virus.

The main symptoms of the presence in the human body of the herpes virus

The main sign of the presence in the body of the virus is the periodic occurrence of an unpleasant white ulcers or bubbles on the surface of the lips or under the nose. It should be noted that most often they are accompanied by a rise in human body temperature. In addition, before the emergence of the bubble man in the troubled region may be a feeling of burning, tingling, itching. It is noteworthy that when pressed or injury of the bubble a person can stand out white clear liquid.

Besidesthis should allocate additional symptoms of the presence in humans herpes virus:

  • The appearance of pain in the throat, worse when swallowing action Commission,
  • Excessive salivation,
  • Sudden decrease in appetite,
  • The presence of lethargy and irritability,
  • The odor from the oral cavity,
  • A person with fever,
  • The appearance of the tumor in the salivary glands.

If you receive one of signs, many are asking: "How to treat herpes on your lips?". It should be noted that with the emergence of various unpleasant symptoms should immediately contact a specialist. Only it is based on the diagnosis will be able to make the correct diagnosis and select an effective treatment of herpes labialis.


CHem lechit gerpes na gube bystroe lechenie

Initially, the specialist will conduct the inspection and survey of the patient. On the basis of their examination the doctor can make a diagnosis and determine: how to treat herpes on lip.

The presence of ulcers on the surface of the lips will not cause of doubt that a person herpes. To prevent the spread of the virus in other organs, the doctor may prescribe the passage of additional diagnostic procedures. These include:

  • Submission of a sample of tissue or fluid from the cavity of the ulcer,
  • Assays for viral culture,
  • Holding on Tzanck smear,
  • The study of antibodies and antigens of human.

Cold sores on the lips and its treatment

To answer the question: "How to cure herpes?"doctors say that generally all treatments aimed at accelerating the healing process of the virus and prevent recurrences. It is noteworthy that drugs that will help ensure an easy cure for herpes does not exist. All medicines aimed at reducing the activity of the virus and its spread. At the pharmacy presents a huge number of various ointments, creams and tablets which have a negative impact on the virus and provide a fast way to cure herpes. It is noteworthy that unlike creams and ointments, which are taken externally, the tablets should be taken orally and therefore may cause various unpleasant symptoms and side effects. Most experts say that they one day help to get rid of herpes virus in the early stages.

Popular medications from cold sores on the lips

All medicines that help to cure herpes on the lip, should be divided into several major groups. The first group includes tools, active substance in which is Acyclovir. These include: Zovirax, Vivorax. It is noteworthy that they allow you to get rid of beginning stages of herpes in 1 day.

The second group includes the medicaments, the active substance in which is valacyclovir. These include Valacyclovir and he needs therapy with valtrex. They are also aimed at the rapid treatment of herpes on the lips.

Other medications cannot be grouped into any particular group because they all have different active ingredients. These include drugs such as: Abreva, Famvir, Fenistil penciler, Panavir.

One of the most popular ointments that help for 1 day to get rid of herpes labialis are Acyclovir or Acyclovir-acre and gel Panavir. It is noteworthy that they are accessible to every citizen of price and ease of use.

It should be remembered that they not only help with the appearance of initial symptoms of the virus but also are in the active stage.

In that case, if the application of all the above funds has not given the desired result you need to seek help from a specialist.

Medical getting rid of herpes

In the presence of pain and hyperthermia in the area of the virus, many are asking: "How can you get rid of this unpleasant disease?". In this case, usually help drugs such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Also used Choline salicylate gel with lidocaine. They reduce itching and relieve pain. Antiviral drugs for local use is Acyclovir 5% and Penciclovir 1%.

The frequent appearance of the herpes the patient may appoint a laser treatment. It also aims to reduce the pain and likelihood of recurrence of herpes. Due to the fact that in this method there are rarely side effects it can be used for the elderly.

In some cases, when the answer to the question: "How to cure herpes?"— call this combined tool as Isoprinosine. It contributes to the provision immunomodulirutee and anti-inflammatory action.

Getting rid of herpes with traditional medicine

One of the most popular folk remedies getting rid of herpes is vaseline and calendula. In order to prepare the composition should collect the leaves of marigold and squeeze the juice from them. The resulting liquid must be mixed with one teaspoon of vaseline. The resulting composition should be rubbed into the affected areas.

CHem lechit gerpes na gube bystroe lechenie

Another effective remedy for herpes is aloe Vera. From the plants should be cut sheet andapply it to the affected area. You need to keep about half an hour. The leaves help to relieve redness and pain. Use the leaves to about 2-3 times.

Another wonderful means of getting rid of the herpes virus is considered essential fir oil. Wonderful it is because to wipe the affected area according to the composition should be about 2 days.

To soften rough the affected area you can use Shilajit or paracetamol tablets.

To boost immunity you can use a tincture of ginseng and rosehip juice or lemon.

It should be remembered that the cause of all medicines you only need a cotton swab, not your hands.

The appearance of the herpes virus in a pregnant woman

It should be remembered that if the virus appeared during pregnancy a second time, the threat to the future child does not. However, if the virus appeared for the first time, the specialist should report his appearance. Most often a pregnant woman is assigned the use of antiviral ointments. For Example, Zovirax. Also a woman can use a special protivovirusnye lipstick and traditional medicines. In addition, pregnant women should eliminate from your diet flour products and increase the number of protein products. Also, a pregnant woman needs more sleep and to drink special vitamins for pregnant women.

It is noteworthy that all funds must be used only with the appointment of a specialist. A pregnant woman can catch the virus herpes is through poorly washed hands, kissing with infected people and household items.

Prevention of herpes virus on the lip surface

Doctors say that the virus is in 95% of the population. In order to prevent the emergence of bubbles on the surface of your skin to strengthen the immune system, maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right. During cold should eat vitamins and to avoid visiting crowded places. In that case, if a person often appear herpes rash it is desirable to pass a comprehensive examination and check the status of the immune system. If there are any problems, the specialist may schedule an appointment immunomoduliruta funds.

Also, experts note that the best means of getting rid of herpes is a hardening of the body.

For people who are prone to herpes as a result of frequent sun exposure, use sunscreen with a high protection level. They should handle the surface of the face every time before going out.

Doctors recommend all people to avoid close contact with people who have herpes rash. Also should pay attention to household items and personal care products that have touched the infected person. Preferably after using them a sick person well to boil.

CHem lechit gerpes na gube bystroe lechenie

In the winter before going out on the lips you should apply a protective balm. This will help to avoid drying and the appearance of cracks. Doctors extremely recommend that women of hypothermia. Also, keep in mind that the sores appeared impossible in any case to squeeze.

It should be remembered that personal hygiene also each person must be individual.

Thus, if every person will follow all the above rules and to be attentive to your body, it will reduce the risk of herpes virus on the lips to a minimum.