Scarlet fever in pregnancy: prevention, treatment

Scarlet fever during pregnancy

Our what if woman fears is to catch the infection during child bearing. Especially dangerous in this respect, scarlet fever, require treatment with antibacterial drugs, some of which are a direct threat to the fetus.


The causative agent and symptoms

The disease is a child that leaves for the healing of persistent immunity to scarlet fever for life. Those who are not "lucky" to have had scarlet fever in childhood, have the opportunity to get it as adults. To a greater extent this applies to individuals with weakened immune systems. Not deprived of such opportunities, and women whose immunity is weakened always in connection with pregnancy.

The causative agent of scarlet fever is a strep that enters the nasopharynx and begins to rapidly multiply. As a result of his activity there are local symptoms of disease, later General, manifested severe intoxication.

Scarlet fever during pregnancy is the same as not pregnant. In one to ten days from the moment of infection on the background of high temperature on body apply a small rash. Mostly it affects face, hips, flexors and folds of skin. Free and remains only a pale nasolabial triangle. Closer to the end of the week, the rash becomes pale and soon disappears, leaving peeling.

Typical for scarlet fever symptom crimson color rough tongue. The soft palate, tonsils, back of the throat are inflamed much more intense than during a regular flu. The probability that scarlet fever during pregnancy will be accompanied by vomiting, grows significantly in comparison with healthy women in the position. Often increased lymph nodes in the neck.

Does not exclude the development of rheumatic fever. But the scarlet fever will not leave without attention the blood vessels and heart in women occurs increased blood pressure and quickens the pulse.

However, the greatest threat to the life of the mother and fetus is septic shock and the development of glomerulonephritis, which often require an early delivery by caesarean section. This operation is performed in the period of twenty-eight weeks.

Types of scarlet fever

  • Ekstrabukkalnaya form – currently rare. Characterized in that the gateway of infection is not the nasopharynx, and traumatized skin: cuts, burns, etc. There will not be a sore throat, and the spread of the rash starts from the point of entry of the pathogen.
  • Erased form – the manifestation of the disease reflects name: symptoms are scarce, few expressed intoxication, redness of the throat similar to that of catarrhal sore throat, rash, pale, disappearing after a short period of time.
  • Toxico-septic form – is different, as mentioned above, rapid development, clinic of heart failure with a weak, frequent pulse, low blood pressure, cold hands and feet. This form is the greatest danger to mother and fetus.

Pregnancy and scarlet fever

The danger of scarlet fever for a pregnant woman and the fetus differs in different stages of pregnancy. First trimester when the formation of all organs and tissues of the child, the most dangerous, because antibiotics are absolutely contraindicated. This is due to the fact that antibiotics can, firstly, lead to the development of pathological changes in the organs of the fetus, simply, deformities, and second, pregnancy may be interrupted banal miscarriage.

At a later date the consequences of scarlet fever will not be so fatal, since the twelve weeks, it is already possible, although undesirable, to carry out antibacterial therapy. However, to avoid accidents, for the healing of the woman it is necessary to conduct additional examinations, in particular ultrasound examination of the fetus.


First, what causes a pregnant woman issues, fever and measures for its reduction. It should be borne in mind that in the early stages of pregnancy should not take aspirin, can cause like antibiotics, pathology fetal development. What can you do at home?

If the temperature is low and not strongly reflected in health, it is better not to knock. Moderate hyperthermia only helps the body to cope with the pathogen. If you feel discomfort, you can wipe with Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, which I hit temperature. Lie better not hiding and without clothes. Scarlet fever in pregnant women, occur at high temperatures, requires hospitalization.

Early treatment consists of bed rest for weeks and diet. You should try to drink more fluids. Should frequently gargle with calendula, eucalyptus.

Inlater stages (the second and the third semesters) is possible, as already mentioned, treatment with antibiotics.

Possible complication

  • Ear infection.
  • Abscess of the throat.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Jade.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Meningitis.
  • Toxic shock.

Although complications of scarlet fever are rare, should the opportunity to consider and take appropriate action to prevent the disease.

Prevention of scarlet fever

The basic rules of prevention are forced to deal with them even before pregnancy. Preparing for future birth, should be ahead of time to strengthen the immune system hardening, physical education. You need time to get rid of all of chronic foci of infection.

When pregnancy is not allowed communicating with patients any viral pathology. You should limit yourself to visiting places with large crowds. This particularly applies to restricted areas.

If you experience any of the disease should immediately seek medical advice in order to undergo treatment.

Menu pregnant women should be provided with easily digestible foods, vegetables and fruits. During seasonal absence of the latter should be taken the doctor recommended vitamin supplements.

And, most importantly, in any case not to self-medicate, even if, as it may seem, a light colds.