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Chlamydia in women — Treatment of chlamydia, symptoms and effects

Infectious venereal disease is quite common among the fair sex, who do not pay enough attention to their health, rarely observed at the gynecologist, and are thus promiscuous. Some of them are only carriers of microorganisms, and the others are not even aware of its existence. The initial asymptomatic complicates further the difficult treatment of chlamydia in women and their partners. When manifested the characteristic apparent symptoms, there is a need treatment and the consequences that they cause.

Chlamydia – intracellular bacteria and microorganisms. They have caused such serious disease. Affecting, primarily, the urinary system, chlamydia in women gradually and parasites to other organs and systems, actively suppressing the immune system. Which ultimately leads to disruption of the body and many complications.

Infection with chlamydia

Accurate modern methods of definition of viruses, a huge amount of information does not help to avoid the spread of bacteria. Complicates its definition and formed over time, modified structure. They all have different effects on the human body and affect a particular system. The process of infection in several ways:

  • sexual activity naturally leads to defeat. Even the existence of contraceptives does not always help. Source of chlamydia is mostly a partner who successfully migrates chlamydia in the vagina and triggers of the disease,
  • mother or "vertical". At birth, the baby goes through the already infected areas of the reproductive system,
  • household. Not fully proven, but the preconditions for the emergence. Contact with certain objects used by the sick person. It can be towels, and toothbrushes, and soap,
  • unlikely airborne.

The only way to avoid infection remains a regular gynecological examination, the careful selection of a permanent partner, compliance with hygiene procedures and maintaining the immune system.

Symptoms of the presence of the virus chlamydia in women

To know that the body has got a virus, in this case will not immediately. The incubation period for the detection of chlamydia ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. During this time, the infection penetrates into healthy cells, feeds on and gradually leading to their complete extinction. And only after the bacteria grew, they begin to lose tissues, organs and transferred to the entire body. But there are first symptoms that will definitely attract attention:

  • abnormal body temperature. For inflammatory process characterized by increased to a value of 37.5 °C,
  • violation of the natural urination. Possible complications, such as cystitis,
  • a nasty rotten smell,
  • change in menstrual cycle,
  • burning and itching,
  • allocation of yellowish color,
  • pain aching sensation.

Signs of dysfunction of the genitourinary system there. If that doesn't make you think about a possible virus or inflammation, you can expect more serious consequences.

Signs of the disease "chlamydiosis»

To facilitate the search for health problems will help and gynaecological consequences of chlamydia, which give it the presence of the organism in the early stages:

  • Colpitis. It is a violation of the flora and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa,
  • Cervicitis. Often caused by pathogenic causes, leads to inflammation of the fallopian canal and the body,
  • Endometritis. Violation of the inner lining of the uterus,
  • Salpingitis. Develops under the influence of the ingress of foreign microflora and leads to severe processes of disruption of the fallopian tubes.

But to determine in the home the presence of diseases is impossible. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to rely on careful attention to health and rely on your feelings. Any painful syndromes should alert and warn about the fact that the body is not all right and there is a need for treatment to the appropriate provider.

Analysis of chlamydia

The appointment for examination can be obtained from any gynecologist, after initial examination and when even small suspected inflammatory, and especially venereal disease. To put the exact rightdiagnosis as chlamydia in women, and prescribe the correct treatment to start, determine the type of microorganism. Data about the infection and the extent of its spread will provide special research methods for chlamydia:

  • traditional cultures,
  • enzyme immunoassay of blood infection and inflammation,
  • immunofluorescences. Staining reagent, which reacts only with the antibodies. Helps to highlight the presence of the virus in the body,
  • polymerase chain reaction. Provides ultra-sensitive molecular genetic test of the blood,
  • microscopic analysis, swab from the cervical canal, the walls of the vagina,
  • ultrasound examination. Visual changes and disturbances in the pelvic organs.

Do not attempt to assign itself the drugs. Before to treat chlamydia in women, not to forget that first need to be diagnosed. For this there is venerologicheskiy DISPANSER, private, relevant to the treatment of gynecological problems, the clinic or the office of the municipal hospitals.

Medication chlamydia

If the survey availability of sexually transmitted infectious disease is confirmed, immediately rush to the doctor. It is only after the results are assigned precise drug treatment of diseases of chlamydia in women, which includes drugs:

  • antibiotics. Always used to fight viruses, infections and complex inflammation. Purpose: "Vibramycin", "Doxycycline", "Azithromycin»,
  • immunomodulators. Contribute to the strengthening of the body and the formation of sufficient antibodies. Use "Polyoxidonium", "Cycloferon, Amiksin»,
  • multivitamin complexes, as "Vitrum", "Aevit»,
  • candles will help to cure chlamydia directly in the affected areas. Drugs: "The Hexicon", "Betaferon»,
  • restoring liver hepatoprotectors, as "Phosphogliv", "Essentiale Forte»
  • to restore intestinal probiotics used. "Hilak Forte", "Acipol".

This is only an approximate scheme of treatment of chlamydia, which is offered at medical institutions. More accurate and individualized treatment is the treating specialist.

Physiotherapy treatment of chlamydia in women

This method is not the main against infections and bacteria. It serves as auxiliary means, even how to treat chlamydia in women efficiently. Each treatment is individual characteristics of the organism and taking into account the possible reactions to the therapeutic effect of the procedure:

  • the impact of ultrasound,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • light, quantum improvement,
  • phototherapy with artificial light,
  • electrotherapy,
  • treatment alternating current,
  • iontophoresis. The use of different medicinal substances.

The rate of these treatments lasts for at least 7 days. It all depends on how quickly the disease is treated in the patient.

How to treat chronic chlamydia

Long is the recovery from an advanced stage of sexually transmitted viral diseases. At this time, the defeat of microorganisms distributed not only in the reproductive system, but also on other equally important organs. The result is the onset or complication, aggravation of already existing diseases. The most successful is considered the phased treatment of chronic chlamydia:

  • preparation. Provides a method of treatment with electricity, high frequency induction therapy procedure. Use of antibiotics: "Rovamycine", "Doxycycline". Reception of Immunostimulants as "Polyoxidonium". Additionally prescribed microclysters and chlorhexidine baths.
    the process of elimination of chlamydia takes place with the use of antibiotics and multivitamins,
  • the restoration of the affected parts of the body earlier due to physical therapy, enemas with drug "Perftoran", the normalization of the intestinal microflora using tablets "Bificol".

To be treated correctly, contact specialized STI clinics or the appropriate clinic. Under the guidance and supervision of a physician course will take at least 14 days.

The effects of chlamydia

And only after a full, properly formed treatment of chlamydia is possible to evaluate its results. Recovered from the infection, the patient will remember the rules that must be followed to avoid infection with sexually transmitted infections. Because there are far more serious diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and even AIDS.

But that's not all, what will have to face after chlamydia. The weakening of the body, which had endured for some time exposed to viruses and microorganisms has led to the emergence of many diseases affected by chlamydia bodies:

  • urinary system. Urethritis, cystitis,
  • erosion, inflammation of the cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes,
  • multiple commissural education,
  • violation of the liver,
  • infertility,
  • chlamydial proctitis and colpitis.

To correct the consequences of wrong sexual life will have to spend a lot of time and money.

Chlamydia can be prevented

Efficiently and professionally carried out treatment of the disease of chlamydia in women will give only a positive excellent results fullgetting rid of sexually transmitted infectious diseases. To avoid such problems in the future, we cannot rely on the case. Prevention of chlamydia and other sexually transmitted genital infections involves the adherence to a simple set of rules:

  • mandatory surveillance of venereal diseases. A visit every 6 months,
  • the presence of one constant sexual partner,
  • if you suspect the occurrence of infection — the complete exclusion of sexual relations,
  • mandatory use of contraceptives.

Again, not to get into the risk zone, do not forget the rules of personal hygiene. Do not use shared objects. Try to limit the use of pools, saunas. Don't forget about the doctor's visit and a mandatory survey.