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Toxoplasmosis — toxoplasmosis is transmitted, the route of transmission and methods of treatment

Toxoplasmosis is a disease of humans and animals, asymptomatic, but it is fraught with serious complications for the whole body.

About how toxoplasmosis is transmitted, whether it is possible to protect yourself from it, and how to avoid getting toxoplasmosis, you need to know everyone. The ways and means of toxoplasmosis is particularly important to keep in mind pregnant women because the infection can cause abortion, to facilitate the occurrence of congenital malformations of the fetus and even lead to death.

Propagation characteristics of Toxoplasma

According to the world health organization, toxoplasmosis is among the most dangerous to humans of zoonotic diseases. The disease is characterized by widespread dissemination, irrespective of natural conditions and has no geographical borders stretch.

The difference between toxoplasmosis and many other infections is that they suffer from all mammals. But animals of the cat family can be a source of infection — only in their organism Toxoplasma reproduce sexually and form dangerous cysts.

Cyst is a kind of "egg", under a strong cover which parasitic infection may persist up to several years. Cysts from cat feces are spread with sand, dust, fall on garden and vegetable plants, grass, other animals.

In the transmission of toxoplasmosis all other mammals, including humans are only intermediate hosts of the pathogen.

For the parasite is characterized by two ways of reproduction:

  • asexual — within a single organism, without the formation of resistant cysts such "carrier" of the infection is not contagious and poses no risk to others,
  • sexual way of reproduction, occurs only in the intestine of the cat family with the formation of cysts, resistant to environmental influences. After leaving the body of the host, they are long viable, are resistant to drying and temperature changes, keeping the risk of infection with other organisms.

In contact with Toxoplasma in the body of an adult, healthy person turns on immune protection and disease does not develop. Many carriers do not even suspect that you have been ill with toxoplasmosis. This form of the disease called "latent".

Person — the carrier of the infection is not contagious. This is the development of toxoplasmosis in most people. In rare cases, people with reduced immunity, after infection develops acute form of the disease threat serious complications for the whole body.

Categories of people at risk when infected by Toxoplasma:

  1. newborns, and children under seven years,
  2. older people,
  3. pregnant women (because of the risk to the fetus),
  4. people undergoing medical therapy, associated with a temporary decrease in immune status, for example, when cancer treatment, organ transplant, etc.,
  5. HIV-infected.

For the above categories of people, a toxoplasmosis infection can lead to serious consequences: disorders of the nervous system, cause lesions of the internal organs and vision.

Infection of pregnant women is especially dangerous risk of abortion, birth of dead fetus or child with congenital malformations.

How is the infection infection

How do you get toxoplasmosis to humans?

Medicine distinguishes between two routes of transmission of toxoplasmosis: congenital and acquired. A congenital form of the disease, or intrauterine infection dangerous possible serious consequences for the baby.

Infection of the fetus in this case is through the mother's blood. If the infection women will occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, and will lead to the defeat of the embryo, the pregnancy will be interrupted. The disease in the second trimester is also dangerous miscarriage or the development of defects in the fetus.

90% of babies infected by transplacental manifestations of toxoplasmosis are diagnosed after 7-8 weeks from the moment of birth.

Toxoplasmosis causes impairment of vision, disease of the nervous system, causes hearing loss. Often a congenital form of infection causes the death of a newborn.

The assurances of gynecologists, the longer the gestation, the lower the likelihood of serious consequences to the body of the unborn child.

Purchased the route of infection is considered the most secure. According to statistics, only one person out of a hundred when infected with toxoplasmosis may cause complications.

There are the following alimentary way of infection this form of the disease:

Oral way of infection. Vectortoxoplasmosis are animals. So most often, the disease is transmitted during the reception of contaminated food. This method of transmission is widespread. It is important to remember that visiting and developed European countries with a high food culture. Bloody steak Tartar — any meat that has not been a serious heat treatment, carries a risk of contamination.

Poorly cleaned vegetables, fruits, herbs are also a common cause of infection. Even the use of raw water from the tap, and especially from natural sources, can contribute to the transmission. Industrial filters in this case is not saved. Children can become infected by ingestion of raw cow's or goat's milk.

Importantly! Infectious disease specialists say that two-thirds of the infected patients got infected through poorly treated and improperly cooked foods.

The second method of infection in man is called medical term percutaneous, or subcutaneous. In this case, the pathogen penetrates the human body through wounds and scratches on the skin. It is therefore important in the presence of even minor damage to thoroughly clean and decontaminate any skin wounds. Subsequent ligation will avoid getting into the wound cysts of Toxoplasma.

Neglect of a minor cut during cooking may cause infection.

Infection with cysts of Toxoplasma, it is often possible in the process of working with the soil. The reason is that land can serve as the second step in the chain of infection. Usually, the infected feces of cats are released into the soil, and from there spread everywhere. At risk are the owners of their own cottages, gardens.

It is important to conduct thorough hygienic procedures for children playing in yards, sandboxes, process toys, walked on the earth.

The following method of infection — transplantation of donor organs is much rarer, mainly due to the fact that the category of such operations is very expensive and not widespread in our country. There is a risk of infection through blood transfusion, infected cysts.

Previously it was thought that all cat owners are at risk of increased risk of toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women are infectious disease specialists gave advice to get rid of Pets. In fact, as mentioned above, only members of the cat family are animals, in the intestines which is possible reproduction of the infection with the formation of germ cell cysts.

But there are a few features: just as in humans, not all infected cats are a danger.

Only 1% of these animals once during the entire period of his life unable to distinguish cysts of Toxoplasma.

In addition, the ability of infected cats appears about a week after infection. The infection can be transferred within 2-3 weeks.

As infected with toxoplasmosis cats themselves?

Toxoplasmosis has such ways of infecting cats, as the eating of infected rodents and birds infected raw meat, herbs from the cysts.

Pay attention! Toxoplasmosis is not transmitted from person to person by casual contact, kissing, sexually.

Prevention of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis does not apply to the epidemiologically dangerous diseases, so vaccinations against infection has so far not released, and asserted physicians are unlikely to release.

Prevention is only possible from the acquired toxoplasmosis, these simple preventive measures will help you avoid getting infected with this dangerous infection:

Observance of rules of personal hygiene

Oocytes from cat feces, capable of infecting only after a few days of appearance. Timely and thorough cleaning of the litter — a reliable way to prevent infection from a pet.

It is important to remember to use gloves during the cleaning, and especially to wash hands thoroughly after any contact with soil and sand.

Regular wet cleaning and processing of the input floor mats will protect from the risk of infection from street dust.

The observance of technology of cooking

All fruits and vegetables before consumption should be washed thoroughly and used in its raw form, pour over boiling water.

Products of animal origin must be subjected to careful heat treatment. The destruction of the cysts contributes to the preparation of food at temperatures up to 60 °C for at least 10 minutes or at least 5 minutes at a higher temperature.

Cooking meat in a microwave oven can be unsafe, due to uneven heating of the product — part of the cysts can remain viable. Freezing foods will prevent infection of food storage from three days with the temperature not higher than minus 15.

Systematic examination by experts

It is especially important to regularly get tested for toxoplasmosis to individuals at risk. If the tests showed you're immune to Toxoplasma, you can not worry about the period of the disease has been transferred.

If the result is negative you just need to be more attentive to themselves and at the first suspicion of infection to be screened, therapy will be assigned if necessary.

A pregnant woman in a mandatory manner is examined for toxoplasmosis when contactingantenatal clinic.

In the absence of immunity to the pathogen is required of all preventive measures and regular inspection during the entire period of carrying a child.

Prevention of infection in Pets

To prevent the disease in cats, it happens on the street is unrealistic, and to prevent contamination of pet is quite in your power. It should be used with care to treat the feeding, not to give raw meat, especially pork and lamb. It is impossible to prevent a cat catching rats, mice and insects.

Despite the wide spread of toxoplasmosis development rarely takes on dangerous forms. Strengthening the immune system, early diagnosis and preventative measures will help to prevent infection, and regular examination of pregnant women from the experts will help to prevent dangerous consequences for the unborn child.