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Chlamydia — Effective treatments for chronic chlamydia

What is chronic chlamydia and how to treat it? The disease is the difficulty of detection, because in most cases goes unnoticed. 80% of women there are no signs, unlike men. They had symptoms of chronic chlamydia are visible in 2 weeks. It is a burning sensation when urinating, white discharge from the penis. However, the presence of data signals occurs in the acute phase.

According to official figures in the world officially registered more than 1 billion infected. The disease is a lesion organism is a gram-negative microbe chlamydia trachomatis living inside human cells. The result of the disease are the diseases of the genitourinary tract, joints, eyes, rectum, or lungs. The last case is common in newborns. When there is no treatment, the infection progresses to the second stage of chronic chlamydia, which is difficult to determine. In this case the consequences will be dire. Over the years, being in the body, the bacteria cause a number of complications. To identify the microbe when testing on a normal prof examination or by passing on a venereal disease.

Effects, which leads to neglected chlamydia will be as follows:

  • pneumonia,
  • bronchitis,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • arthritis,
  • pericarditis, endocarditis,

In pregnant women leads to miscarriage, premature delivery or undeveloped fetus. Disease of the Raider, when there are complications on the joints, eyes and respiratory tract affects men. Sometimes it leads to disability.

Often chlamydia prolonged chronic is a result of ineffective treatment of medications. Microorganisms adapt to the impact of drug components. A favorable environment is good for them, they begin to multiply, causing inflammation. Due to the fact that the agent is too late, it's detected after the onset of complications. For example, a woman becomes infertile, the cause is a salpingitis or an abscess in the fallopian tubes. Obstruction recent adhesions complicate the process of fertilization.


From the day of infection the incubation stage is from 6 days to one month. In the early form of chronic chlamydia, and it is in fresh condition due to the presence of discharge with admixtures of pus and an unpleasant odor.


  • burning when going to the bathroom,
  • pain during sexual intercourse, sometimes with bloody discharges,
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • bleeding between periods,

Lesser degrees of chronic chlamydia is accompanied by all the women intoxication, low grade fever, General malaise and weakness.
No access to a doctor leads to illnesses directly related, such as cystitis, erosive ulcerations of the cervix, vaginitis, adhesive process in the fallopian tubes. This chronic chlamydia, its symptoms, they will not be manifest.

Symptoms during pregnancy

Pregnant girls can mark whites with an admixture of pus in increased volume, but not always. Latent form of inflammation of the hides a long time, only exacerbation identify themselves in this way. To ignore this is not necessary, because the sore is passed to the baby. Picking up her kids get sick with pneumonia, otitis and inflammation of the eye. A constant flow of disease worsens the General condition of pregnant women. Giving birth to a child, the probability of infection of an organ or puerperal fever.

There is a process on the background of unprotected sex with an infected and recurrence of the transfer of a newborn baby by its passage through the birth canal. When the intake of the causative agent not always behaves actively, for years, the virus sleeps in the body, and only some of the factors deduce it from a sleeping form.
Circumstances serve:

  • stressful situation,
  • weakened immunity,
  • change of sexual partners,
  • colds and other sexually transmitted diseases,

Also push chlamydia by frequent douching, inserting intrauterine devices. Not contagious through casual contact, so catching a bacterial cell is impossible floating in the pool or using someone else's towels and linen. It is important not to run the state, and the time to carry out therapy. Timely treatment of chronic chlamydia will avoid serious consequences.


In order to establish the bacteria needed to pass the diagnostics using the following methods. Examination of the smear under a microscope will show whether the material of the leukocytes. Sowing on a nutrient medium not only reveal the Bacillus, but also will help you to choose the most effective antibiotics. A biopsy is taken from the pipe when the stage of chlamydia in women has led to spikes in the bodies. The right piece is thoroughly examined by a specialist.
The difficulties happen when a patient becomes just a carrier of the disease. That is, chlamydia do not develop the period is delayed and even modern laboratory methods do not always show inflammation.


After deliveredthe diagnosis, the doctor will choose the necessary treatment. It is based on the use of antibiotics, antifungal tablets and immune means.

Lingering for a way to eliminate the symptoms is enzyme therapy. What is it? Comprehensive response aimed at elimination of pathogens. The combination of desired mixtures of enzymes containing vegetable and animal components has a beneficial effect on the body. Enzymes in the greatest degree to concentrate in the focus of infection.

Fermentoterapiya medicines maintain the health of the liver and kidneys. Toxins, allow the body to cope with the effects faster. Liver protection the main objective in the treatment. It passes through itself all harmful elements and takes the hit with strong doses of antibiotics.

The scheme is unique in each case. 2 commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory drug. You need to consider the factor that some medications are contraindicated for women in the state. Widely used in the treatment of chlamydia in women, Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Azithromycin, Rapamycin. First you can't use pregnant women. At the time of therapy, it lasts 2 weeks, not allowed sexual contact, shall be treated and partner. Otherwise there is a high risk of re-infection. After anti-infective stage of chronic chlamydia further treatment includes Pro biotics, intestinal dysbacteriosis and vagina. It is important to start healing at least a week to strengthen the immune system. As its weakening will not be able to repel bacterial cells and no medicine can not cope with its task, so the addition will serve as vitamin complexes and stimulants of the immune system.

To reduce re-infection to a minimum is necessary to refrain from sexual relations without a condom if there is no confidence in the partner. To always be in therapy together. Remember protecting your health the key to a long and fulfilling life.