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Chlamydia — Scheme treatment chlamydia medication, causes, symptoms

The human body is exposed to numerous attacks of bacteria and viruses. Parasitic organisms are also trying to get inside the bodies of people. Apart in this series of malicious creatures are chlamydia. Biologists are unable to attribute them to viruses or bacteria. Chlamydia is a special microscopic organisms with great destructive activity. They destroy everything in their path – blood vessels, heart, lungs, vulva, reach teeth, eyes and ears.

The danger of chlamydia

Chlamydia (chlamydial infection) often locates in the genitourinary system, spreading out sexually. Among the younger generation of this disease is very common. It is often associated with the lack of pronounced symptoms, so timely treatment. Sadavoy chlamydia virus actively multiplies, not manifesting itself, the person may many years be a carrier without knowing it.

Chlamydiae are parasites, that is, living within the resources and energy of the owner, in this case person. Infection invades the cell and feeds on its contents, it is propagated. The destruction of cells, is already more microorganisms that are searching for new sources of food.

In place of dead cells formed coarse connective tissue, a diseased organ already is not able to function normally, failure begins in the body systems. More often affects the genitals, digestive system and eyes.

This pathological process takes place constantly, very quickly, is not manifested by symptoms. A person does not feel danger, does not take protective measures, and, therefore, the pathology spreads further.

Complications of the disease

Disease chlamydia does not have the typical symptoms. Infected people do not feel constant pain exhausting, don't go to the doctor. The pain comes from severely affected organ, when it can not cope with their work. Some diseases are very difficult to treat just because of the large spread in the body of chlamydia.

The pathological process involves the entire body. On the background of chronic lesions chlamydia develop complications:

  • pneumonia,
  • cystitis,
  • prostatitis,
  • reduction in erectile dysfunction,
  • infertility,
  • diseases of the female and male genital areas,
  • pyelonephritis.

People will treat these diseases, but the true cause is chlamydial infection will not be identified and destroyed.

Sexual transmission

Treatment of chlamydial infection depends on the route of infection and the organ that was exposed to the attack of microorganisms. The main route of spread is sexual. Inflammation in the female body gradually captures one after the other internal organs. It all starts from the mucous membrane of the vagina, and then up the fallopian tubes. So developing adhesions is one of the causes of infertility. Further, the infection reaches the urethra, causing cystitis, an inflammation of the cervical canal.

The male body is also suffering from the infection. Starts urethritis, prostatitis. The treatment of these diseases will be long and useless, because the main reason chlamydia infection continues its destructive action.

A serious complication of chronic infection will be adenoma (benign tumor). The rapid spread of parasites and lack of proper treatment increases the risk of degeneration of adenomas into cancer education. So begins a prostate cancer.

Contact infection

Solid evidence that chlamydia is transmitted by contact in the home yet. But these organisms over time, acquire a remarkable resistance to adverse environmental conditions. For example, household items infection may persist for about two days with average air temperature of 18 degrees. Already there is evidence of infection with this disease in a wet environment of the bath or sauna.

The main source of infection is person – the carrier of chlamydia. He actively and continuously emit from your body this infection. It is not excluded contamination through clothing, dirty hands, in public transport and even a handshake with the host. There is also the chance to catch using someone else's personal hygiene items, not ironed bed linen through the lidtoilet's.

It is considered possible to get infected by air. This is a very rare method of transmission because the source needs to be patient with pneumonia, which the lung is affected by chlamydia. But we should not exclude this option, as few people know the true cause of their disease.

Infection of children

Once the chlamydia was considered a problem only in adults, but the way of distribution – only sexual. But, it turns out, this disease affects children.

Chlamydia infection threatens even the unborn baby. Chronic disease increases the risk of fetal infection. Chlamydia can interfere with the proper formation of his internal organs. And in difficult cases possible intrauterine fetal death.

In the uterus of a pregnant woman can form adhesions. This is the result of chlamydia. They destroy the shell on the ground which increases the coarse cloth. Adhesions represent tight bands, which can stretch from one body to another and even change their location. Adhesions may interfere with the fetus to be formed, and in labor to pass through the birth canal.

During pregnancy the fetus can become infected with chlamydia through the placenta and after birth through breast milk. Congenital infection of the child affects the mucous membranes of the body, leads to the development of conjunctivitis, pneumonia and other pathologies.

Signs of chlamydia in the female body

Chlamydia manifest their symptoms in the female and male body in different ways, they can be confused with other pathologies. For diagnosis it is better to consult a specialist, not to self-medicate. The first signs of infection can be detected after two to three weeks after infection. Itching, burning, discomfort in the vulva, pain when urinating. When the disease is gaining strength, there is discharge of yellow or whitish color with a bad odor.

In the future the pain will be localized in the region of the uterine appendages on one or both sides, may radiate to the lower back. Also characterized by the rise in temperature for no apparent reason up to 38 degrees. Gynecological examination visible swelling of the cervical erosion and the possible discharge with admixture of blood.

The General condition of women is changing for the worse. Fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite. On the background of General intoxication of the body begin to worsen all chronic diseases. The treatment is difficult, with no noticeable improvements. This is often attributed to bad medicines or unqualified doctors, and chlamydial infection, as the cause is overlooked.

The infection symptoms in men

Developing this infection in the male body quickly, but without symptoms. When complications in the form of infertility, weakening of potency, inflammation of the genitals, the man starts to worry about health. At this stage already diagnosed "a chronic clamidiosis". Often the sexual partners of such men are also infected.

The first manifestation of infection can be noticed in two to three weeks after contact with chlamydia in the body. The first to suffer the urethra. It'll get a nasty rash, the first drops of urine will be turbid. But these symptoms soon pass away, as a rule, men are not serious about such signs. But at the initial stage of any abnormality of the cure easier.

With the further spread of the disease the pain will appear in the groin, in the lower back. Can rise body temperature to 38 degrees for no apparent reason. The urethra begins to swell, will acquire a reddish color in the morning can be the production of small amounts of liquid without color and smell. In the running stage of chlamydia will develop prostatitis, and other inflammatory processes.

The main directions of treatment

Treatment chlamydia is a complex process, as it affects many internal organs and systems, broken processes normal functioning. This virus does not give up easily, has great potential to adapt.

When choosing treatment, the doctor takes into account:

  • age of patients,
  • stage of disease,
  • acute inflammation,
  • the duration of illness,
  • the presence of chronic diseases,
  • symptoms.

The treatment takes place in several stages, after the recovery period again undergo laboratory examination. It is important to identify whether there are any infection in the body or destroyed. Chlamydia should be treated together with its environment to avoid re-infection in subsequent contacts.

During treatment it is important to destroy not only parasitic organisms, but also to strengthen the protective capabilities of the organism. On the main stage apply only medicines. Folk medicine can be apply in the recovery phase.

Treatment of acute chlamydia

The main treatment involves the use of antibiotics and immune drugs for 3 weeks. In the third week attached to the enzyme and antifungal medications, if needed, for example, in fungal infections of the genitals in women. From the beginning of therapy it is necessary to consume vitamin complexes.

During the period of rehabilitation recommended physical therapy. To restore operation of the affected body systems can be assigned hepatoprotectors and other such tools are assigned Probiotics against dysbiosis in the gut andthe vagina, which is subject to significant attack chlamydia. The primary acute treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms, improving the condition of the sick person. For these purposes use microclysters, trays, candles, specific drugs.

During therapy you cannot drink alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy. After treatment necessarily tests that are then repeated 2 times in a month. You must observe strict personal hygiene measures – underwear to be ironed from both sides, changing it every day, use individual towel.

Treatment of chronic infection

Treatment of advanced chlamydial infection requires a lot of time and patience. To start training, introducing immunostimulatory drugs intramuscularly. Often systemic enzyme therapy and local treatments in the form of baths with chlorhexidine, enemas with special solutions. This is given approximately 10 days.

On the main stage the complex therapy with antibiotics, which are selected by the attending physician based on the patient's health status. The recovery of the body through physical therapy and local treatment. It can be microclysters baths, antioxidants, special tampons in the vagina. Chlamydia during pregnancy is treated according to the same plan, but with other medicines that should not hurt the baby.

Effectiveness of treatment

With the passage of this complex treatment I want to believe that such a strong effect on the body will be effective. But for this you have to follow some conditions, e.g., antibiotics should be defined, active against chlamydia. Only those able to penetrate inside the cell, there to destroy the disease. Also, treatment must be continuous for 3 weeks (even if replaced antibiotic to another). This is due to the fact that the cycle of infection is on average 72 hours. For successful treatment it is necessary to block at least 6 cycles.

Helps pulse therapy. This kind of intermittent treatment: an antibiotic for 7 days then break for 7 days. It is necessary to do three times. This method is also associated with the development cycles of chlamydia. Mandatory for success in recovery is receiving antifungals. After all, in a weakened body and after the use of antibiotics increases the possibility of the spread of candidiasis.

Even the effectiveness of the treatment depends on ways of administering drugs. Preference should be given to intravenous and intramuscular methods, as the drug is distributed faster and more evenly in the cells and begins to fight with the problem.

How to avoid infection

Preventive measures are based on the exclusion of the pathways of infection in the body. In chronic disease chlamydia form large colonies on internal organs. Prominent symptoms will not, and with a little discomfort few people takes seriously. But this carrier is very dangerous unprotected sex. When the external relative health, such a person is contagious as a sexual partner. Timely treatment will bring positive results, but only provided that sexual partners are treated simultaneously.

The personal hygiene is not taken seriously by all. This is one of the most important ways to block access of parasitic microorganisms in person. Chlamydia is stable in the environment for about 2 days, but infection to occur should a large number of these creatures. If you completely remove these parasites is not possible, it should at least permanently reduce their concentration. They do not tolerate boiling, treatment with antiseptics. Helps wet cleaning of the apartment and cleaning clothing.

The disease may be transmitted not only from person to person, but from an infected animal or bird. Thoroughly washing hands after contact with animals, you can protect yourself from serious illness and prolonged treatment.