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Cleansing the body — How to cleanse the body of toxins and parasites

If you feel constant fatigue, migraine, saw that look, not so much fresh than usual, to conduct a cleansing of the body. Rather, in such cases, your body filled with toxins and harmful substances.

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Not everyone of us is truly right and healthy lifestyle, therefore, any person, from time to time require cleaning. Yes, and we quite often remove your own home from dust and debris, but the body is no worse and much more important.

How to cleanse the body without harm to health?

How to properly clean the body, and that this can apply you will learn from this article.

Why do you need to cleanse the body?

Modern environment and ecology are in such poor condition that clean the body needs to carry out at a young age. Plus most people lead unhealthy lifestyle, bad eats, drinking alcohol, Smoking cigarettes, not getting enough sleep, are constantly exposed to stress. All these factors lead to dangerous diseases, both physical and mental.

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Doctors recommend more frequent cleansing of the body, because of the current world situation, most people are prone to low immunity, obesity, development of cancer, stress, low sports activities and much more.

How to determine the contamination of the body? Symptoms

There are several degrees of contamination of the organism:

  • The first one is difficult to define. However fatigue, General irritability, deterioration in mood without reason. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by disorder of the digestive system, common poisoning, even the most common products and the wrong chair.
  • Second – now the body much more clearly exhibits symptoms of contamination. They often reflected on the face – pimples, flaking and red spots, which indicates the skin irritation. Your skin begins does not tolerate cold or sun.
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Next, begin to develop chronic disease. The immune system weakens, there is a runny nose, frequent colds, conjunctivitis.
After the body has already sounded the alarm. Appear moles, excess weight, tumors.

The next stage is accompanied by the deformation of the bodies. Possible nervous breakdowns or depression. And the last – formed malignant tumors, and chronic and sometimes incurable diseases.

Where to start?

Many are asking how to cleanse your body and begin to do it effectively and correctly.

Of course, let's start with the intestines. This part of the body most quickly comes in poor condition than others. Due to lack of clean water and high-quality, useful products it is suffering. Later, he poorly copes with its functions, and food is poorly digested and rotting. All this leads to obesity, constant headaches and fatigue. It can also lead to the formation of tumors in the intestines and cause cancer.

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Next, the liver. This is a persistent body that aims to clear blood and break down fats. If it is not fulfilling its functions, our body begins to be filled with harmful substances and toxins.

Kidneys are an important organs in our body. They, like liver function and blood purification.

How to carry out cleansing of the body?

To clean our body, it is necessary to conduct a number of procedures, but to save a sequence of actions. Otherwise, all efforts will be meaningless.

First, discard all unhealthy food – alcohol, carbonated beverages, sweetdesserts, fast food. Sedentary life the body quickly becomes polluted if there are other threat factors.

Second, clean your body according to a predetermined plan. All in order – the intestines, liver, stomach, kidneys, blood vessels and joints.

How to cleanse the body of toxins?

It's easy enough to do at home. There is a famous myth about the use of enemas for cleansing. However, it is wrong. With this method of cleansing, you make physically clean only the rectum, but no more. Besides, it is highly traumatic for the intestinal flora.

An excellent tool for purification of the body is fiber. This is a natural absorbent, which collects all the rotting remains across the intestine. The course of purification of cellulose should be carried out twice a year.

How to apply and in what quantities – all of this can be found on the package of a specific manufacturer.

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You can still drink kefir or carrot fresh juice. This is a great means to cleanse the body and improve the condition of hair, vision.

Boiled beetroot is also a good cleansing vegetable is used quite often as a salad. For a full meal with addition of vegetable oil.

Cleansing the body from parasites

An effective remedy is a mixture of herbs – tansy, wormwood and cloves. Brewed as a tea and consumed in the morning, before eating. Gradually increase the number of cups of tea to three, also be taken before meals.

The course is 8 days. However, during pregnancy these herbal teas are not recommended.

Clean your body from the effects of Smoking and alcohol

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All alcoholic products are excreted from the body long enough. However, this process can be accelerated significantly. Drink more water – 2 liters per day. Doctors recommend to eat one grapefruit or orange every day. Take absorbents, such as cellulose or activated carbon. The last can be used immediately after taking alcohol.

The body after Smoking and alcohol can clean up yourself, but this will take time. But he often prevented by drinking coffee, black tea and heavy food.

To get rid of the consequences of Smoking often do inhalations with infusions of cones, pine needles, lime or lavender. Do sports, walk, attend baths and saunas for removing accumulated toxins. Also last action will help to improve skin color.

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What products are helpful when cleaning?

So, to effectively bring harmful cleaning the body, use a simple recipe. Only the lemon and garlic will help to clean the blood vessels and blood. You need to take 4 lemons, squeeze out the juice, grate 1 head of garlic, mix to combine and leave to infuse in a dark place for three days. Keep all you want in the fridge. Take in the morning, before eating one tablespoon diluted in 50 milliliters of water. Just need to take a course from 4 of the same tinctures.

Clean your body with the help of black currant: decoction of the leaves is used several times a day for half an hour before meals. This method allows you to effectively clean the blood, kidneys and stomach.

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How to clean blood?

Blood is a vital component in our body. It is the rivers which flow matter and spread throughout the body. Therefore, the cleaning should be given maximum attention.

It is important to drink plenty of water – this causes the metabolism to accelerate and beneficial to the blood regeneration. This is the most important tip is not to skimp on water!

Vegetables an excellent tool for cleaning the blood is celery, avocado, garlic and onions. It is advisable to eat them raw than cooked, because you will further saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

Folk remedies for cleaning the body

Flax seeds – the most famous and common way! Welcome, just one spoon per day can normalize the intestinal microflora and to eliminate the stomach problems. Use them should be on an empty stomach with a large glass of water at room temperature.

Thanks to this method all harmful diet, eaten earlier, will be able to go, and colon is clear.

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Clean the contaminated body recommendations the Asian doctors. For this you will need regular round-grain rice. Type in the capacity of the same number of tablespoons of rice, how old you are. Next, you rinse it and pour boiled cold water. Refrigerate overnight and in the morning boil one tablespoon for five minutes. Eat on an empty stomach and then wait three hours before Breakfast.

Repeat the procedure every day, until the rice isbe over. This method perfectly removes salt from the body that helps to cleanse the intestines and kidneys.

It is also an effective product for cleaning our body is buckwheat. In addition, it also helps you lose weight if you are overweight. Eat it within a week without salt, oil, and other spices.

Oats and bran are widely used in cleaning. They improve the functioning of the liver, intestines and kidneys. They can be eaten as raw and soaked.

Some recommend to add them in dairy products. These products will also allow you to get rid of extra pounds.
Very useful will be the majority of vegetables, fruits, berries.

Effective cleansers for the human body include onions, garlic, cabbage, apples, avocado, celery and cranberries. All these products are desirable to eat raw, but apples and celery, you can cook a delicious fresh juice. Of the rest, it is desirable to prepare salads and to taste, add the vegetable oil and flax seeds or sesame seeds.

Clean your body with the help of others, all known means

Copes with their duties of absorption of harmful substances in the intestine by activated carbon. It is quite safe to use at home, as virtually everyone knows how to properly use it. For every 10 pounds of body weight have one pill of activated charcoal.

The course of purification is as follows: the total number of required tablets to be divided in two, one part you need to eat in the morning and one in the evening. Before application they must be finely crushed, and then drink plenty of water. Continue to complete all of these steps in 2-3 weeks.

Fasting is a very effective way to cleanse and even rejuvenate the body. Famous book Field Bragg can be a tutorials for you on treatment fasting. The doctor describes in detail a one-day fasting, in which you must give up all solid food. During the day, you can use water to dilute it with honey.

Output from fasting are fairly simple – you need to use fresh juices. This will further cleanse the body and saturate it with vitamins. Paul also gives great advice for bowel cleansing – it is necessary to eat vegetable salad with a dressing of lemon juice.

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Baking soda is also a good way of removing all harmful substances from the body. In addition, it helps get rid of parasites and harmful bacteria and boosts immunity.

Be careful with baking soda!

Start with a low dose is literally on the tip of a knife. It should be mixed with hot water, diluting the cold. Drink the resulting solution slowly, three times a day before meals. Gradually add grams to 1 teaspoon. The entire course ranges from one week to one month. Also, this solution is useful to take always in the morning on an empty stomach.

Now you know how to cleanse the body and how to lead a healthy lifestyle.