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Human chlamydia (C. trachomatis) infection – what is it?

Chlamydia is the most common infectious pathology. For a long time scientists did not pay the proper attention to chlamydia, because of the lack of heavy history. Meanwhile, along with urinary ways, their traditional purpose, chlamydia can affect blood vessels, joint tissue, heart, teeth, ears and eyes.

They are secretive existence without collisions with immunity. Hostile environment created by, for example, antibiotics, disease, overheating and hypothermia, usually drives them into hibernation. The intensification of the division of chlamydia is visible only on the background of problems with the immune system.

Chlamydia have a typical Arsenal of bacteria: DNA, RNA, ribosomes, maramboi acid.


It is now customary to refer to the smallest chlamydia bacteria in the same group of Rickettsia, which also have intracellular parasitism. However, chlamydia received a special shelf, thanks to the distinctive dynamics of development.

The process of reproduction of chlamydia and viruses is two lines. Since fixing a simple calf on the corresponding receptors of the cells, and ending with the adsorption of the receptors of the host cell.

After the contact of pathogens with the cells starts a cascade of reactions with the synthesis of genetic material. So the infection disguises the latent phase of infection (2-4 hours). This latent period is impossible to identify any virus or chlamydia. The success of this event determines the output of genetic material

Upon completion of the latent segment comes a time when chlamydia is actively fermenting. This period starts with the exponential of the segment, the continuous growth of infectivity. Chlamydia, with viruses lack mitochondria, and hence to reproduce the energy of the disease in "batteries" of the owner. Chlamydia, like viruses, have left some wiggle room — exit the cells without deformation is an important factor to moderate infection.

The prevalence of chlamydia

According to statistics, every year worldwide become infected up to hundreds of millions of people. Chlamydial infection find almost every second men of reproductive age and one-third of women.

The prevalence of chlamydia based on slabovrajennoe. Half of pathologies of chlamydia in women are asymptomatic. Why traditionally partners unknown that one of them, this common disease. And chlamydia comes to very poor, unfortunately, and sometimes irreparable damage to health: pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and gynecologic pathology of the uterus and appendages. Often meet young infertility because of chlamydia. In European countries, up to half a million salpingitis determined by the consequence of chlamydia, infertility in one out of every four cases.

Methods of infection

Chlamydia is usually followed sexually. Women more susceptible to chlamydia. The main routes of infection are sexual contact of the vagina, anus and mouth. Rare sources do not recognize domestic infection. Experts have proven that chlamydia can live for two days on household items at normal room temperature.

Napolova transmission epidemiological value is not showing, although it is also desirable to take into account. Clearly identified a significant frequency of infection with chlamydia babies (every second) to positive birth canal, as well as inside the womb.

Chlamydia is transferred and the animals. The most pernicious (Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia pecorum) penetrate the bodies after playing with infected objects. Not far behind, and Chlamydia trachomatis from Chlamydia pneumoniae, but is transferred from person to person.


The incubation period of chlamydia lasts for several weeks.

Chlamydia in humans can cause arthritis, conjunctivitis, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia. Disease urogenital chlamydia adds vulnerability to HIV, syphilis.

Chlamydia a highly contagious, found in 8 out of ten women with infected sexual partners.

Up to 80% of cases, chlamydia concurrent other sexually transmitted infections, for example, syphilis, gonorrhea. This Alliance is not just multiplies the virulence of any organism, but also complicates the treatment of chlamydia.

The types of chlamydia infections

Affected by chlamydia, the authority determines the pathology, chlamydia is divided into several types.


Infect infected birds and mammals. Typical markers of pathology serve:

fever, commonintoxication, lungs, with the beginning of inflammation, brain damage from meningitis spleno and hepatomegaly (enlarged spleen and liver).

Chlamydia respiratory system.

Pulmonary chlamydia is characteristic of the course of acute obstructive bronchitis or asthma. Patients tormented by a dry cough, shortness of breath, a hoarse snoring noise, temporary suffocation.


Chlamydia infection of the conjunctiva and cornea leading to blindness.

Venereal lymphogranulomatosis.

The defeat of the urogenital region and lymph nodes in the groin. Up to ulcers of the perineum and mucous membranes, with further scarring.


Signs of disease typical of conjunctivitis, arthritis and urethritis.

Urogenital chlamydia in acute and chronic course.

What is urogenital chlamydiosis patients learn by frequent and painful urination, vitreous secretions of the urethra, sometimes of blood from the urination.

Chlamydia the genitourinary system is more common in other varieties. Dynamics can be acute or chronic. The chronic form usually precedes the hidden, lasting from a week to 20 days. The chronic form is sometimes not revealed to obvious complications. The wrong treatment, indiscriminate use of antibiotics brings the matter to chronic changes. To treat chlamydia uncontrollably without prescription, dangerous.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men

In men, chlamydia symptoms or they do not determine, or may detect a weak inflammation of the urethra. When urinating there is a burning, itching, visible drops of morning selection. Soreness of the scrotum, lower back, testicles. Intoxication raises the temperature to 37°, cloudy urine, noticeable spotting. For any of these signals should be an immediate visit to the doctor.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

Not always easy to detect chlamydia in women, chlamydia may not show symptoms. In other embodiments indicative of such changes: mucous vaginal discharge, mild pain in the pelvis, burning, itching, intermenstrual bleeding. But they are all indirect.

After ten days chlamydia stop worrying about all without treatment, or may from time to time to remind myself even more vague hints. In six out of ten infections chlamydia asymptomatic.

Extragenital symptoms of chlamydia are expressed recurrent diseases of upper part of the respiratory system: repeated colds with a cough, proctitis and bleeding from the intestine, against the background of anorectal pain.

The infection shows unusual symptoms of chlamydia, why in the acute form of a diagnosis is bad and in 90% of cases becomes chronic.


Treatment of this infection is not limited to the use of the complex of antibiotics, but includes modern drugs are elusive to the cell membrane. Appeal to the immunomodulators help the body to participate in treatment in a natural way. For each chlamydia should be an individual treatment plan.

Cure chlamydia now play mostly fizioterapevticheskie: quantum treatment, ultrasound, magnetic, infrared, alternating currents, electrophoresis, iontophoresis of drugs.


The effectiveness of treatment can boast of, when you consider all the details. Doses of antibiotics carefully verify, to subtherapeutic do not form resistant chlamydia.

The second identification of the pathogen is carried further course of chlamydia. The negative analysis of chlamydia after checked in a month, women are checked before and after menstruation. Chlamydia is usually considered defeated in the absence of pathological picture of the disease in a modified morphology of the genital organs, with a stable norm of reaction of leukocytes.

If you just take the disease under control, I therapy is usually not empty and ends with a full recovery. The chronic form with relapses along with requires a complex intervention, because chlamydia will not hesitate to develop "immunity" to the old treatment, and will require new time and material waste for adequate treatment.


Chlamydia – intracellular parasites, why traditional tests of recognition are of little use. Together with smear apply and non-invasive tests – blood, urine and semen.

Mini-test – concise low-cost way now offers any pharmacy for independent verification. Minus he turns to faithful to 20%.

Common DAB men should take in the urethra, women in the cervix, vagina and urethra at once.

In immunofluorescence, the sample is stained and analyzed using fluorescent microscope in which the pathogen will be given a glow.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay refers to the antibodies in the blood that appear as a response to the infection.

Polymerase chain reaction-based DNA analysis, lasts a couple of days with 100% correct result.

A culture method at the same time reveal weaknesses to antibiotics. Now it is the most cumbersome and expensive study. But the unmistakable result, and the ability to determine the most effective antibiotic.

Prevention of chlamydia

Prevention of chlamydia nothing differs from prevention of other sexually transmitted infections.

In the first place is traditionally in order sexualbehavior. Intelligibility in choosing a partner, the taboo on casual sex and addiction to the condom.

Folk medicine protection from these diseases can not boast of reliability, and are rather hurt. So when douching washed away a large part of the microflora, along with the defenders of the mucosa from pathogens. So in second place are measures to maintain immunity. Along with hygiene, systematic examination by a specialist and healthy way of life, they form the basis of preventive complex.