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Prevention and treatment of the parasite

If you tend to self, remember that in some cases it can end in tears.

For example, General malaise, and increasing abdominal pain, frequent liquid stool with blood and mucus can be a symptom of amoebiasis (amoebic dysentery, amoebic colitis).

The causative agent, dysentery amoeba, in 1973, discovered and described a Russian military doctor, therapist, F. A. Lesh. He offered methods of diagnostics.

The enemy must know in person!

The name "amoeba" comes from the Greek word for "change". It is invisible to the naked eye, single-celled animals of the subclass kornenozhki class sarkodie type sarcomastigophora.

All members of this group are able to form pseudopods (pseudopodia) constantly changing shape of the outgrowths of the cytoplasm that help them move and gather food. As higher metazoans, these crumbs can breathe, digest food and get rid of waste products.

Their cytoplasm consists of two parts: the inner – granular structure of endoplasm and external – homogeneous ectoplasm.

An contains a large nucleus, contractile vacuoles and the digestive and fat fragments. The food they serve protozoa, bacteria, algae.

Food is produced with the help of pseudopodia and into endoplasm. Around this lump grows digestive vacuole where digestion of prey. Leftover food and waste products are pushed diffuse through the entire surface of the body. Contractile vacuole shrinking, removes excess water.

Protozoa reproduce asexually by binary fission. Parent cell creates a constriction that divides the cytoplasm into two approximately equal parts. Core new individuals are formed by mitotic division of the nucleus of the parent cell.

A series of transformations

Entamoeba histolytica in Latin is called entamoeba histolytica. Brief characteristics of the parasite. It is less common, is characterized by a strict limitation of ectoplasm from endoplasm, its pseudopods wider and shorter. Can settle in the human body, dogs, rats, cats, monkeys.

Life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica involves several stages of development, have different morphology and physiology: cyst, small and large vegetative and tissue forms. The last two are pathogenic, i.e. cause disease.

As in other cases, a person infected by the fecal-oral route. The cyst falls in the blind, ascending colon, and becomes translucent (small vegetative) form. Inside such a cell has a spherical nucleus with chromatin, which is similar to small lumps.

In the Central part of the nucleus is carisoma and endoplasm can meet phagocytosed bacteria. Propagated malicious korenoski in the contents of the intestine without damaging the tissue and without disrupting his work. In this case, the person is not ill, but becomes riconoscere.

Compaction of intestinal contents translucent forms are converted into cysts with a size of about 12 µm with a sturdy shell. In each there are four cores and a glycogen vacuole. During bowel movements such cysts are excreted into the environment, where they can be picked up by another person, and the entire development cycle of Entamoeba histolytica again.

Sometimes when beriberi, helminthiasis, hypothermia, change the digestive system as a result of fasting or consumption of spicy foods, General malaise master invader is implanted in the mucous membrane and becomes tissue form (20-25 µm). From translucent variation characterized by the absence of any inclusions in the cytoplasm.

A number of small vegetative strains increased to 30-40 microns and transformed into a large vegetative form or eritria. These invaders have learned to allocate special enzymes that dissolve the intestinal wall and through the resulting ulcers to deeply seep into its fabric. This incarnation of the cytoplasm is visibly divided into a dense ectoplasm, and granular endoplasm, contains the nucleus and eaten by amoeba red blood cells.

This modification is being introduced into the blood vessels and goes to other organs, where it causes new sores and abscesses. With timely treatment part of aritration excreted, and the remaining decrease, become small forms, then cysts and excreted with feces.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms for amebiasis similar to the pattern of bacterial dysentery. Therefore, when the diagnosis "a dysentery" it is necessary to find out, is not settled whether in the body of the amoeba. For this it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. If in a smear will show large vegetative forms, there is an urgent period.

When titanosilicate or chronic asymptomatic cysts are visible. Nebesnogo in the diagnosis of liver abscess to detect antibodiesuse of immunological method. In some cases, spend coprogram or colonoscopy.

Hospitalitynet of patients in infectious Department. First and foremost, to suppress clinical symptoms of the disease, compensate blood loss, fluid and electrolytes, at the same time punishing the participants of the infestation. Successful treatment requires a combination therapy.

Amebotsidnym drugs are divided into several groups:

  • direct action
  • indirect action
  • tissue
  • universal

Depending on the severity of the disease and the localization of the invaders in the body, these drugs are used alone or in combination of drugs of different groups.

Symptoms and effects

  1. destroyed the mucous membrane of the intestine, ulcers 2-2,5 cm in diameter,
  2. the body is poisoned by the waste products of uninvited guests,
  3. disturbed water-salt balance,
  4. formed abscesses of the liver and the lungs can begin purulent peritonitis, and inflammation of the epithelium of the perineum.

These complications without timely medical care can result in death. According to experts, mortality from amoebiasis can reach 40%.

Gates for disease

Cysts of dysenteric amoeba thrive in warm and moist environment. Therefore, amoebiasis is prevalent more in countries with an appropriate climate. However, infestation occurs in more temperate latitudes.

Remember that these simple strike our closest friends – cats and dogs, but also sworn enemies – rats, and mechanical vectors are considered to be flies and cockroaches.

In agriculture are sometimes used fecal fertilizers, and pathogens can enter the body from dirty vegetables, fruits. A well-known danger of cocktails: ice to cooking them lightly frozen from boiled water.

Prevention – the best insurance

Public policy should be aimed at strengthening and expanding epidemiological services involved in the destruction of insect vectors of infection, sanitizing of public restrooms, city dumps, inspection of places of power, trade.

The service workers should be systematically examined for the presence of cysts. In medical institutions periodically need to place an informational message on the topic "Entamoeba histolytica".

How to protect yourself and loved ones?

As they say, forewarned – forearmed. Spend with family members discussions. Thoroughly clean hands with an antibacterial agent after using the toilet, before eating and after playing with Pets. Often take out of the house garbage.

In the family everyone should have a personal washcloth and a towel. Staying overnight you have the guests give a new toothbrush, washcloth and a clean towel. Come cheaper.

Planning a trip for the holidays, make sure that the country of visit no outbreaks of disease amebiasis. On holiday beware of the use of unboiled water from open reservoirs for cooking.

You should know that in the sodden soap in a public toilet can be grouped dangerous viruses, bacteria and other little microorganisms. It is better for such a case to carry antibacterial gel and wipes that will fit and after travel in public transport. Elekrosila for hands pose a danger. Better to carry a clean handkerchief.

Observing all the above rules of personal hygiene, you greatly reduce the risk of disease any infectious disease.